Pictures collection acquisition--Apology to the Stolen Generations.
Groom, Linda
The Library has been steadily acquiring photographs of the Apology
to the Stolen Generations by the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, at
Parliament House on 13th February 2008. Several photographers captured
the event, each bringing a different perspective. National Library staff
photographers covered the Apology from the public areas of Parliament
House. Indigenous photographer Mervyn Bishop, as one of the official
photographers for the event, was given priority access and a series of
his images taken inside the House of Representatives were added to the
Pictures Collection in December. Also recently added to the Pictures
Collection were photographs by Karl Sharp who captured the reactions of
Sydneysiders crowding Martin Place in the rain to see a live broadcast
of the Apology. Further perspectives on the Apology by Juno Gemes and
other photographers will be added to the Pictures Collection shortly.
The images of the Apology acquired by the National Library are in
digital format, as are an increasing number of new acquisitions to the
Pictures Collection.
Linda Groom
Curator of Pictures