Water in the 21st century: defining the elements of global crises and potential solutions.
Lall, Upmanu ; Heikkila, Tanya ; Brown, Casey 等
Will we run out of fresh water in the 21st century? The media
highlights the parched lands, dry riverbeds and springs and falling
groundwater tables across the world daily. Over a billion people living
in developing countries without access to safe drinking water are facing
economic and water poverty. (1) Another real and troubling indicator is
the rapid rate of aquatic habitat degradation and biodiversity loss in
the last century. (2) Projected changes in climate due to greenhouse
gases invariably portray a future world that is much drier in the
tropics--where over half the world's population lives--and suggest
a global increase in floods and droughts.
Is a global water crisis already upon us? The answer to this
question seems to depend on who you ask. On the one hand, active voices
such as Sandra Postel, Peter Gleick, Vandana Shiva, Lester Brown and
Paul Elrich, as well as leaders of major global organizations with an
interest in water, have been warning of an impending global water
catastrophe. On the other hand, the mainstream academic community
involved in hydrology and water has largely ignored the topic. For
example, a Google search for "water crisis" leads to almost 1
million hits, but the same search on Google Scholar yields approximately
4,000 hits as compared to over 1 million Google Scholar hits for
"climate change." Malay of these articles focus on policy
solutions, but do not necessarily explore the nature of the problem
in-depth. Furthermore, the literature is largely non-American and
contains references to much of the same work. Introducing "global
water crisis" into a Google search reduces the number of hits by a
factor of ten. In fact, the handful of scientists who do study this
problem have divergent opinions as to whether and when the world will
run out of water. (3) A handful of scholars--particularly economists--go
so far as to claim that a global water crisis does not exist or is, at
best, overstated. (4) These scholars generally find that, on the whole,
water access is improving worldwide and that with continued efficiency
enhancements, the amount of water will continue to meet existing
Perhaps the way the global water crisis has been defined--whether
the world will run out of freshwater--is the wrong way to look at the
problem. While there are many scholars looking at the range of localized
and specific water challenges that are occurring around the globe, it
seems that the academic community has yet to find success in accurately
characterizing the sum of their parts. In this article, we argue that
there are three distinct water crises--or challenges, depending on who
you ask-that have yet to be systematically connected by scholars. It is
by looking at how these three challenges are interrelated that we can
better articulate the global characteristics of water resource dilemmas
and, ultimately, identify the global factors that can help solve these
Three types of water crises appear prominently in academic and
professional discourse. First, there is the crisis of access to safe
drinking water. This includes the inability to provide basic
infrastructure to store, treat and deliver water supplies to a large
part of the world's population. Second, there is the crisis of
pollution that is analogous to climate change in that it relates to the
impact of by-products of resource use. Third, there is the crisis of
scarcity, or resource depletion, which is analogous to the fear of
running out of oil. Now that we have defined three types of water
crises, we can examine what we know about them, how they are linked, to
what extent they are global problems and, finally, what are some
possible solutions.
The Access Crisis
Many people equate the global component of a water crisis with the
vast number of people worldwide whose economic productivity and social
development is limited by access to safe drinking water. For instance,
the World Health Organization, the World Bank Group Development
Education Program, Global Water and the Global Water Challenge draw
attention to the fact that over 1 billion people lack access to safe
drinking water. As a result, the United Nations Millennium Development
Goals, the World Water Forum and other groups have rallied around a
common metric for this issue by measuring the number of people with
access to safe drinking water. For example, one of the key targets under
the Millennium Development Goals is to "reduce by half the
proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking
water." (5) Although these goals have been lauded as important
policy directives, the international community has not yet made much
progress in meeting them. (6)
Why is it so difficult to meet these goals? A vast body of
literature points to the technical, institutional and financial
challenges involved in developing the infrastructure and systems needed
for water storage, supply and treatment. (7) As this body of literature
has discussed, poor countries may not have access to sufficient capital
to build large-scale infrastructure like reservoirs, water treatment
plants or delivery systems. If they have donors to supply the initial
capital, they often do not have the means to repay these loans. Some
developing regions that acquire the resources to build new
infrastructure later discover that they cannot afford to maintain it.
Other times, donors build water supply projects that are grossly
mismatched with the needs of local communities. (8)
Despite these challenges, research and practical experience have
shown that the water access problem can be addressed--at least
superficially--with existing knowledge and resources. For example,
numerous low-cost technologies are now available to treat water quickly
without large-scale infrastructure. Simple and cost-effective
infrastructure, like rainwater harvesting systems, is readily available
to many water-scarce communities. (9) Additionally, creative financing mechanisms--like public-private partnerships--have been adopted by many
local communities to pay for new water supply systems. (10) These types
of interventions--as well as successfully developed large-scale water
supply infrastructure--have helped increase the number of people with
nominal access to safe drinking water from 77 percent in 1990 to 83
percent in 2002. (11) It is because of these improvements in recent
decades that some scholars have argued that a global water crisis does
not exist.
The Pollution Crisis
Intertwined with the access crisis is the water pollution crisis.
For those 1.1 billion individuals who lack access to safe drinking
water, "safe" is often the key word. While the infrastructure
for water storage and access is often available, sometimes the water is
contaminated by chemicals, microbes or other pollutants that render it
non-potable. Yet, just as we have the know-how to develop water supply
technologies, we also have the know-how to treat contaminated water. In
the last century, tremendous research efforts have translated into an
ability to treat wastewater and remove many of the most well-known
chemicals of concern, including the ability to reuse or release this
treated water into the environment. Technological advancements and
tighter environmental regulations have created major progress in
controlling the pollution of water from point sources, such as
industries and municipalities. Although exotic or emerging chemicals
continue to be a concern, their control is an active area of research.
Therefore, where there is political will and available funds, pollution
emitted from point sources is now under control. However, the political
will and funds available to control point sources are still limited in
many regions of the world. Many poor countries face similar challenges
in developing the infrastructure to treat water as well as in supplying
An even more difficult pollution problem to solve is that of
non-point source pollution, which results from diffuse sources, such as
farms, or is caused by atmospheric deposition from industrial polluters.
This form of pollution can have wide-ranging impacts, both on human use
and on ecology, particularly through the accumulation of contaminants in
water bodies and through the biological food chain. Examples of
large-scale and cumulative ecological effects include hypoxia in the
Gulf of Mexico, pfiesteria in the Chesapeake Bay and the decimation of
the Ganges River dolphins. (12) Historically, the effects of non-point
source pollution have been easier to ignore than point sources because
they affect humans less directly and visibly than sludge coming out of a
pipe and directly polluting a drinking water source. Often, the
cumulative impacts of non-point source pollution do not show up until
they harm habitat and species living in downstream estuaries, bays and
wetlands. These impacts cannot be ignored forever. As China has recently
discovered, the extensive pollutants entering its waterways from factory
waste, agricultural runoff and municipal sewage have had a tremendous
impact on the quality of their aquaculture, causing decreased
international confidence in their seafood markets. (13)
Although it is possible to reduce pollution from diffuse sources,
it is typically challenging and costly First, limiting non-point
pollution requires substantial time and effort to figure out from whom
and where the pollution is coming from, especially when the total amount
of contaminants is high and when large volumes of water are moved during
rainfall. In any given watershed, we may generally know that nitrogen
and phosphorous entering a river is coming from upstream farms or
mercury is coming from deposition produced by regional power plants.
However, it is often quite difficult--without direct and costly
monitoring--to know how much each polluter contributes in a given
location. Thus, this type of pollution is more difficult to regulate and
control than point sources. The United States has struggled for decades
to enforce the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements under the
1972 Clean Water Act. These requirements call for states and the federal
government to identify sources of pollutants for each of the
nation's waterways and to set acceptable limits for each pollutant.
One approach to dealing with challenges of identifying non-point
source polluters is to require all industries that produce diffuse
pollution to adopt technologies or practices that reduce the flow of
pollutants into waterways. Many of these technologies are known and
relatively simple to adopt. For example, all farmers could plant
riparian buffers to filter nutrients or cover crops to reduce leaching.
Alternatively, ranchers could protect streams using fencing to keep
livestock fecal matter from entering waterways. The problem with these
solutions is often political.
If we examine the experiences of some of the wealthiest regions in
the world, like the Chesapeake Bay watershed--which encompasses
Washington, DC and six U.S. states--large industry polluters often
vigorously oppose such regulatory actions because they affect their
bottom line. (15) Enforcement or consensual action is often hampered by
the fact that there is very limited data on the effectiveness of these
best management practices, and a cost-benefit analysis is therefore
Moreover, unlike point sources of pollution--where it is possible
to estimate the quantities of pollutants in a watershed and the benefits
of reducing those pollutants--predicting the effects of non-point source
pollution is challenging. For example, stochastic extreme meteorological events can lead to sporadically large "loadings" of non-point
source contaminants, which are difficult to predict. The cumulative
impacts of a series of such events over a long period of time, and over
large distances, can make it even more difficult to understand and
estimate these pollutants. Mechanisms of non-point source pollution may
also entail transport through multiple media. For example, this may
include volatilization into the atmosphere, followed by deposition at a
different location through rainfall, followed by the binding of
pollutants into riverine or lake sediments. These mechanisms can operate
from local to regional to global scales. Consequently, cause-effect
analysis and monitoring for compliance or scientific analysis are made
considerably more difficult.
Various incentives, such as low-cost loans or tax breaks to
encourage voluntary pollution reduction measures among industries, can
also fail. It is difficult to monitor and enforce non-point source
pollution standards in large watersheds with multiple and diffuse
polluters. Often, the opportunity looms for any one polluter to catch a
free ride off the efforts of others. Moreover, when non-point source
pollution crosses political boundaries, upstream states have little
incentive to control or treat pollution for the benefit of downstream
states--unless downstream states have substantial political or economic
bargaining power. Thus, non-point source pollution remains a significant
challenge for technical, as well as socioeconomic and political,
The Scarcity Crisis
The third water crisis is one of scarcity. Scarcity refers to a
situation when the water supply is inadequate in relation to the water
demand for basic human and ecological necessities, including the
production of food and other economic goods. Scarcity is arguably the
principle component to the threefold water crisis because scarcity can
drive--or at least exacerbate--both water access and water pollution. A
community that has pumped all of its shallow groundwater dry will find
it much more expensive to build deeper wells or to build trans-basin
diversions to bring surface water in from another region. Additionally,
when water supplies are depleted from a watercourse, the pollutants that
may have accumulated there over time are likely to be more concentrated,
thereby exacerbating the pollution crisis. This connection between water
scarcity and pollution can then, in turn, lead to problems of water
access. For example, municipal water supply systems can face increased
treatment costs when reservoirs or instream flows are low because
pollutant concentrations increase in the water they must treat. (16)
Water scarcity not only makes it more difficult to get adequate and
clean water to meet human needs, but also harms aquatic habitats and
species downstream. (17)
With regard to access, invariably the most economical sources are
developed first. Therefore, as scarcity increases, the level and
reliability of access to water suffers unless water system budgets are
increased. As such, we implicitly recognize that price changes can
regulate water demand but that such changes are, in turn, a measure of
the scarcity of the resource. One-third of the developing world is
expected to confront severe water shortages in this century due to
increasing population size and changing climatic conditions. (18)
Subsequently, not only will the poor and the under-represented (e.g.,
non-human species surviving off ecosystems) have to struggle to find
adequate water resources, they will have difficulty accessing safe
drinking water free from the various forms of pollution previously
Of course, similar to water access and pollution, there are
mechanisms to mitigate water scarcity problems. In most parts of the
world, temporal water scarcity is dealt with by building storage
facilities, such as large dams and reservoirs that can be filled when
natural flows are abundant and tapped when natural flows are scarce.
When communities lack the space or political will to build new dams and
reservoirs, some have developed conjunctive water management programs
that capture surface water and store it in groundwater basins through
recharge basins or injection wells, which are then pumped for use during
times of drought. (19) Similarly, communities commonly address spatial
scarcity by building aqueducts and canals to move water from a region
that is water-rich to a region that is water-poor. However, even when
communities have the financial and institutional resources to build and
maintain such infrastructure, a long-term drought or increasing water
demand can render the infrastructure insufficient. The recent problems
in the Southwest of the United States--a region that relies on Colorado
River water to supply most of its growing population--is an example of
this challenge. The main reservoirs in this area--Lake Mead and Lake
Powell--dropped from being nearly full in 1999 to half-full in 2007,
leaving states bickering about what actions they will take if long-term
drought and growth continue. (20) These states are now scrambling to
find alternatives to make up for the likely losses in the basin they are
so dependent upon. If structural solutions fail, migration can be the
ultimate consequence of local water scarcity.
Some scholars and water managers argue that water markets or
pricing schemes--especially in wealthy places like the U.S.
Southwest--are an effective alternative for addressing water scarcity.
In an economic system, the price of the commodity increases as scarcity
increases, thereby regulating demand. However, pricing water is
typically ineffective in modulating water supply and demand. First,
there is political opposition to the creation of water markets because
water is deemed a necessity. If water goes to the highest valued users,
less wealthy individuals and species may be short-changed. Thus, even
where markets exist, they are often regulated with pricing caps or only
operate within limited sectors (e.g., between a small number of
farmers). (21) The legal and institutional frameworks that govern water
allocation and rights can also create significant transaction costs that
can hinder the effectiveness of even small-scale water markets. Such
challenges indicate that although solutions to the scarcity are
well-known, implementing those solutions is not easy when one considers
the political, social and economic costs associated with alternative
Given the difficulty of addressing water scarcity, access and
pollution at even local scales, it is easy to understand why water
crises are ubiquitous today. Yet, thus far, in characterizing the three
water crises and their common solutions, we have not addressed any
underlying global dimension of these three related problems. The global
aspect of the climate issue is fairly obvious: Air pollution of
individual countries translates into a pollution of the global commons that then impacts everyone in the future. However, we typically do not
think of water as a global commons.
The possibility that North India may run out of groundwater in a
decade leading to a collapse of agriculture in India is not viewed as a
global problem. (22) Likewise, the fact that the Yellow River no longer
makes it to the sea, the fact that an aquifer in Long Island has been
depleted and the three-hour daily walk for poor-quality drinking water
in rural Ethiopia are all perceived and felt as local or regional
problems. (23) The discussion of global water crises refers to the vast
number of people around the globe facing these problems. In essence, the
global crisis is viewed as a collection of local crises--whether they
are related to access, pollution or scarcity--for which there is a
global policy, imperative. We rarely address the global elements of
these individual problems. However, looking at the scarcity crisis more
closely reveals a critical global issue.
Linking Local and Global Dimensions of Water Supply and Demand
It is apparent to anyone who has studied or thought about the
global hydrological cycle that local water availability is intimately
tied to the global and regional climatic processes that control the
disposition and movement of atmospheric and oceanic water. Thus, the
climate is a direct bridge between local rainfall or water availability,
and global processes. In an era of climate change awareness, this
connection is now well-documented and disseminated through popular and
lay media. (24) However, the implications of this connection in terms of
local and global water supply are not often obvious.
At the global scale, it is possible that the hydrologic cycle may
accelerate as climate changes, implying that rainfall patterns, and
hence water availability, may change both in space and time.
Additionally, climate phenomena--such as the El Nino Southern
Oscillation--lead to concurrent and persistent droughts in large areas
of the world. (25) This implies that these areas are likely to
experience water scarcity at the same time. With population growth, the
ability of local storage infrastructure to buffer the population from
the impacts of drought decreases. Further, noting that agriculture--and
more specifically grain production--is a major water consumer,
mega-droughts that span much of the globe limit the ability to address
regional water scarcity through food imports from other regions. This
emphasizes the dimensions of potential global water scarcity.
Many of our early population centers were built in areas with easy
access to fresh water sources. Past civilizations that did not have
continuous access to freshwater, or that existed in drought prone
regions, sometimes perished (e.g., the Anasazi people of the U.S.
Southwest). However, the development of local water storage and
distribution infrastructure has since allowed societies to develop
resilience to these climatic aberrations of supply. As a result, we
still do not view water crises as stemming from a global hydrologic
cycle that is akin to a global commons.
The ability to trade food is a primary factor that has allowed
human populations to occupy certain geographical areas with much higher
density than would be possible if all food had to be produced from
locally available water. It is the virtual import/export of water
through food that effectively connects the local dimensions of water
scarcity to a global dimension. It is estimated that 30 percent of all
water in global food today comes from a country other than the one in
which the food is consumed. (26) This fraction is anticipated to grow,
meaning that global market forces will play a role in both the supply
and demand for local water resources. As globalization makes food trade
an implicit mechanism for reducing the impacts of local food and water
scarcity, the vulnerability to water scarcity will eventually extend to
a global scale. One consequence of this extension could be global
agricultural price shocks. Another consequence could be new or increased
competition for water at the local level among differing
sectors--municipal, industrial and agricultural-competition that can
play out in political debates, court disputes and/or conflicts.
If climate change and the associated human migration projections
pan out as indicated by current modeling efforts, water surplus, low
population density and low-intensity land use areas--such as Canada and
Siberia--may emerge as population centers and the agricultural
production centers of the 21st century. There is some recognition of the
possibility of this trend. Yet, to our knowledge, no formal analyses
exist on the effects that such changes will have on resource use--water,
food, land or energy--and ultimately what the socioeconomic implications
of such changing patterns in resource use entail.
The Role of Agriculture
Agriculture is the dominant water user on the planet, accounting
for 70 percent of global water use, on average, and greater than 90
percent in and or semiarid regions. (27) Agricultural water use
efficiency is typically very low. Although efficiency rates vary by crop
type, for many crops only 10 to 20 percent of the water supplied in
either irrigated (not drip) or rain-fed agriculture is transpired by the
plant. The rest is lost either by direct evaporation from the soil or in
the water distribution network. Furthermore, most of the agriculture on
the planet is rain-fed, which has higher evaporation rates and lower
crop yields than irrigated agriculture. (28) Thus, given that
agriculture is the dominant water use and dramatic reductions in
agricultural water use are technically possible without an impact on
food production, it is an obvious target for meeting the challenge of
water scarcity.
If an order of magnitude reduction in agricultural water use could
be achieved, there would be no global water scarcity for the foreseeable
future, at least not as a constraint on global carrying capacity for
humans and other life. This has led to slogans like "more crop per
drop" and work towards identifying technologies such as drip
irrigation or genetic modification of crops so they will consume less
water or can be grown in salty water. (29) Efficient irrigation timing--through weather monitoring, appropriate use of nutrients and the
use of weather or climate forecasts--combined with appropriate
cultivars, can also reduce water usage.
However, practical progress towards significantly reducing
agricultural water use has been made in very few places, like Israel,
where agriculture has shifted to drip or recycled waste water use and to
high cash value crops from subsistence agriculture or the production of
cereals. For instance, drip irrigation accounts for only about 1 percent
of all global irrigation, even though it can substantially reduce water
use relative to flood irrigation, which is the most common practice.
(30) Access to technology is only a small part of the solution. The
economics, politics and sociology of agriculture--as well as education
and cultural adaptation--play a significant role in limiting change.
Globally, food and agricultural product prices were steady or
declined in real dollars over the last fifty years, and are only now
starting to increase. Gains in productivity ushered in by
technology--the Green Revolution--were responsible in part. Attempts to
protect the rural sector--through water, energy and fertilizer
subsidies--and support prices for agricultural products play a large and
as yet, incompletely understood role in impacting local and global
investment in reducing agricultural water use. For instance, an American
cotton farmer who has access to advanced production technologies can
achieve much higher yields than a cotton farmer in a developing country.
Additionally, the American farmer, when given free or highly subsidized
water, can then sell that cotton at a low price. Since the United States
is a relatively large producer, it influences the global market price,
thereby forcing other countries to politically provide similar support
mechanisms to their farmers. This leads to profligate water use in both
locations. The recent price increases reflect progressive limits on land
and water productivity, the increasing population and the diversion of
agricultural to non-food products like biofuels. (31)
Subsidies have a role in development and could be redirected toward
incentives for water conservation. This transition requires some degree
of international policy dialogue and concurrence to address the inherent
collective-action problem of responding to signals of water scarcity.
However, in practice, internal politics decrees a maintenance and
proliferation of the status quo. Additional supports are added to
protect the sector from losses due to a lack of water available either
due to upstream abstractions or due to a climatic exigency. For
instance, farmers in the Punjab in India are lobbying for state funds to
dig wells deeper, since the regional groundwater table has declined in
places by about 1 meter per year, to a depth of about 400 feet. (32)
Added to that, energy for pumping is provided to groundwater users for
free or at a highly subsidized rate. (33) The result is that
groundwater--which constitutes a fossil reserve--is being mined in many
regions throughout India, and worldwide, where farmers have access to
cheap energy and the financial resources needed to pay for increasingly
deeper wells.
Towards Agricultural Water Use Efficiency
In countries such as India and China where population densities are
high, especially in rural areas, agricultural water use already poses a
stress on urban consumption. Major urban areas do not have the ability
to provide drinking water on a sustained basis, even though they
constitute a higher value use compared to agriculture and are able to
pay for such use. For example, many major Indian cities face severe
water shortages, often limiting public access to water from a few hours
per week to a few hours per day. (34) In theory, substantial volumes of
water could be transferred from rural agricultural users to these urban
sectors if greater efficiencies in agricultural use can be achieved.
Much of the problem with such solutions in India is political. Providing
highly subsidized rural water is a political norm that is difficult to
challenge, even though the subsidies preferentially benefit a limited
number of rich farmers and not the masses for whom these measures are
intended. (35) Improvements in the rural economy that facilitate
agricultural water use efficiency are key for benefiting urban users and
ecosystems as well.
One approach to achieving improvement in water use efficiency is to
create a situation that leads to more revenue per drop. Increased
financial resilience could then justify individual or group investment
in a technology that facilitates a more efficient production of goods,
while still assuring a high reliability of the water supply. Such
resilience can further diminish the internal political pressure to
support agricultural subsidies, driven in part by the need to protect
farmers from financial loss. For example, higher revenue crop production
has become available to some small farmers in India and China through
the introduction of contract farming by national and multinational
corporations. (36)
Under contract farming, farmers are provided with all inputs and
technological training to grow high-cash value crops that are exported
or processed into goods and paid at the time of harvesting. The approach
removes credit risk, market risk and technology risk from the farmer and
provides incentives for higher yields from the same inputs. However, it
requires a much higher technological and information base to execute
through all stages of the product supply chain. This may lead to a
transition toward higher efficiency production and a reevaluation of the
time horizon over which the future value of the fossil groundwater
resource or investments in improved surface water irrigation
infrastructure are assessed. The corporation may be better placed to
buffer the financial risks from which the farmer has been freed, and
innovations on managing and sharing the climate risk through insurance
and other channels are emerging. Finally, the corporation can look at
the global marketplace for agricultural commodities and optimize what
should be planted--where, when and how---considering market, labor and
water constraints at local, regional or global levels.
For example, according to one study of global imports and exports
of major crops between 1997 and 2001, those countries that have low
water availability per capita imported about 20 percent of their water
through food, whereas countries with high water availability imported
over 68 percent of their water through food. (37) Arguably, substantial
improvements in water use could be gained in the virtual water market.
Such an approach requires considerably more robust access to water
supply, withdrawal, quality information and prediction than is routinely
available. This is an opportunity for scientific research and input into
the process.
Clearly, such a market-driven process would require regulation to
protect resources, as well as the interests of all groups, to facilitate
a transition from subsistence farming to a competitive corporate supply
chain for agricultural products. Labor force dynamics, environmental
objectives, global regulation of commodity trading and local enforcement
of water rights and environmental regulation would all need to be
addressed. Climate risk, especially globally correlated climate risk-the
possibility of simultaneous drought in multiple locations--would need to
be addressed. Similarly, asymmetries in production choice--a mass
migration to biofuels from food production--would also need to be
monitored and addressed. How the global trajectory of agricultural
product prices would evolve in the absence, reduction or redirection of
subsidies and more efficient production is, at present, unclear. In
other words, even knowing that it is possible to dramatically improve
agricultural output per unit land of water, many questions remain about
how the mix of products generated--as well as the utilization or
transformation of the massive labor force currently engaged in
agriculture--will affect the trajectory to more revenue per drop.
Research questions, and a formal research agenda to address this
emerging trajectory and its implications noted above, need to be
formulated through a global scientific discussion.
In summary, there is a water crisis in many regions of the world,
and the problems will progressively become global. There are three
crises, but the preeminent crisis is one of water scarcity One of the
dimensions of global water crises is already obvious to many; the
problems of water access, water quality and scarcity are felt nearly
everywhere, most prominently with the world's poor and
under-represented. When we focus on the issue of scarcity--which can
drive the other two crises--it is easier to identify the global nature
of these crises as well as the connection between global and local
forces. One of the key global elements relating to scarcity is the role
of climate change.
While we are becoming more attuned to the impacts of climate change
on local water supplies, to a large extent we have mitigated this global
influence by developing infrastructure and other forms of adaptive water
management tools. The biggest global force that currently drives water
scarcity is agricultural water use. The global market for food
contributes to the flows of water resources--at least virtual
water--around the globe, intersecting with local economic forces that
support inefficient water use within this sector. We argue that the
solutions to the scarcity challenge--and ultimately to part of the
access and pollution challenges--require both local and global action at
the policy and economic level to improve agricultural water use.
The few solutions we have discussed in this article require
significant policy changes at the local, national and international
level. To remove the masks on water scarcity signals, nations have to
find ways to either change or overcome the powerful interest groups in
the agricultural sector. The incentives for any one country to shift
policies are quite low without substantial international efforts to
ensure that other major agricultural nations will also participate. If
new agricultural supply-chain practices are part of the solution basket,
industries need to be aware of these opportunities and national and
local governments will need to find ways to incentivize and protect
access rights for those farmers and industries willing to undertake new
business practices. The precursor to such types of changes is, arguably,
heightened awareness of the nature of the problem. Such awareness can
occur if a professionalized forum is available to provide informed
debate and opportunities for learning. (38) Such an analytical forum is
largely a public goods problem, and one that requires collective action
at the international level.
The benefit of international efforts to collectively investigate
global water problems is evident from the impact of the International
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). One might ask, "Why is it that
climate change has become a much greater scientific and social concern
than water scarcity, access to safe drinking water, water pollution or
resource depletion?" Arguably, this is because the climate change
research community has come to agreement on the nature of the problem
and on a metric with which to measure it. Global temperature increase
over the last century is now well-documented, and in the last two
decades a lot of scientific and political effort has been expended to
connect this to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation and other
human-induced changes. Model-based scenarios and scientific intuition
are used to project dire consequences for the future of the planet and
its societies if greenhouse gas and temperature trends continue. A
synergy between scientific inquiry and political action drives the
climate change agenda further on both fronts as a global issue. Many
significant uncertainties remain with climate change projections, even
though the causative factors are agreed upon. A large number of these
uncertainties pertain to the details of the hydrologic cycle--how water
availability will change and how the distribution of water through the
atmosphere and through vegetation will modify climate. So far, we have
only seen the beginnings of the conclusive impacts of climate change,
and the action agenda is to find solutions before this crisis overwhelms
us and causes irreversible damage. Our best guess is that these impacts
may occur over decades.
Addressing climate change requires policy action, but also a search
for technical solutions to quickly substitute fossil fuels, or effective
carbon capture and sequestration. Energy conservation and use-efficiency
improvements are important but will not be sufficient to meet the
challenge. These observations emerge after nearly two decades of intense
global debate---one that has been fueled and supported by information
generated through extensive international research efforts--as well as
the synthesis and scientific consensus coming out of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (39) The debate continues,
but at a relatively high level of maturity, and rapid technological
evolution to address the anticipated problems is in the offing.
By contrast, the dimensions of the current and emerging water
security challenge are not as well understood. Even when attention has
been drawn toward water problems, it has been fragmented across the
three types of crises we face today and targeted towards the local
dimensions of the problems, which incidentally, are similar to the
symptoms of global energy and climate change issues. This has prevented
a focus on the preeminent scarcity crisis, which requires much more
information generation and understanding. It is in many ways a more
complex problem than C[O.sub.2]-induced climate change, given that its
global and local causes are more closely identified with social factors,
local access and supply chains, and with many layers of common pool
resource problems.
Developing a single technical solution that will address the
problem is at first difficult to recognize. However, the agricultural
use-efficiency issue emerges quickly as a dominant issue. Given that at
least some technologies are readily available for use reductions, the
solution in this case may very well be to first achieve conservation and
efficiency improvements using these technologies. Innovations in
corporate farming offer some promise to improve rural livelihoods, while
providing access to global markets for agricultural products and
facilitating the reduction of climate, market, credit and labor risks
through efficient global pooling of financial resources. New
technologies to reclaim contaminated or saline water may also be an
important part of the equation. This could involve using solar or wind
technology as energy. sources or coupling them to efficient
greenhouse-based agriculture. Greenhouse-based agriculture--which has
been widely used in Israel---can produce high crop yields while
recapturing much of the water transpired by the plants and evaporated
from the soil. The reuse of water can lead to substantial reductions in
overall water use from the agricultural sector. Current pessimism as to
whether we will have sufficient water to support life on Earth could be
transformed into optimism, if we could formulate a path working toward
these types of innovations.
The formation of a global roundtable as a focal point for analyzing
the causes and anticipated future conditions of water scarcity could
help achieve what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has done
for climate change. An interesting difference in this regard is that the
political dimensions and social importance of the water issues are much
better recognized at the outset than they were for the climate change
problem at the initiation of the IPCC. On the other hand, the causal
structure and scientific bases for climate change and its impacts, as
well as the supporting databases, were perhaps much clearer for climate
change than for the water scarcity problem. Consequently, a global
roundtable would need to focus, from the beginning, on the collection
and analysis of the wide range of information sources that are relevant
to understanding and predicting the causal structure of local and global
water scarcity. It is through such a process that both the scientific
and policy communities can begin to understand and respond effectively
to the global drivers of water crises, fostering tools and choices that
could help leverage the diverse and important local solutions that are
already available.
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(29) Mark W. Rosengrant, Ximing Cai and Sarah A. Cline, Global
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