DRASTIC Hydrogeologic Settings Modified for Fractured Till: Part 1. theory (1).
Weatherington-Rice, Julie ; Christy, Ann D. ; Angle, Michael P. 等
ABSTRACT. The ground water vulnerability assessment model, DRASTIC,
has been modified to better evaluate the effect of fractured till. In
the mid-1980s, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division
of Water began statewide, county-by-county mapping of the potential for
ground water pollution. Eventually it was recognized that the original
DRASTIC methodology needed to be modified to incorporate the concept of
double-block porosity and preferential flow through Ohio's
fractured glacial tills. Glacial till was eventually recognized as a
unique vadose zone media, and different ratings were assigned to the
various till lithologies. It was determined that thin, weathered,
highly-fractured tills should be more highly rated by increasing the
rating of "R" Net Recharge and "I" Impact of the
vadose zone media, where appropriate. In rare instances, the ratings of
very thin soils ("S" Soil media) were modified to reflect the
nature of underlying parent materials. In contrast, extremely thick
sequences of unweathered till were given lower ratings for "R"
Net Recharge and "I" Impact of the vadose zone media. DRASTIC
maps have been completed for 76% of the 88 counties in Ohio. With the
advent of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications, compiling a
county DRASTIC map has become faster, and publication costs have been
significantly reduced. GIS provides the tools to review and quickly
modify historical mapping efforts that predate the fracture
modification. This paper reviews the history of DRASTIC mapping in Ohio,
presents the theory of modifications for fractures, and includes some
discussion of Ohio regulatory applications.
A Short History of DRASTIC
In the mid-1980s, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR)
Division of Water began statewide, country-by-county mapping of the
potential for ground water pollution. This effort was to complement the
preexisting county-scale (1:62,500) Ground Water Resources mapping
program also generated by ODNR's Division of Water. During this
time period several systems to assess ground water pollution potential
were being developed. The focus of most of the systems was specific
pollution sources. For example, the LeGrand System (LeGrand 1983) was
used to evaluate ground water pollution potential from a given waste
disposal site. A modification of the LeGrand System by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA 1983) was used to evaluate
ground-water vulnerability from liquid waste ponds as part of the US EPA
Surface Impoundment Assessment. Gibb and others (1983) developed a
rating scheme, used primarily in Illinois, for establishing priorities
for the threat to human health via ground water from existing waste
disposal sites. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (1983)
developed a system to rank risk of environmental contamination. New
Jersey utilized a rating system by Hutchinson and Hoffman (1983) to
prioritize ground-water pollution sites.
During this same time period, the US EPA funded a project that was
produced by the National Ground Water Association (NGWA), which would
become known as DRASTIC. DRASTIC used the concepts of LeGrand and had
the input of five separate offices of the US EPA and numerous experts in
the field of hydrogeology. It was a system designed to utilize existing
available information to generate a ranking as well as a mapping system.
First published in 1985 as a preliminary system and finalized in 1987
(Aller and others 1987), this system used seven parameters to assess
ground-water vulnerability. The seven parameters form the acronym
With the publication of DRASTIC, the first widely used system using
the concept of hydrogeologic settings and an associated rating and
ranking system was now available for use. Training programs and seminars
were offered across the United States as individuals were trained to
evaluate the seven parameters and perform mapping functions. DRASTIC
began to be utilized by many state agencies including Virginia, Florida,
Nebraska, Texas, and Ohio. DRASTIC was used as part of a nationwide
project to evaluate vulnerability to pesticides. DRASTIC also would be
used in other countries, including Sweden, South Africa, India, and
Australia. The history of the DRASTIC program in Ohio is the subject of
this paper, the first of a series of two papers addressing the topic of
"DRASTIC Hydrogeologic Settings Modified for Fractured Till".
The second paper, written by Weatherington-Rice and others (2006b),
follows in this Special Issue of The Ohio Journal of Science.
History of DRASTIC Mapping in Ohio
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Water
chose to produce maps of the vulnerability of ground water on a
county-by-county basis as had been designed and tested in the original
DRASTIC methodology. The ODNR program became known as the "Ground
Water Pollution Potential Mapping Program" (GWPP). The first map
produced in Ohio was for Madison County and was authored by Mike
Hallfrisch and John Voytek in 1987.
As of November 2005, 67 of the 88 counties in Ohio (76%) have been
mapped using the DRASTIC methodology (Fig. 1). These Ground Water
Pollution Potential maps have been developed by seven different
initiating authors, including ODNR, several Ohio universities, and two
private consulting firms (Weatherington-Rice 2003). Different initiating
authors were used in an effort to make the information available to the
public as expediently and cost-effectively as possible. Even though
there were many initiating authors, ODNR's Division of Water
performed the final edits prior to publication.
Due primarily to funding limitations, the maps were not necessarily
published in chronological order of their completion. In some cases, as
many as ten years or more passed between completion of a DRASTIC county
mapping project and its publication date. In other cases, completion and
publication took place the same year.
While the mapping projects were being undertaken at a variety of
locations, ODNR's publication funds only allowed a limited number
of counties to be published each year. Some counties were published
immediately upon completion because local funding sources were
available. County planning commissions and local Solid Waste Districts
were the most common sources of this local funding. Later funding became
available from US EPA as a pass-through allocation of Clean Water Act
Section 319 (non-point source) money through Ohio EPA, but with the
change in funding sources, a list of counties with top priorities for
completion and publication was developed. Not all "older"
projects were published before the new prioritization process began.
From 1997 to 2000, ODNR took a hiatus from GWPP mapping to
undertake and complete the State Aquifer Mapping Project, producing the
Glacial State Aquifer Map and Bedrock State Aquifer Map. These became
important data sources for future GWPP mapping, and these products also
introduced Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to ODNR. In
2000, ODNR began producing GWPP maps as ArcInfo shape files. The ArcInfo
shape file is available for those interested in the raw data and can be
obtained via the ODNR-FTP site or from ODNR's Division of Water. A
printout of the county map resembling the traditional printed map is
produced at the scale of 1:62,500 as an Arc GIS template. The templates
are converted to a PDF format and made available at the Division of
Water website. A copy of the report resembling the traditional report is
also attached to the map as a PDF file that can be downloaded.
Approximately 25 county GWPP maps have been completed using the GIS
technology. Hard copies of the report and map based on these PDF files
can be ordered from ODNR for those interested. A number of older,
classically produced DRASTIC maps have been digitized and are available
as ArcInfo shape files for those interested in viewing the data itself.
Printed copies of these reports and maps can still be ordered through
ODNR's website. Madison County, the first county completed, has
been recompiled and republished as No. 1R, the new version encompassing
all of the new mapping concepts developed by ODNR Division of Water,
since the original DRASTIC mapping effort began (Angle and Barrett
Funding sources remain a combination of Section 319 non-point
source grants and Source Water Protection monies. This concept of
publication on demand has reduced the overhead costs involved in
carrying an inventory of publications and has stepped up the release of
both historic and new mapping efforts. The current and ever-changing
status of DRASTIC mapping in Ohio can be viewed on one of the ODNR
Division of Water's web pages, http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/
water/gwppmaps/. Specific county sites with modifications are discussed
in detail in Weatherington-Rice and others (2006b).
Making DRASTIC Maps in Ohio
Creation of a DRASTIC Ground Water Pollution Potential Map requires
that information be gathered and compiled for seven hydrogeologic,
geologic, and soils parameters. DRASTIC is an acronym for seven
parameters used to assess vulnerability of ground water to a
water-soluble pollutant introduced at the surface of the ground
including: "D" Depth to water, "R" Net Recharge,
"A" Aquifer media, "S" Soil media, "T"
Topography, "I" Impact of the vadose zone media, and
"C" hydraulic Conductivity. DRASTIC uses the hydrogeologic
setting concept as a basis for mapping, and a weighting and ranking
system to generate a relative vulnerability number. The vulnerability
number is then frequently color-coded for ease of visualization.
One of the early precepts of DRASTIC was that it would utilize
existing data sources (Aller and others 1987). In Ohio, depth to water
is obtained primarily from water well log records, USGS data, and
miscellaneous potentiometric surface maps. Recharge is based on
statewide studies such as Pettyjohn and Henning (1979), Dumouchelle and
Schiefer (2002), and localized data where available. Aquifer media is
based on ODNR's Division of Water and the ODNR Division of
Geological Survey (DGS) data; especially the Bedrock State Aquifer Map
and Glacial State Aquifer Map, USGS reports, water well log records, and
miscellaneous studies. Soil media is derived from county soil surveys.
Topography (% slope) is derived from USGS topographic maps and the soil
surveys. Impact of the vadose zone media is inferred from ODNR's
DGS and Division of Water reports, especially Bedrock Topography and
Glacial State Aquifer Maps, and well log records. Hydraulic conductivity
data are from site-specific reports and are inferred from aquifer
The advent of GIS technology has had a profound influence on GWPP
mapping. The availability of digital data including ODNR Division of
Water's Glacial State Aquifer Map and Bedrock State Aquifer Map and
DGS's Bedrock Reconnaissance, Bedrock Topography, and Glacial
surficial geology ("stack maps") have greatly increased the
accuracy and speed of producing of GWPP maps.
DRASTIC Modification in Ohio
During the creation of the original DRASTIC methodology, the
variability of the properties of soil and rock that affect pollution
potential was discussed extensively by the thirty-seven member advisory
committee. The final methodology addressed transport through fractured
fine-grained soils by allowing the user to choose a category of
"Shrinking and/or Aggregated Clay" in order to assign a higher
number to account for the fractures. However, this category was only
selected for soils listed as having high shrink-swell potential in the
county soil survey. (In DRASTIC, higher numbers indicate greater
pollution potential.) The original methodology did not account for
fractures other than by assigning this one category. At that time, the
concept of fractured till was in the infancy of understanding, but was
illustrated by the "unexpected" movement of contaminants from
a solid waste landfill in Wilsonville, IL, where the tills were
previously thought to be "protective" (Follmer 1984).
Even though the concept of fractured glacial till was not widely
understood, the influence of fractures on the movement of contaminants
in the vadose zone could be valued by varying the rating of a silt/clay
medium from a rating of 2 to a rating of 6 (on a scale of 1 to 10).
Again, this adjustment began to acknowledge that fracturing was an
important mechanism for movement of contaminants, even when contaminants
did not move readily through the till matrix.
As the GWPP mapping process in Ohio progressed, the understanding
of movement through fractures in glacial till began to be researched and
defined. ODNR personnel kept abreast of the research on fractured tills
and participated actively in some aspects of the research. By 1995, ODNR
personnel had significant experience with the DRASTIC methodology and
had modified the conceptual model for bedrock aquifers in parts of Ohio
in order to incorporate the concept that fractures caused leakage in
media previously thought to be "aquicludes." Aquicludes, by
definition, retard water movement to lower, more permeable aquifers.
Similarly, ODNR determined that true confining conditions are rare in
Ohio geology, and that units tend to be semi-confined or
It was only a natural progression to begin to apply the same
scientific principles to movement through fractures in glacial
materials. The concept of "double porosity" recognizes both
primary porosity (flow through the glacial till matrix of silt and/or
clay) and secondary porosity (flow through fractures, worm holes, root
holes, and along preferential pathways such as varves or other
depositional features). "Double porosity" is synonymous to
"double-block porosity"; a term more commonly found in the
European literature discussing fractured bedrock and fractured tills.
The term is used to describe the two, or more, levels of porosity found
in a rock (lithified) or fine-grained unlithified formation such as a
glacial till or lacustrine deposit. The concept of double-block porosity
recognizes that the contribution of flow along preferential flow
pathways, such as fractures, may be significantly greater in rate and
volume than flow thorough the primary matrix. Double-block porosity is
the term of choice because it is more descriptive of the physical
conditions being considered.
ODNR's Division of Water recognized the need to modify the
original DRASTIC methodology in order to incorporate the concept of
double-block porosity and preferential flow through the fractured
glacial tills. The modification was first applied to counties mapped
during 1995. As mentioned in the previous section, maps were not always
printed upon completion. Therefore, maps and reports published after the
modification to the DRASTIC process in 1995 may have actually been
compiled before that date and so may not be representative of the most
current thinking at ODNR. The various changes in GWPP map production
over time are illustrated on Figure 1.
Modifying the Application of DRASTIC The application of the concept
of "double-block porosity" to fractured bedrock aquitards was
first incorporated in the Stark County GWPP map (Williams 1991). The
highly fractured Pennsylvanian sandstone units were assigned higher
vadose zone media ratings, where appropriate, to account for this
concept. The recognition of double-block porosity in the glacial
settings of Ohio came later.
The ODNR's Division of Water was an early member of the Ohio
Fracture Flow Working Group. The Ohio Fracture Flow Working Group, an
ad-hoc group functioning under the umbrella of the Ohio Academy of
Science, first formed in 1993. It consists of geologists,
hydrogeologists, soil scientists, engineers, planners, legal experts,
and other interested researchers representing the Federal and statewide
Ohio agencies that address ground-water issues in Ohio. University
departments, private sector consulting firms, conservation and
professional organizations, both within and outside of Ohio, are also
represented in the group. ODNR staff members were present at the first
gathering in March 1993 (Weatherington-Rice and others 2000). By 1995,
the county scale Ground Water Pollution Potential map settings were
being modified to acknowledge the hydrogeologic impact of fractures in
Ohio's finer-grained glacial materials.
The decision to make modifications in the ranking component of
DRASTIC, to better account for fracturing and weathering in glacial
settings, was made based on years of professional experience by the
scientists who staffed the mapping effort. These modifications were not
arbitrary decisions, but rather were reflections of the field
experiences of those scientists involved in the actual field mapping and
reconnaissance in the counties where projects were underway. While the
issue of fracturing in fine-grained glacial materials had been
considered in the original DRASTIC design process because of the
experience of Keros Cartwright at the Wilsonville, IL, Superfund site
(Aller and others 1987), the developing research data in Ohio and
internationally showed that a modification of the application of DRASTIC
ratings was needed.
The effort to include the fractured components of glacial till and
lacustrine materials was developed by ODNR scientists over time. Till
was recognized as a vadose zone media in early reports such as Pickaway
County (Sugar 1990) but was referred to as sand and gravel with
significant silt and clay. An important step occurred when till was
recognized as a unique vadose zone media during initial field work for
the mapping of Franklin County (Angle 1995a) and Licking County (Angle
1995b) during 1990. Different ratings for till were assigned to the
various till lithologies in Portage County (Angle 1991). These till
lithologies varied primarily due to the primary porosity of the
different till units such as the sandy Kent Till and the clayey Hiram
Till. Till was also evaluated as a vadose zone media for Butler County
(ODNR and University of Cincinnati 1991) and Sandusky County (Angle
1990) based upon the variable settings found in these counties.
The impact of weathering in till was noted for Columbiana County
(Angle 1994), Franklin County (Angle 1995a), and Licking County (Angle
1995b). It was determined that thin, weathered, highly fractured tills
should be more highly rated. This modification to the system was
achieved by increasing the rating of "R" Net Recharge and
"I" the Impact of the vadose zone media, where appropriate. In
rare instances, the ratings of very thin soils ("S" Soil
media) were modified to reflect the nature of underlying parent
materials. In con trast, extremely thick sequences of unweathered till
were given lower ratings for "R" Net Recharge and
"I" impact of the vadose zone media. It is important to note
that although these areas had low ratings due to the semi-confined
nature of the underlying aquifers; the ratings were still significantly
higher than if the aquifers had been evaluated as being truly confined.
A summary of these evaluations for each county can be found in
Weatherington-Rice (2003).
In addition, Tomes and others (2000) provided a list of 95 soils
that were identified as being fractured. Table 1 from that publication
allows both the ODNR scientist compiling a DRASTIC map and the
independent researcher to note soils that are likely to be fractured. As
more soils are identified as fractured, this table should be expanded.
Furthermore, it is important to check this expanding list of soils in
the counties where no fractures had been identified by the soil surveys.
As discussed in Tomes and others (2000), the absence of notations of
fractures in the "C" horizons in the county level soil surveys
does not mean that fractures were not present. After eleven years of
research, it is the position of the Ohio Fracture Flow Working Group to
assume fractures exist in identified fractured soils unless
site-specific conditions prevent them from forming.
The issue of fragipan formation in soils of the low-lime tills of
northeast Ohio required additional observation relating to water
movement. A number of the 95 soils identified in Tomes and others (2000)
have fragipans in the "B" horizon. Preliminary observations
indicate that vertical water movement through these cemented soils is
through the fractures in the pan. An Ohio Fracture Flow Working Group
research project to better identify this process is currently underway
with leadership by Frank Calhoun, Tom Zimmerman, and James Bauder
(Weatherington-Rice and others 2006a). A paper summarizing their
findings is anticipated for publication in a later special issue of The
Ohio Journal of Science.
Regulatory Use of DRASTIC in Ohio
Although the current county-based Ground Water Pollution Potential
mapping program is funded primarily by the Clean Water Act Section 319
grants administered by Ohio EPA, there is currently only one Ohio/US EPA
program in Ohio that statutorily requires input from the DRASTIC mapping
effort. That program is Ohio EPA's Voluntary Action Program or
"VAP." Under this program, industries that choose to
voluntarily remediate contamination on their property perform the
remediation and can apply to obtain a covenant not-to-sue with Ohio EPA
or with Ohio EPA and US EPA (depending upon the process). Certified
professional geologists, hydrogeologists, and engineers who have been
approved by Ohio EPA, undertake the investigations and clean-ups.
Contaminated facilities located in areas with limited potential for the
use of ground water, such as urban settings, may be able to limit the
extent of site remediation if it is determined that there are no potable users of the ground water. In this situation, under VAP rules, it is
determined that the current contaminated status does not present a risk
to the community where the facility resides. DRASTIC maps are important
sources of information that are consulted when Ohio EPA approves an
"Urban Setting" designation.
While the Ohio EPA does not require the use of GWPP maps or the
DRASTIC process for Source Water Protection (SWAP) delineations, these
maps have been widely used in this process as well. The maps help
provide insight as to the degree of vulnerability and, therefore, the
amount of protection that various sites may require.
With the transfer of Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO)s
from Ohio EPA to the Ohio Department of Agriculture's (ODA)
Livestock Environmental Permitting Program the review of county DRASTIC
maps are required, where available, as part of the siting and
construction criteria for liquid manure animal waste pits. As currently
created however, DRASTIC maps are not able to fully predict the
potential for ground-water contamination from this practice. There are
several modifications that need to be made to the individual DRASTIC
score of a specific site for this application. DRASTIC was designed to
record conditions at the earth's surface for a contaminant applied
to the ground surface, moving with water. Manure storage ponds and
lagoons are usually constructed by evacuation. Therefore, the DRASTIC
number must be recalculated by removing the protection of the overlying soil, lowering the vadose zone by the depth of the lagoon, and
flattening the topographic slope to zero. These three modifications will
raise the effective DRASTIC number to more realistically reflect the
actual conditions in an intermittently saturated and dry holding pond.
However, DRASTIC was not designed to measure the impacts of a
continually saturated setting, so common in today's CAFO settings,
so the long-term impact of a continually filled lagoon cannot be
determined by the DRASTIC methodology alone. Even modified, the DRASTIC
rating numbers will most probably underestimate the potential for
ground-water contamination.
Summary and Conclusions
Ohio's Ground Water Pollution Potential mapping program offers
quickly accessible, defendable, preliminary evaluations of the potential
for ground-water contamination. These DRASTIC maps provide a valuable
screening tool for land uses that present a potential for surface or
near-surface sources to contaminate ground water. DRASTIC maps can also
be a useful tool when considering locations for land application of
sewage sludge or animal manures. The original DRASTIC methodology
included a separate ranking process that predicted pesticide pollution
potential. In the early 1990s, Ohio completed and published
Pesticide-DRASTIC evaluations for four counties. Pesticide DRASTIC
evaluations are automatically included in the attribute tables of the
ArcInfo, GIS-based GWPP maps. Another rural use of DRASTIC and GWPP maps
is to help determine areas that are suitable for on-site septic systems.
With modification, the data collected by the DRASTIC mapping method can
be reviewed to understand the potential threat for subsurface land uses
as well, such as the installation of underground storage tanks or
GWPP maps have been completed for 76% of the 88 counties in Ohio.
Because land-use activities in all counties have the potential for
ground water pollution, all of Ohio needs to be mapped. Historically,
this effort has been a slow process. However, with the advent of
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications, compiling a county
DRASTIC map has become faster, and publication costs have been
significantly reduced.
GIS also provides the tools to review and quickly modify historical
mapping efforts that predate the fracture modification developed in
1995. Once the seven layers of the DRASTIC overlays are digitized, it is
relatively easy to reassign a value to specific polygons which, when
reassembled with the other layers, creates a new numbering system for
each polygon. The new numbers will more closely reflect current
understanding of ground-water recharge and associated contaminant
transport. This GIS application makes it possible to continually upgrade
the county-level DRASTIC maps as new information is obtained from
site-specific research efforts at various locations and/or as the
science grows and scientists are better able to understand more of the
limitations to ground-water protection.
DRASTIC maps have applications other than in statewide programs.
Counties across Ohio are incorporating Ground Water Pollution Potential
maps into countywide or local ground-water protection programs or zoning
codes. Maps completed for the counties within the Great Miami River Buried Valley Aquifer have long been referred to as part of the regional
ground-water protection programs within the basin. New efforts in
Williams County will tie the newly completed Williams County Ground
Water Pollution Potential Map to the city of Bryan's Source Water
Protection effort and the greater interest in establishing a Sole Source
Aquifer designation for the region. Specific DRASTIC modifications are
discussed in Weatherington-Rice and others (2006b). A broader discussion
of the potential use of DRASTIC for regulatory applications can be found
in Weatherington-Rice and others (2006c).
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The authors would like to especially acknowledge
our research intern, Kathryn Clayton, Summer 2001, who reviewed all of
the then existing ODNR GWPP reports. Ms. Clayton, at that time, had just
completed her junior year at Earlham College in Richmond, IN. Funding
for her summer position was provided by the USDA Agricultural Research
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Angle MP. 1990. Ground water pollution potential of Sandusky
County, Ohio. Columbus (OH): Ohio Dept of Natural Resources, Div of
Water. GWPP Report No. 19. 49 p.
Angle MP. 1991. Ground water pollution potential of Portage County,
Ohio. Columbus (OH): Ohio Dept of Natural Resources, Div of Water. GWPP
Report No. 22. 292 p.
Angle MP. 1994. Ground water pollution potential of Columbiana
County, Ohio. Columbus (OH): Ohio Dept of Natural Resources. GWPP Report
No. 35. 105 p.
Angle MP. 1995a. Ground water pollution potential of Franklin
County, Ohio. Columbus (OH[): Ohio Dept of Natural Resources, Div of
Water. GWPP Report No. 40. 133 p.
Angle MP. 1995b. Ground water pollution potential of Licking
County, Ohio. Columbus (OH): Ohio Dept of Natural Resources, Div of
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Dumouchelle DH, Schiefer MC. 2002. Use of streamflow records and
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No. 46. 45 p.
Follmer LR. 1984. Soil--An uncertain medium or waste disposal.
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Energy and Natural Resources. Doc. No. 83/26. 66 p.
Hallfrisch M, Voytek J. 1987. Ground water pollution potential of
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of Water. GWPP Report No. 1. 179 p.
Hutchinson WR, Hoffman JL. 1983. A ground water pollution priority
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[ODNR] Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Water.
2005. Ground water pollution potential maps and reports, http://
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[ODNR] Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Water and
University of Cincinnati. 1991. Ground water pollution potential of
Butler County, Ohio. Columbus (OH): Ohio Dept of Natural Resources, Div
of Water. GWPP Report No. 11. 70 p.
Pettyjohn WA, Henning R. 1979. Preliminary estimate of ground-water
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(OH): State of Ohio Water Resources Center OSU. Project Completion Rept.
No. 552. 323 p.
Sugar DJ. 1990. Ground water pollution potential of Pickaway
County, Ohio. Columbus (OH): Ohio Dept of Natural Resources, Div of
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[US EPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1983.
Surface impoundment assessment national report. Washington (DC): US
EPA-570/9-84-002. 200 p.
Weatherington-Rice J. 2003. Fracture occurrence and ground water
pollution potential in Ohio's glacial and lacustrine deposits: a
soils, geologic, and educational perspective [DPhil dissertation].
Columbus (OH): The Ohio State Univ. 400 p.
Weatherington Rice J, Christy AD, Angle MP. 2006a. Further
explorations into Ohio's fractured environment: introduction to The
Ohio Journal of Science's second special issue on fractures in
Ohio's glacial tills. Ohio J Sci 106(2):4-8.
Weatherington-Rice J, Christy AD, Angle MP, Gehring R, Aller L.
2006h. DRASTIC hydrogeologic settings modified for fractured till: Part
2. Field observations. Ohio J Sci 106(2):51-63.
Weatherington-Rice J, Christy AD, Forsyth JL. 2000. Ohio's
fractured environment: introduction to The Ohio Journal of
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Ohio J Sci 100(3/4): 36-38.
Weatherington-Rice J, Hottman A, Murphy EF, Christy AD, Angle M.
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Williams S. 1991. Ground water pollution potential of Stark County,
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Report No. 6. 75 p.
(1) Manuscript received 6 September 2004 and in revised form 16
August 2005 (#04-03F).
LINDA ALLER, Bennett & Williams Environmental Consultants Inc.,
Columbus, OH 43231; Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological
Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210; Ohio
Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water, Columbus, OH 43224;
Bennett & Williams Environmental Consultants Inc., Columbus, OH