Mineralogy of weathered Wisconsinan till along a fracture in the root zone (1).
Bruno, Pierre W. ; Szabo, John P. ; Foos, Annabelle 等
ABSTRACT. Subsampling of a large block of Wisconsinan Ashtabula
Till suggests that weathering progresses outward from fractures in the
root zone. In the fracture zone pore waters have precipitated iron,
calcite has been partially leached, and dolomite remains constant.
Illite and kaolinite phases present in samples taken from near the
fracture in yellowish-brown, oxidized till do not significantly differ
from gray, unoxidized till from the same horizon. However, chlorite has
been altered to vermiculite in samples proximal to the fracture.
Diffraction intensity ratios ([illite.sub.001]/[kaolinite.sub.001] +
[chlorite.sub.002]) increase near the fracture and decrease with
distance away from the fracture. The concentration of goethite, the
mineral responsible for the yellowish-brown color, decreases
exponentially with respect to distance from the fracture. This oxidized
zone has a greater sand content and lesser clay content than the
unoxidized gray zone because free iron that coats the clay particles
cements them into sand-size aggregates. Weathering processes in till
adjacent to fractures are the same as those that form weathering zones
in till landscapes.
The occurrence of fractures in weathered and unweathered sediments
associated with the glaciation of Ohio is well documented. Brockman and
Szabo (2000) discuss the origin and distribution of fractures in tills
occurring in over 35 counties; Tomes and others (2000) have demonstrated
that vertical fractures occur in 95 soil series distributed over 55
counties in Ohio. Other occurrences of fractures in these types of
deposits are noted in unpublished reports of the glacial geology of
Sandusky, Seneca, Huron, Crawford, and Lorain counties in north-central
Ohio (Angle 1987; Fernandez 1986; Torten 1985, 1987, 1989). Numerous
M.S. theses supervised by John P. Szabo at the University of Akron contain section descriptions noting the occurrence of fractures,
oxidation haloes extending into gray glacial sediments from fractures,
and deposition of secondary minerals along them (Fig. 1).
Bruno (1988) studied the textural and mineralogical relations among
lithofacies of the Late Wisconsinan Ashtabula Till. This till consists
of stratified and nonstratified diamictons, containing sand bodies and
laminated fines, which are commonly exposed in lake bluffs between
Euclid, OH, and the Ohio-Pennsylvania state line (Fig. 2). These
lithofacies record the initial advance, melt back, subsequent readvance,
and final meltback of the Ashtabula ice about 14,000 years ago (Szabo
and Bruno 1997). Shear planes occur in some massive diamictons deposited
as ice flowed upslope from the Erie Basin towards the Allegheny Plateau
(Brockman and Szabo 2000). Some fractures may result from unloading by
the retreat of the ice sheet; others are failure planes caused by
removal of material through wave erosion at the toe of the bluffs during
high stands of Lake Erie.
Chemical weathering of tills produces alteration of clay minerals
that can be observed in vertical weathering profiles (Droste 1956).
Weathering proceeds gradationally downward from the surface as chemical
stability between mineral phases and geochemical environment is
maintained. Likewise, percolating waters and increased aeration along
joints and fractures in the root zone in till should cause weathering to
proceed horizontally away from a fracture The purpose of this study is
to document changes in mineralogy and iron contents in a series of
samples taken sequentially from a fracture into unweathered till.
An oriented specimen of Late Wisconsinan Ashtabula Till was
collected from the bluff of Lake Erie at Geneva State Park in Geneva, OH
(Fig. 2). The matrix textures (% <2.0 mm) of the brown, oxidized till
from near the joint plane and the more distal gray, unoxidized till near
the center of the block were determined using the settling method of
Folk (1974). Percentages of calcite and dolomite (% <0.074 mm) were
calculated from volumetric data generated by a Chittick apparatus
(Dreimanis 1962).
Samples for powder x-ray diffraction analysis were shaved from the
block of till at various distances from the fracture plane into the
center of the specimen (Fig. 3); other samples were taken randomly from
other locations in this block. Individual samples were gently
disaggregated using a mortar and rubber pestle, and then sub-sampled
using the cone-and-quarter technique. Powder mounts were prepared for
"whole rock" analysis of each sample.
Free iron-oxide coatings were extracted using the
citrate-bicarbonate-dithionite method (Jackson 1969) before samples were
prepared for x-ray analysis. The supernatant liquid from the
iron-extraction process was analyzed for iron concentration with a
Perkins-Elmer atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Determination of the
weight percent of iron extracted in each sample was calculated by
dividing the concentration obtained from the analysis by the initial
sample weight times 100 and reported as the free iron oxide content.
Mineral components were examined both as "whole rock"
powder-packed samples and as oriented mounts of the clay fraction.
Oriented mounts (<2.0 [micro]) of each sample were prepared using
centrifuge and suction methods modified from Starkey and others (1984).
One set of oriented slides was scanned by x-ray diffraction both after
air drying and overnight exposure in an ethylene glycol atmosphere. The
second set was scanned after heating to 400[degrees]C for one hour and
again at 550[degrees]C for one hour. X-ray diffraction analyses were
performed on an automated Phillips 3100 diffractometer using
nickel-filtered Cu K[alpha] radiation at 40 kV and 30 ma. Samples were
scanned at the rate of 0.02[degrees] 2[theta] per sec. Powder-packed
samples were scanned from 2[degrees] 2[theta] to 50[degrees] 2[theta],
whereas oriented mounts were scanned from 2[degrees] 2[theta] to
35[degrees] 2[theta].
Minerals were identified with guides by Droste (1956), Carroll
(1970), Brindley and Brown (1980), and Starkey and others (1984). Also,
intensities, converted from counts, under the peaks centered at 0.700
and 1.000 nm, as well as background intensities, were determined with
Phillips quantitative systems software. The gross intensity under the
1.000-nm peak was measured by scanning from 8.500[degrees] 2[theta] to
9.750[degrees] 2[theta] at a rate of 0.01[degrees] 2[theta] per sec. The
background intensity or associated machine noise was also determined for
that scan range, then software corrected for the background intensity to
generate a corrected intensity. The intensity under the 0.700-nm peak
was measured by scanning from 12.000[degrees] 2[theta] to
13.000[degrees] 2[theta] at a rate of 0.01[degrees] 2[theta] per sec.
This gross intensity was also corrected for background intensity over
this interval to produce a corrected intensity. The corrected
intensities under the 0.700- and 1.000-nm peaks were used to determine
the diffraction intensity ratio (DI) (Willman and others 1966). DI is
calculated by dividing the intensity of the 1.000 nm ([illite.sub.001])
peak by the intensity of the 0.700 nm ([kaolinite.sub.001] and
[chlorite.sub.002]) peak (Ruhe and Olson 1978).
Two types of diamicton are contained within the sample. The upper
facies (Fig. 3) consists of 10YR4/6 (Munsell 1954), yellowish brown,
laminated calcareous diamicton containing 10YR4/4, weak, red, blebs.
This stratified diamicton that may have formed through subglacial melt
out is not representative of the remainder of the block and is not
included in this study. The lower part of the block (Fig. 3) is a
massive, silty, calcareous diamicton containing granules, and can be
divided into two zones based on color. The left side of the block is
10YR4/6, yellowish brown, whereas the right side is 10YR5/1, gray. The
yellowish-brown zone has a fracture through its center, modified by root
growth followed by fluid percolation.
The brown and gray parts of the block display some variation in
matrix texture and carbonate content. The gray block contains 6% sand,
68% silt, and 26% clay, whereas the yellowish-brown block consists of
14% sand, 73% silt, and 13% clay. The total carbonate content of 6.6% of
the gray till is larger than that of the yellowish-brown till which
averages 4.4%. The two blocks have similar dolomite contents (3.4% vs.
3.8%) and differ significantly in their calcite contents. The gray block
contains 2.8% calcite, whereas the yellowish-brown block has 1.0%.
The location of a series of scrapings (D through L) extending from
the fracture to the gray part of block and the location of other samples
are illustrated in Figure 3, and respective laboratory data are recorded
in Table 1. "Whole rock" powder-packed samples of both gray
and yellowish-brown samples display similar suites of clay minerals. The
major mineral phases in the samples are illite (1.000 nm), kaolinite
(0.700 nm), and chlorite (1.400 nm). Clay-size quartz (0.330 nm) and
minor amounts of clay-size calcite (0.300 nm), dolomite (0.290 nm), and
feldspars (0.317 nm) are consistently observed in the samples.
Among the clay minerals, the 1.000 nm illite peak (Fig. 4) remains
sharp and is unaffected by glycolation and heating in all of the
samples. The 1.400 nm chlorite peak from gray samples remains sharp and
also is not affected by glycolation and heating, but in the
yellowish-brown samples, this peak expands slightly after glycolation
and decreases or collapses when heated (Fig. 4), indicating the presence
of vermiculite (Droste 1956). The 0.700 nm kaolinite and chlorite peak
is unaffected by glycolation, but collapses upon heating to
550[degrees]C. The mean DI varies between the gray and yellowish-brown
samples (Table 1) and decreases with distance from the fracture (Fig.
5). The average DI of the yellowish brown samples is 2.1, whereas it is
1.1 for the gray samples. A Cochran-Cox t-test (Ferguson 1971) for
groups having unequal variances show that these means are significantly
different at the 5% level of significance.
The mineral phase of iron identified on the x-ray diffractogram is
goethite having a peak at 0.245 nm. The mean iron contents of the
yellowish-brown and gray samples (Table 1) differ significantly at the
5% level of significance. There is an apparent decrease in free-iron
content with distance from the fracture in the yellowish-brown till to
the unweathered gray till (Fig. 6). Within the gray till, iron content
shows no significant trend with distance.
The variations in texture and mineralogy of samples from the block
of Ashtabula Till can be explained by weathering processes that not only
proceed downward from the surface but also normal to fracture planes.
The difference in texture between the yellowish-brown and gray samples
is in the proportions of sand and clay. The weathered sample appears to
contain more sand and less clay than the unweathered sample. Clay
particles in the yellowish-brown sample are slightly cemented by iron,
forming sand-size aggregates that do not pass through the 0.063-mm sieve
that is the lower limit of sand in this study. These concretions are
soft enough to be crushed between the fingers.
Weathering has affected the calcite content of the yellowish-brown
sample. The movement of percolating water in close proximity to the
fracture has partially leached the calcite from the adjacent till.
Dolomite contents are nearly identical and reflect the greater stability
of dolomite to the initiation of weathering processes (Willman and
others 1966).
Droste (1956) and Willman and others (1966) suggest that chlorite
begins to alter before calcite is completely leached as weathering
proceeds downward. Weathering proceeds as hydration of the brucite sheets of chlorite alters them to vermiculite, forming randomly mixed
layers of chlorite-vermiculite. Eventually, well-crystallized illite is
altered by hydration of intermica sheets to randomly mixed-layered
illite-montmorillonite (Droste 1956). These changes should be reflected
in the Dis of samples (Willman and others 1966). As chlorite weathers,
the denominator of DI decreases, which causes the DI to increase and, as
illite begins to weather, the numerator of DI will begin to decrease
which decreases the DI. Kaolinite remains unaffected in this process.
These changes in clay minerals are illustrated by the Dis of
samples that vary with distance from the fracture in this study (Fig.
5). The decline in DI from 2.8, one centimeter from the fracture, to 1.8
at the fracture and the slight asymmetry of the illite peak at 1.000 nm
suggest that illite is beginning to alter within 1.0 cm of the fracture.
Dis decline to the average value, 1.1, of gray samples at 4.0 cm from
the fracture. This implies that chlorite is less weathered in samples
away from the fracture and not weathered in the gray samples at 4.0 cm
and beyond.
The weight percent of free-iron oxides in the weathered till is a
function of distance from the fracture. A best-fit line (Fig. 6) is
expressed as an exponential-decay function having free-iron content as a
function of distance from the fracture. This equation and correlation
coefficient imply that 96% of the variation in free-iron content can be
explained by distance from the fracture. In the unoxidized zone iron
occurs as [Fe.sup.+2], either in solution or within iron-bearing phases
such as chlorite. Oxygen-rich fluids are introduced into this zone along
fractures. As oxygen diffuses into the till along the fracture, iron is
oxidized from [Fe.sup.+2] to [Fe.sup.+3] and is precipitated as iron
hydroxides. As iron is removed from solution by precipitation, it is
replaced by iron that is diffusing toward the fracture from within the
unoxidized till. The dual concentration gradients of iron and oxygen in
this zone allow migration and further precipitation of free-iron oxides
away from the fracture, resulting in the yellowish-brown stained till.
Percolating fluids in fractures play an active role in the
weathering of minerals in tills in the fracture zone. These waters leach
calcite from the till and cause goethite to precipitate as small
(<1.0 mm) concretionary nodules on the fracture surface where
oxidation is most intense, and as coatings on minerals in the oxidized
zone. Furthermore, these iron coatings act as cement and bind the clay
particles into sand-size grains. These coatings do not affect the clay
mineralogy itself, but will hinder accurate textural determinations in
oxidized tills.
The results of this study may be compared with those of Fausey and
others (2000). In their study of the hydraulic conductivity of weathered
till in the soil zone, they analyzed similar parameters as those in this
study. A major difference between the studies is the depth from which
samples were analyzed. The block of till used in this study was taken
from below the depth of oxidation, whereas samples of till studied by
Fausey and others (2000) were taken from soil horizons within 2.0 m of
the surface in western Ohio. The tills of west-central Ohio are sandier
than the tills deposited along the south shore of Lake Erie. Although
tills in each study have a similar clay mineralogy and both contain
goethite, carbonate contents of tills in west-central Ohio are more than
five times those of tills from the Lake Plain in northeastern Ohio.
Superficially, the results of these two studies appear
contradictory, but closer examination shows that the oxidation-reduction
conditions are responsible for this difference. In west-central Ohio,
Fausey and others (2000) sampled a pit dug through the soil profile at
the top of the zone of oxidation, whereas in this study the sample block
was excavated from the unoxidized zone that had been exposed through the
rapid retreat of a lake bluff. Thus iron has been removed from the
fracture surfaces in the zone of oxidation at the site in west-central
Ohio, but precipitated along the fracture faces in the unoxidized zone
along the lake bluff in northeastern Ohio. Similarly, calcite
precipitates along fractures at the west-central site, but is dissolved
along fractures at the northeastern Ohio location. Szabo and Ryan (1981)
also noted the occurrence of calcite precipitates in fractures in Late
Wisconsinan tills in northeastern Ohio.
If this study and that of Fausey and others (2000) are combined,
two endpoints of a continuum between the oxidized zone at the surface
and the unoxidized zone at depth are linked by common connection, the
fracture. The weathering processes that affected the block of
unweathered, fractured Ashtabula Till can be thought of as being
representative of those processes that affected newly deposited till at
the surface 15,000 years ago. The movement of weathering from the
fracture plane into the till matrix may be similar to moving a
weathering front from the surface downward into unweathered till. The
description of fractured till by Fausey and others (2000) represents the
end product of 15,000 years of weathering processes in which till is
thoroughly oxidized. They describe a process whereby weathering has gone
full circle to the point where high water table events actually cause
reduction and removal of iron and leave a bleached, gray surface along
the fracture. The continuum ranges from blocks of oxidized till
delineated by bleached fractures near the surface, to blocks of largely
unoxidized till bounded by brown, oxidized fractures at depth.
This study generally shows that weathering proceeds outward from
fractures into the surrounding till. Weathering associated with fracture
zones is a microcosm of the gradual mineral alteration that occurs from
the surface downward to produce weathering zones in till. Thus,
weathering along fractures enhances the downward formation of weathering
zones, suggesting that fractured tills will weather more rapidly than
unfractured tills.
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(1) Manuscript received 15 October 2002 and in revised form 5 May
2003 (#02-03F).
of Geology, University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-4101
(2) Current address: 603 Lyndeboro Road, New Boston, NH 03070
Summary of laboratory data.
DI Weight Distance From
Sample (air dried) % Iron Fracture (cm)
A 1.9 3.15 rm **
B 2.9 1.87 rm
c 1.6 1.36 rm
D 1.8 3.42 0.0
E 1.8 2.16 0.5
F 2.8 1.79 1.0
G 2.2 1.50 1.5
H 1.9 1.34 2.0
I 1.6 1.12 2.5
J 1.7 0.92 3.0
W 2.9 na ** rm
x * 2.1 1.86
s * 0.5 0.83
n * 11 10
K 1.1 0.14 4.0
L 1.2 0.16 4.5
M 1.0 0.12 rm
N 1.1 0.16 rm
X 1.3 na rm
X 1.1 0.15
s 0.1 0.02
n 5 4
* c = mean, s = standard deviation, n = number of samples.
** not analysed
*** random sample