Uncertainty and the economy.
Baker, Scott R. ; Bloom, Nicholas ; Davis, Steven J. 等
THE U S. ECONOMY hit bottom in June 2009. Thirty months later,
output growth remains sluggish and unemployment still hovers above 8
percent. A critical question is why. One view attributes the weak
recovery, at least in part, to high levels of uncertainty about economic
policy. This view entails two claims: First, that economic policy
uncertainty has been unusually high in recent years. Second, that high
levels of economic policy uncertainty caused households and businesses
to hold back significantly on spending, investment, and hiring. We take
a look at both claims in this article.
We start by considering an index of economic policy uncertainty
developed in our 2012 paper "Measuring Economic Policy
Uncertainty." Figure 1, which plots our index, indicates that
economic policy uncertainty fluctuates strongly over time. The index
shows historically high levels of economic policy uncertainty in the
last four years. It reached an all-time peak in August 2011.
As discussed below, we also find evidence that policy concerns
account for an unusually high share of overall economic uncertainty in
recent years. Moreover, short-term movements in overall economic
uncertainty more closely track movements in policy-related uncertainty
in the past decade than in earlier periods. In short, our analysis
provides considerable support for the first claim of the policy
uncertainty view.
The second claim is harder to assess because it raises the
difficult issue of identifying a causal relationship. We do not provide
a definitive analysis of the second claim. We find evidence that
increases in economic policy uncertainty foreshadow declines in output,
employment, and investment. While we cannot say that economic policy
uncertainty necessarily causes these negative developments--since many
factors move together in the economy--we can say with some confidence
that high levels of policy uncertainty are associated with weaker growth
Economic policy uncertainty over time
FIGURE I PLOTS our monthly index of economic policy uncertainty
from January 1985 to December 2011. Before describing the construction
of the index, we briefly consider its evolution over time. The policy
uncertainty index shows pronounced spikes associated with the Balanced
Budget Act of 1985, other major policy developments, the Gulf Wars, the
9/11 terrorist attack, financial scares and crises, and consequential national elections. Policy uncertainty shoots upward around these
events, and typically falls back down within a few months. The
experience since January 2008 is distinctive, however, in that policy
uncertainty rose sharply and stayed at high levels. The last two years
are especially noteworthy in this respect. While the most threatening
aspects of the financial crisis were contained by the middle of 2009,
the policy uncertainty index stood at high levels throughout 2010 and
The index shows a sharp spike in January 2008, which saw two large,
surprise interest rate cuts. The Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, signed
into law on February 13, 2008, was also a major focus of economic policy
concerns in January 2008. The policy uncertainty index jumps to yet
higher levels with the collapse of Lehman Brothers on September 15,
2008, and the enactment in early October of the Emergency Economic
Stabilization Act, which created the Troubled Asset Relief Program
(TARP). A series of later developments and policy fights--including the
debt-ceiling dispute between Republicans and Democrats in the summer of
2011, and ongoing banking and sovereign debt crises in the Eurozone area--kept economic policy uncertainty at very high levels throughout
So how do we construct our index? We build several index components
and then aggregate over the components to obtain the index displayed in
Figure I. Interested readers can consult our 2012 paper for more
Newsbased component. Our first index component quantifies newspaper
coverage of policy-related economic uncertainty. Basically, we measure
the monthly frequency of newspaper articles that contain terms related
to the economy, uncertainty, and policy. The idea is that a greater
number of news articles about economic policy uncertainty reflects the
fact that households and businesses are facing a higher level of
economic policy uncertainty. This news-based proxy for the level of
policy uncertainty is by no means perfect, but we think it provides a
useful indicator.
How exactly do we proceed? We consider ten newspapers: Wall Street
Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Chicago Tribune,
Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald,
and Dallas Morning News. We conduct an automated search of all articles
in each newspaper from January 1985 to December 2011. For each
newspaper, we obtain a count for the number or articles that contain
three sets of terms. The first set is {economy, economic}, the second is
{uncertain, uncertainty}, and the third is {policy, regulation, Federal
Reserve, tax, spending, budget, deficit}. To make it into our count, an
article must contain at least one word from all three sets. These search
criteria would, for example, flag an article from the New York Times
that contains the words "economic," "uncertainty,"
and "tax."
Of course, the raw count of articles that satisfy our search
criteria might be influenced by changes over time in the length or total
number of articles. So, rather than use the raw monthly count of
articles that meet the search criteria, we scale by the number of
articles in the same paper containing the word "today."
Finally, we combine the scaled count for the ten individual newspapers
to form our monthly news-based index of economic policy uncertainty. (1)
As a robustness check, we applied the same approach to a news-based
index of economic policy uncertainty using Google News, which covers
hundreds of newspapers and online news sources. The correlation between
our Google News index of economic policy uncertainty and our ten-paper
index is 0.76 in the monthly data. We use the ten-paper index as a
component of our overall index, because the underlying sources for
Google News vary over time in ways that we cannot directly observe or
control. Nevertheless, the broader coverage of Google News is quite
useful for some purposes, and our work in our earlier paper exploits
both the ten-paper approach and the Google News approach.
We also conducted several cross-checks to evaluate the news-based
approach. One check uses the news-based approach to construct an index
of uncertainty about stock prices. Specifically, we use automated
searches to obtain a (scaled) count for the number of news articles with
at least one term from all three of the following sets: {economy,
economic}, {uncertain, uncertainty}, and {"stock market,"
"stock price," "equity price"}. We compare this
news-based index of stock market uncertainty to the VIX--the Chicago
Board of Options Exchange Index of implied volatility in the S&P 500
stock price index. The two indexes move closely together. That is, our
news-based index of stock market uncertainty closely mirrors the leading
index of stock market uncertainty based on asset prices. The success of
the news-based approach at tracking movements in uncertainty about stock
prices gives us confidence that the same approach can accurately track
other aspects of economic uncertainty.
Scheduled tax code expirations. A second component of our overall
index exploits data on federal tax code provisions that, as a matter of
current law, are scheduled to expire at specified future dates. Many of
these provisions are "temporary" tax measures that may or may
not be extended, with Congress often waiting until the last minute and
engaging in large political debates that cause uncertainty for the
households and businesses affected by the provisions.
A recent example involves the federal government's use of
temporary payroll tax cuts. The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance
Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 instituted a temporary cut
in the payroll tax rate, with expiration scheduled for December 31,
2011. The sluggish nature of the recovery in 2011 I prompted many calls
to extend the payroll tax cut for a second year. The possibility of an
extension, and how to cover the revenue loss, became an increasingly
contentious and partisan political issue as the expiration date drew
nearer. After much back and forth, Congress finally approved an
extension on December 23, 2011--but only for two months. Then, just days
before the tax cut's expiration in late February, it was extended
until the end of 2012, allowing Congress to wait until after the
November 2012 elections to decide the fate of the policy. (2) This type
of legislative indecision and last-minute action undermines the
stability of and certainty about the tax code.
To quantify the frequency and importance of scheduled tax code
expirations, we rely on data from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
Since 1991, the CB0 produces annual reports that list federal tax code
provisions set to expire over the next ten years. Using these data, we
construct a discounted sum of future tax code expirations. This
discounted sum serves as the tax code expiration component of our
overall economic policy uncertainty index.
This index component shows rapid growth over the past decade in the
discounted volume of scheduled tax code expirations. By 2011, the volume
of tax code provisions set to expire is about five times larger than in
the late nineties. Our paper also constructs another index of scheduled
tax code visions, using data from the Joint Congressional Committee on
Taxation (JCT), and obtains very similar results. The CBO, and
presumably the JCT, did not produce data on scheduled tax code
expirations before 1991 because the volume was too small to matter. In
short, the evidence on scheduled tax code expirations indicates that the
federal tax system has become an increasingly important source of
uncertainty for businesses and households.
Forecaster disagreement about inflation and government purchases.
For the third set of components in our policy uncertainty index, we
consider disagreement among economic forecasters. We get data from the
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, which surveys about 50
professional forecasters every quarter. We look at how much the
forecasters disagree on, first, the Consumer Price Index measure of
quarterly inflation four quarters ahead and, second, on the level of
government purchases of goods and services four quarters ahead. Larger
forecast differences presumably indicate larger differences of opinion,
which suggests more uncertainty about future developments than if
forecasters mostly agree. Conversely, we take smaller forecast
differences to indicate less uncertainty.
To measure disagreement about future inflation, we compute the
interquartile range--the spread between the 75th and 25th
percentiles--of the four-quarter-ahead forecasts for the quarterly
inflation rate. For government purchases, we follow the survey and treat
federal government purchases separately from state and local purchases.
That is, we compute an interquartile spread measure for the
four-quarter-ahead forecasts of federal government purchases, and we
compute an analogous measure for state and local government purchases.
We then sum the two measures, weighting by size of purchases, to obtain
our index component for uncertainty about future government purchases of
goods and services. (3)
The disagreement indexes point to relatively high levels of
uncertainty about future inflation in the first six years of our sample
period (i.e., from 1985 to 1991), during 2008 and early 2009, and again
since late 2010. They also show a pattern of high and volatile
uncertainty about future government purchases in the first eight years
of our sample period and again since the fourth quarter of 2008. The
recent increase in uncertainty about government purchases is more
pronounced at the state and local level than the federal level.
Aggregating the components to obtain an index of economic policy
uncertainty. To aggregate the components into our overall index of
economic policy uncertainty, we give 50 percent weight to the news-based
component, as it is the broadest measure, and equal weights to the
scheduled tax code expiration component, the inflation disagreement
component, and the government purchases disagreement component. All
components show an increase in economic policy uncertainty in recent
years, although to varying degrees. Because the index components share
many similarities, the behavior of the overall index is not very
sensitive to different weighting schemes.
Policy uncertainty and economic uncertainty
A USEFUL FEATURE OF the news-based approach to measuring
uncertainty is its flexibility. We exploit that flexibility to quantify
the extent to which policy-related uncertainty accounts for overall
economic uncertainty. We also use the news-based approach to uncover
specific sources of policy uncertainty. For these exercises, we rely on
data from Google News. The higher volume of news articles captured by
Google News is especially useful when we slice the data into particular
policy categories.
Figure 2 shows two indexes. The lower data line is our Google
News-based index of economic policy uncertainty, constructed using the
method we described above for the ten-paper index. The upper line is an
analogous count of articles that mention the economy and uncertainty but
may or may not mention policy. So, if a news article talks about the
economy, uncertainty, and policy, it shows up in both indexes. If it
talks about the economy and uncertainty but does not mention policy, it
shows up only in the index given by the upper line.
Comparing the two lines, we see that many articles from 1985 to
2000 mention economic uncertainty but don't refer to policy.
That's the gap between the upper and lower lines. Certain
episodes--recession fears in the second half of the 1980s, for
example--generated a lot of talk about economic uncertainty but not much
talk about policy.
Since 9/11, however, and especially from 2008 onwards, the two
lines move together closely, and the gap between the lines is smaller
(especially in proportional terms). So when news articles talk about
economic uncertainty in recent years, they typically also discuss
policy. Moreover, we found that the news-based index of economic
uncertainty is more highly correlated with the news-based index of
policy uncertainty in recent years than in the period before 9/11. These
results support the view that policy-related concerns have become a more
important source of economic uncertainty.
The obvious next question is: Which aspects of policy are the most
important sources of economic uncertainty? In our paper, we drill into
the details of the articles in Google News that meet our criteria for
economic policy uncertainty. We use more refined search criteria to
construct counts for twelve broad categories of economic policy such as
monetary policy, taxes, health care, financial market regulation, labor
market regulation, and so on.
Here's a three-point summary of what we found:
1. Monetary policy accounts for about one-third of policy-related
economic uncertainty in the period from 1985 to 2011. Concerns related
to taxes, government spending, and fiscal policy appear even more
important, accounting for about 40 percent.
2. The historically high levels of economic policy uncertainty in
2010 and 2011 predominantly reflect concerns about taxes and monetary
policy. Policy uncertainty in these two areas is more than four times
higher in the last two years than on average from 1985 to 2011, judging
by frequency counts of news articles.
3. Although much less pronounced, we also found elevated levels of
policy uncertainty in 2010 and 2011 in several other categories:
entitlement programs, health care, financial regulation, labor
regulation, and sovereign debt and currency issues.
In short, our analysis indicates that the historically high levels
of policy uncertainty in 2010 and 2011 mainly reflect concerns about tax
and monetary policy and secondarily a broader range of other
policy-related concerns.
We also approach the connection between economic uncertainty and
policy in a different way by examining the sources of stock market
volatility. We first identified all daily movements in the U.S. stock
market by more than 2.5 percent, up or down, from 1980 to 2011. We then
consulted the next day's New York Times, which invariably contained
a major article about the big move. Usually, the article offered a broad
explanation for the move in the first paragraph. We reviewed these
articles and, on that basis, allocated each big stock-market move into
one of several categories such as news about corporate earnings,
macroeconomic news, policy-related news, and so on.
Not surprisingly, we found a dramatic increase in the frequency of
big daily stock market moves in the 2008-2011 period relative to the
previous 28 years. More interestingly for present purposes, the number
of big moves attributed to policy news skyrocketed from about one per
year in the 1980-1007 period to twelve events per year from 2008 to
2011. The share of big moves attributed to policy rose to 39 percent in
the past four years compared to 14 percent of a much smaller number in
the earlier period. We see this evidence as strongly confirming the
claim that policy uncertainty has been extraordinarily high in the past
four years. Insofar as equity market volatility is harmful to the
economy, this evidence also lends support to that claim that policy
uncertainty has been a factor slowing the recovery.
Does policy uncertainty matter?
GIVEN THE EVIDENCE pointing to high policy uncertainty in recent
years, it is natural to ask how much policy uncertainty matters for
economic performance. At this point in our analysis, we must recognize
that identifying causal relationships in macroeconomic data is very
hard. What we can do is talk a bit about the theoretical connections
between uncertainty and economic performance. We can also investigate
empirically whether high levels of economic policy uncertainty are
associated with weaker growth prospects.
In the theoretical realm, the economics literature has focused on
three channels. The first is the real options effect. There is a long
literature on this topic and, in fact, one of the best known and
earliest pieces is a 1983 paper by Ben Bernanke titled
"Irreversibility, Uncertainty and Business Cycles," recently
extended and quantified by "The Impact of Uncertainty Shocks,"
(Bloom, 2009) and "Really Uncertain Business Cycles" (Bloom et
al., 2012). The premise is that when firms are uncertain, it is
expensive to invest or disinvest and to hire or fire. So uncertainty
encourages firms to delay, more so for longer-lived investments and
decisions that are costlier to reverse The second channel is similar but
works on the consumption side Households become more likely to postpone
spending when uncertainty is high, particularly on consumer durables like cars and major appliances--a key driver of the drop in demand
during the Great Depression, as Christina Romer pointed out in her 1990
article "The Great Crash and the Onset of the Great
Depression." So high uncertainty encourages people to spend less
and to build up a buffer stock of liquid assets.
A third channel involves financing costs. Higher uncertainty can
raise the cost of capital, especially because much of policy uncertainty
is macroeconomic in character and thus hard to diversify. Moreover,
because many managers are not diversified in their wealth holdings--they
often have explicit or implicit equity stakes in their employers--higher
uncertainty encourages managers to adopt a cautious stance toward risk
taking and investment, as Vasia Panousi and Dimitris Papanikolaou noted
in to it. As these brief remarks suggest, economic theory identifies
reasons to suspect that high levels of policy uncertainty might
undermine economic performance.
To approach the issue empirically, we have estimated vector
auto-regressions (VARS) that include measures of output, employment,
prices, stock market levels, and interest rates. We regress current
levels of these variable on their lagged values and look at what
predicts what. Figure 3 summarizes one of our main results in the form
of estimated dynamic relationships. The top graph displays the estimated
path of industrial production following a shock to the policy
uncertainty measure from Figure 1. Similarly, the bottom graph displays
the estimated path for employment.
These graphs are predictions, based on an underlying statistical
model, of what would happen over the subsequent three years if policy
uncertainty increases by the amount of the actual change from 2006 to
2011. Because the underlying statistical model is linear, we can turn
the graphs upside down to get the predicted increase in output and
employment if current levels of policy uncertainty returned to 2006
levels. To be clear, we cannot say that the dynamic relationships
displayed in Figure 3 are causal without invoking strong assumptions.
But we can say that a return to 2006 levels of policy uncertainty,
similar to the average level over our sample period, would appear to be
good news for future employment and output growth.
Lubos Pastor and Pietro Veronesi identified, in their 2011 paper
"Political Uncertainty and Risk Premia," another potential
negative aspect of policy uncertainty. They used our index to show that
firm-level equity returns move together more closely when policy
uncertainty is high, especially in the period since 2000. Greater
co-movement in firm-level stock returns makes it harder for investors to
diversify financial risks. That leaves investors with greater risk
exposures and is likely to discourage risk taking, as discussed above.
High levels of policy uncertainty probably lead to stronger co-movement
of firm-level equity returns because much of the policy-related
uncertainty is macroeconomic in nature.
Preliminary conclusion
THIS ARTICLE SUMMARIZES our efforts to measure economic policy
uncertainty and assess its effects on economic performance. Our research
is ongoing, but we can draw a few preliminary conclusions at this point:
* Policy uncertainty has been at historically high levels over the
past four years. This conclusion finds support in our new index of
economic policy uncertainty and in our analysis of the factors that
precipitate big movements in the stock market.
* Policy-related concerns now account for a large share of overall
economic uncertainty. Here as well, this conclusion finds support in
both the analysis of our news-based indexes and in our investigation
into the factors that precipitate big stock market moves.
* A rise in policy uncertainty, similar in magnitude to the actual
change since 2006, is associated with substantially lower levels of
output and employment over the subsequent 36 months.
We think the weight of the evidence and the lessons of economic
theory argue for assigning some weight to the policy uncertainty view.
If policymakers can deliver a policy environment characterized by
greater certainty and stability, there will likely be a positive payoff
in the form of improved macroeconomic performance.
(1.) Specifically, we first scale each paper's raw monthly
count by a one-sided 36-month moving average of the "today"
count in the same paper. We then normalize the scaled counts so that the
time-series standard deviation is the same for all newspapers. Next, we
sum the normalized scaled counts across newspapers by month to obtain
our news-based index of economic policy uncertainty. As a final
normalization, we divide the news-based index by its mean from January
1985 to December 1009 and multiply the result by too.
(2.) CBO's "The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years
2012 to 2022" contains some discussion of recent payroll tax cut
provisions and their budgetary consequences. It's available at
http://www.cbo.gov/publication/42905 (accessed September 5, 2012).
(3.) Specifically, we compute the interquartile range of
four-quarter-ahead forecasts of federal government purchases of goods
and services, scaled by the median four-quarter ahead forecast of the
same quantity. We then multiply by a five-year, backward-looking moving
average for the ratio of nominal federal purchases to nominal GDP. These
steps yield a sub-index of forecaster disagreement about federal
government purchases. After obtaining an analogous sub-index of
disagreement for state and local purchases, we sum the two sub-indexes,
weighting by the relative size of their purchases.
Scott R. Baker is a Ph.D. candidate in the Stanford University Department of Economics, where Nicholas Bloom is a professor. Steven J.
Davis is deputy dean of the faculty and William H. Abbott professor of
international business and economics at the University of Chicago Booth
School of Business. This essay is excerpted from Government Policies and
the Delayed Economic Recovery, published by Hoover Press in August.