The United States peace corps as a Facet of United States-Ghana relations.
Bekoe, E. Ofori
The diplomatic relations that existed between the United States
(US) and Ghana in the late 1950s and 60s centered mostly on the three
issues: The Peace Corps, the Volta River Project and the personality of
Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, the communist--branded president of Ghana. It is
evident mostly that, this US-Ghana relation also had ideological
connotations because it was at the height of the Cold War and tensions
were really "high" between countries that aligned themselves
with one or the other of the Cold War rivals--the United States or the
Soviet Union. As is well known, the US and the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (USSR) emerged as the most powerful nations in the world after
the Second World War. With many of Africa's nation-states asserting
their political independence after the War, the rivalry of these two
super powers was heightened, with each struggling to gain a foothold on
Africa. Two revolutions challenging the west were: Asian-African
nationalism and the evolving Communist expansion into "fertile
grounds" like Ghana, where the communists preached against
activities of the West (including racial oppression of blacks) and urged
to be embraced. In this paper, I propose to investigate the relations
between the US and Ghana, keeping in mind the issues of the East-West
dichotomous rivalry as well as the role of the Peace Corps. I will also
seek to ascertain if ideology was the only reason for the formation of
the Peace Corps or was it just a mere foreign department organization. I
intend to study not only the role of politics by the various governments
of The United States and Ghana, but also ascertain the views of
historians, and determine how Nkrumah saw or depicted the volunteers and
what the volunteers themselves thought of the program. For instance, did
they see themselves as vehicles of ideological tools;; were they playing
the role of humanitarians in another country or did they join the Peace
Corps as a way of escaping from the brewing Vietnam confrontation or
even from the United States, given that it was the tumultuous 60s?
The Peace Corps was founded in 1961, a year after it was officially
declared, as one of the idealistic manpower resources that the US set up
to supply aid to developing countries. For the John F. Kennedy
administration, it was a dual opportunity--to send American youth to
developing countries not only to spread American ideals, but also to
help with development. Established with Executive Order 10924, the Peace
Corps concept was announced to students at the University of Michigan in
Ann Arbor and was subsequently made official at the Cow Palace in San
Francisco, in November 1960 with three major objectives:
i. It can contribute to the development of critical countries and
ii. It can promote international cooperation and goodwill toward
this country.
iii. It can also contribute to the education of America and to more
intelligent American participation in the world. (1)
The Peace Corps as Ideological or Moral Tool
Kennedy, in my opinion, saw the Peace Corps as an ideological tool
to inform the developing world about American ideals of liberty,
equality, and democracy before the Soviets had a chance to take over
because both countries were fighting for ideological favors in Africa..
This is evident in the various speeches that Kennedy gave. In his
inaugural address in January 1961, he reiterated his desire to
"outsmart" the Soviets.
To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe
struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best
efforts, to help them help themselves, for whatever period is
required, not because the Communists may be doing it, not because
we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society
cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are
rich. (2)
Could it be that President Kennedy had a moral justification for
the Peace Corps? Possibly, but that did not weigh as much as the
ideological reasons. Harris Wofford, one of the directors of the Peace
Corps, agreed that the Peace Corps had ideological connotations when he
recalled that Kennedy had remarked, "I want to demonstrate to Mr.
Khrushchev and others that a new generation of Americans has taken over
this country, ... young Americans who will serve the course of freedom
as servants around the world, working for freedom as the Communists work
for their system." (3) Charles J. Wetzel, an historian at Purdue
University stated clearly that "the Peace Corps is a product of
American anti-Communist foreign policy. But more than that, it is an
expression of an ongoing American optimism in the fate of man." (4)
Nevertheless, the training given to volunteers before their departure
had included information about communism and warned the volunteers to
watch out for it. Fritz Fisher wrote that each volunteer was given a
pamphlet entitled "What You Must Know About Communism." (5)
In trying to investigate why Ghana was the first country to receive
the Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs), it is imperative to note that before
Senator Kennedy became the president of the United States, he was also
on the senate committee on foreign affairs and might have known
Nkrumah's political orientation very well. This is evident in his
address to the students at the University of Michigan when he asked the
students if they were willing to give up a part of their lives to work
in Ghana as technicians for up to ten years in the Foreign Service. He
believed that the creation of the volunteer service was to serve the
cause of freedom and to help fight poverty, disease, hunger and
ignorance and of course, to ward off Soviet ideological implant. (6)
Julius Atemkeng Amin, a political scientist and a native of
Cameroon in West Africa, interviewed several PCVs and wrote about the
Peace Corps in his country. He undertook a comparative study between its
activities in both Ghana and Guinea, two countries said to be leaning
politically toward the Russians. Amin observed that the Peace Corps,
despite its contribution to altruistic goals, was also a flexible
response to communism. (7) R. Sargent Shriver, the brother-in-law of
Kennedy, became the founding director of Peace Corps and was mandated to
travel the world to propagate the idea of the corps for the benefit of
developing countries.
For Shriver, "the Peace Corps volunteers make their
contribution to American foreign policy by staying out of the foreign
policy establishment. they are not trained diplomats, not propagandists.
they represent our society by what they are, what they do, and the
spirit in which they do it. They scrupulously steer clear of
intelligence activities and local politics." (8) This remark by
Shriver is particularly interesting because although the volunteers were
ordinary American citizens, many of the countries they were assigned to,
notably Ghana, Libya and Guinea, suspected them as operatives of a US
counter-intelligent organization.
Nkrumah's Response to the Peace Corps
R. Sargent Shriver, in sharing and promoting the idea of the Peace
Corps to foreign leaders, made trips to several countries to convince
their leaders to accept the volunteers. In Ghana, their first port of
call, the Ghanaian president was exceptionally skeptical of the
volunteers. He just did not understand why the United States wanted to
send such a large volunteer force to his country, remarking to Shriver
and his entourage:
Powerful radiation is going out from America to
all the world, much of it harmful. Some of it
innocuous, some beneficial. Africans have to
be careful and make the distinctions, so as to
refuse the bad rays and welcome the good. The
CIA is a dangerous beam that should be
resisted. From what you have said, Mr. Shriver,
the Peace Corps sounds good. We are ready
to try it, and will invite a small number of
teachers. We can use plumbers and electricians,
too. Can you get them here by August? (9)
Nkrumah's response to the acceptance of the Peace Corps is
worth investigating, given the background of his life in the United
States between 1935 and 1945 when he attended American universities and
left the USA with four different degrees in different disciplines. It is
evident that he was familiar with Central Intelligent Agency (CIA)
operations and was therefore wary of the volunteers, thinking they were
CIA operatives. More so, Nkrumah had read Andrew Tully's book, CIA:
The Inside Story (1962) which outlined CIA global activities against the
communists. A few years earlier, US-Ghana relations had gone sour during
the Eisenhower administration because the then Secretary of State,
Christian Herter had branded Nkrumah a communist thus making it
difficult for Nkrumah to accept many Americans in his country, knowing
that Americans were against communism.
Nkrumah's response was also revealing of his way of thinking;
his unpredictability during his presidency was a vexation for the United
States administration. Historian Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman wrote that
before Shriver and his entourage would arrive in Ghana, the Ghanaian
Times, one of the daily newspapers in Ghana had written a scathing
editorial about the visitors: They were denounced as "agency of
neo-colonialism, [and a] clever mode in [the] vicious game of teleguide
company." (10) Nkrumah was not happy with the publication and was
forced to call the American ambassador to Ghana and personally
apologized for it.
Nkrumah later on called on all Ghanaians to accept the Peace Corps
Volunteers and should not do anything to discourage them. On the other
hand, he addressed students of The Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute
to be cautious of the volunteers since they were probably CIA
operatives. In fact, he prevented the PCVs from teaching English or
history in Ghanaian schools because he believed that they would use such
courses to plan subversive activities against his government. For this
reason, he banned the teaching of George Orwell's Animal Farm
(1945) by PCVs. (11) However, volunteers that he brought in from Canada
and the Soviet Union were at liberty to teach the same book. In his book
Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism (1965), Nkrumah explained
that he believed that the PCVs were like the United States Information
Agency (USIA): they were engaged in spreading propaganda and
psychological warfare on behalf of the US. (12) He explained further
that he was also aware that R. Sargent Shriver, the Peace Corps Director
and Allen Dulles, the CIA Director were personal friends and President
Kennedy had asked them to keep their jobs separated from their
friendship.. Nkrumah also accused the US and the CIA of being involved
in the assassination of his protege, Patrice Lumumba of the Congo.
Hence, he had watchful eyes on the PCVs.
Why Ghana?
The first group of PCVs went through a series of orientations
before their departure to Ghana and Tanzania. As part of their
orientation, Africanists were assembled to lead in the orientations,
including the Political Scientist, David Apter, who wrote a book on
Ghana; Sociologist St. Clair Drake who taught in Ghana, Anthropologist
Robert Lystad who had also written a book on Ghana and a few others.
Probably, the most difficult question to ask is why the Kennedy
administration had laid so much emphasis on just one African country
when volunteers were sent to other parts of Africa as well? Several
reasons can be summoned to explain the anomaly. It is the view of Gerard
Rice that "Ghana as the first Peace Corps destination was symbolic.
Ghana, regarded as a militant Third World nation had gained independence
only four years earlier. "Its dynamic leader, Kwame Nkrumah, was
the self-appointed "savior" of African freedom
movements." (13) However, in my view, the major reason is enshrined
in Kwame Nkrumah's ideology which he sought to impose on rising
African leaders. Nkrumah's ideology, also known as Nkrumaism,
rested on four major tenets: Positive Action, Pan-Africanism,
Anti-Colonialism and Anti-Imperialism and (African) Socialism. It is my
observation that Nkrumah can never be understood without taking into
account these tenets and how he tried to enforce them on all African
leaders. I believe that Positive Action, which called for non-violence
acts against colonial governments, was the only tenet that the US could
afford to ignore. As the "show boy" of Africa, as historian
David Birmingham calls him, Nkrumah wanted to unite all of Africa to
form the Union of African States like the United States of America. This
is because Nkrumah believed that Africa had all the resources to be a
major economic and political force on the world stage.
Nkrumah also wanted to turn Africa towards a form of socialism
which did not sit well with the United States because the idea had the
backing of the Soviets. To further emphasize his stand, Nkrumah aligned
himself with both Americans and foreigners who had openly proclaimed
they were against American ideals and capitalism. Some of the Americans
and foreigners who made Ghana either their home or paid frequent visits
included W.E.B. DuBois, George Padmore, Paul Robeson and Richard Wright,
among others. In addition, Nkrumah was too critical of the United States
in all the thirteen books he authored. It could be that the Peace Corps
was sent to Africa to contradict Nkrumah and show Africans that
Americans were peace-loving people who deserved to be welcomed by all.
Volunteers Response
While the US administration saw the Peace Corps as a form of
manpower to promote American ideals, not all the volunteers saw it that
way. Alan Guskin and his wife Judith who were students at the University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor opined that the students accepted Kennedy's
Peace Corps proposal and speech because
The 1960s was a time in which students like us were consumed with
concern for social values, as well as strategies for change. We were
determined not just to participate, but to have an impact on the events
that affected our lives. The message he left behind was that young
people could make a difference in helping to create a better and more
peaceful world. We responded. (14)
One of America's foremost anthropologists, Margaret Mead,
agreed and commented that the idea was an "ethical enterprise, a
way for an excessively fortunate country to share its optimism and
generosity." (15)
While the Russian volunteers outnumbered the Americans in Ghana,
Gerard Rice claims that this number asymmetry rather boosted the morale
of the volunteers because of the on-going Cold War. He said a Peace
Corps evaluator, one Richter, sent a report to Washington DC in which he
There is a Volunteer in almost every school
where there is a Russian teacher. In fact, the
Volunteer without a Russian pet feels cheated.
The presence of Russians, while perhaps
somewhat distressing politically, can be
viewed favorably in just about every other respect. It
adds unusual dimension in the Volunteers' experience
and gives us an opportunity to
influence some Russians.
In the said report, Richter also explained that the Ghanaians
accepted the PCVs better than their Russian counterparts. (16) This is
notably different from the opinion of Fisher who observed that the
volunteers were open-minded and co-existed with the Russians. The PCVs,
however, saw Ghana as the battleground for the Cold War competition in
Africa. (17) Hoffman cites many examples of volunteers who really
enjoyed their experience in Ghana. In fact, they were not bothered by
the Cold War rivalry that existed at the time. Coates Redmon documents
the excitement of the PCVs in Ghana and how they worked in the community
in the 1960s mostly because they were young, energetic and idealistic.
US Politicians' Response
It could be that politicians in the 1960s did not see the Peace
Corps as a useful tool in the fight for global hegemony between East and
West ideologies or as humanitarian or moral justification as Kennedy
intended. Hence, most of the senators and congressmen made fun of the
whole idea while they debated about it when it came before them as a
bill to be passed. Republicans Frances Bolton, Richard Nixon, Ellis O.
Briggs, Alex Wiley, Barry Goldwater, and Dwight Eisenhower were all
pessimistic about the Peace Corps program and made unwelcome remarks
about the concept. On the other hand, Democrats including Edmund Muskie,
Gale McKee and Stephen Young, among others, saw the Corps as the
embodiment of the spirit of the New Frontier. (18)
Ghanaians' Response to the Peace Corps
On a large scale, while Ghanaians accepted the Peace Corps, it was
those who attended the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute who saw the
corps as strange US Foreign Service employees who needed to be watched.
In fact, one of Ghana's foremost diplomats and a Minister of
Education during Nkrumah's presidency agreed that the Peace Corps
were in Ghana to augment the teachers that the nation needed. He thus
gave the program the thumbs up. Hoffman quotes another diplomat, K. B.
Asante, as saying that "Nkrumah's imprimatur meant that the
Peace Corps was a good thing." (19) As the 51-strong
volunteer-force arrived in Accra, it was warmly welcomed. In fact,
Nkrumah himself hosted the volunteers at a reception, in which he
exhorted Ghanaians to welcome them. Nkrumah accepted the Peace Corps in
good faith so that his countrymen could benefit from the American
educational system, of which he himself was a product. The acceptance of
the Peace Corps (by Ghana and later Guinea) came as good news to
President Kennedy who remarked, "if we can successfully crack Ghana
and Guinea, Mali may even turn to the West. If so, these would be the
first communist-oriented countries to turn from Moscow to us." (20)
The US administration saw Ghana, Guinea, Algeria, Libya, and Mali as
communist-oriented countries that formed the Casablanca group, with the
aim of a complete union of African states while the rival Western
capitalist-oriented countries, including Nigeria and Liberia, formed the
Monrovia group.
Arnold Zeitlin, now of the Associated Press and a former volunteer
points out that even though Ghanaians accepted the volunteers, most of
the Ghanaian population could not also internalize why white Americans
had left their wealthy country to come to a poor country to ride in
mummy trucks. This was some of the skepticisms expressed by the ordinary
Ghanaian in the 1960s. (21) Thomas A. Hart from Howard University, one
of the very few African Americans who served in Ghana comments that
Ghanaians held Americans in high esteem and that before Kennedy's
administration, anti-American sentiment in Ghana had been very high.
Hart makes a provocative statement that really depicts who Nkrumah was.
When asked about his impression of Nkrumah in the States, he answered,
"Osagyefo is appreciative of the aid given and of the interest
shown recently by the United States towards his country. Nevertheless,
he believes that the aid offered and accepted should not interfere with
his purpose: to liberate the entire continent of African from foreign
domination; to establish ultimately a Union of African States and to
develop a strong, powerful spirit of African nationalism; besides
adopting a foreign policy of positive neutrality and non-alignment. (22)
Nkrumah, popularly known as Osagyefo (Savior) by Ghanaians, would not
permit any activities that would derail him of his achievements; hence
he kept a watchful eye on the Peace Corps and engaged in confrontations
with the Johnson administration later. It is true to say that even
today, the positive impact of the US Peace Corps is Ghana is felt, and
volunteers are still being accepted into the country.
Other Responses to the Peace Corps
The New York Times published an editorial a day before
Kennedy's assassination praising the Peace Corps on its second
anniversary noting that it "has come to be recognized as the most
idealistic arm of our foreign effort and one of its most successful
expressions." (23)
Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman, who did not stress too much on
geopolitics, but on the activities of the volunteers, believes that the
Peace Corps was a response to both a political reason to win the
ideological war for the West, as well as "Kennedy's genuine
determination to respond to the needs of ...nations." She also
argues that the Cold War and decolonization intersected constantly and
the threat of communism forced developing countries to gain financial
and political support from the West, yet these same countries resented
the West. Such was the behavior of Kwame Nkrumah who swam back and forth
between Russian and American hooks, confident that neither side would
cut bait. (24) Historian Fritz Fisher has shown that most of the PCVs
were not given the peace of mind to do their work properly because the
Peace Corps administration constantly interfered with bureaucracies
which prevented the volunteers' egalitarian friendship with the
people and the community they served. Fellow historian, Michael E.
Latham agrees with Fisher. In his book, Modernization as Ideology
(2000), he adds also that many people joined the Peace Corps to fulfill
their humanitarian aspirations in a meaningful way. He also points out,
however, that the Peace Corps was placed in the context of the Cold War.
An interesting historiography added to the topic by Latham is how the
Peace Corps fitted into the views of social scientists and modernization
theorists of the 1960s.
P. David Searles, a former deputy Peace Corps director, shifts away
from the "showers of blessings" poured on the volunteers
during the Kennedy era for lack of general directives. His neutral
assertion praises the Nixon appointed director, Joseph Blatchford, who
revitalized the organization. Searles also acknowledges Cold War
sentiments in the formation of the Peace Corps. Leading diplomatic
historians contributed to a book, Empire and Revolution (2000), in which
they argue that the US relations with Third World countries drastically
became a concern derived from an interrelated set of economic,
geostrategic, political, ideological, and psychological factors--many of
which predated the Cold War, and all of which were further magnified by
US-Soviet antagonism. Since the Peace Corps fits very well in US'
foreign policy, this book gives several indirect insights into
understanding the Peace Corps concept. (25) Rupert Emerson and Waldemar
Nielsen both agreed that the Peace Corps promoted idealism in Third
World countries but did not emphasize the ideological part of it. (26)
Overall, the containment policy of the United States, which the
Peace Corps was believed to be a part of, was a measure to prevent
Nkrumah, who had superb organizational skills, influence and
capabilities, from turning newly independent African countries toward
the Soviet orbit. Communism appealed to many newly independent African
countries because of its offer of political, social, economic, and
cultural changes, among other things, and the new leaders wanted to
create a "new international order" that would not depend on
the West. (27) The Norwegian Cold War historian, Odd Arne Westad,
explains, "the Soviet world, offered politically induced growth
through a centralized plan and mass mobilization, with an emphasis on
heavy industry, massive infrastructural projects, and the
collectivization of agriculture, independent of international
markets." (28)
Obviously, the Peace Corps came to stay in Ghana despite the fact
that Nkrumah declared, through his intentions or actions, that he was a
communist-socialist and was moving the country in that direction.
President Kennedy and his administration knew it, yet their mantle of
where to go first still fell on Ghana. It met different responses from
the Ghanaian administration as well as the general populace because
their intensions were not very well knows to them or they suspected it
as something other than humanitarian, they were still embraced and
enjoyed the Ghanaian hospitality. The PCVs did not see themselves as
interfering in Ghana's political administration more than being
there as American idealists to engage purely in volunteerism. They
co-existed with their political opponents on the other side of the
ideological spectrum and integrated very well with them.
Largely, it was the Osagyefo who was wary of the Peace Corps, but
did not have an iota of implicating evidence based on which he could
expel them from Ghana as his political ally Ahmed Sekou Toure of Guinea
did. Truly, the Cold War really made Ghana a geopolitical staging ground
between the East and West. Nkrumah did not change his intention of not
going socialist despite the different kind of assistance that he
received from the capitalist West.
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E. Ofori Bekoe, MA,
The College of New Rochelle, Rosa Parks Campus-New York
(1) Sargent Shriver, Point of the Lance (New York: Harper &
Row, 1964), 14 It should also be noted that the original idea was mooted
by William James in 1904 and was taken on by President F.D. Roosevelt in
the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1933. It was later refreshed by
Senator Hubert Humphrey and Congressman Henry S. Reuss before being
taken over by John F. Kennedy.
(2) Inaugural Address on January 20, 1961. Public Papers of the
President of the US (Washington DC: GPO. 1962), 1
(3) Harris Wofford, Of Kennedy & Kings: Making Sense of the
Sixties (New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1980), 257
(4) Charles J. Wetzel, "The Peace Corps in our Past" in
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Vol.
365. May 1966), 1
(5) Fritz Fisher, Making Them Like Us: PCV in the 1960s (Washington
DC: The Smithsonian Institution Press, 1998), 38; Rice, 158
(6) Robert G. Carey, The Peace Corps (New York: Praeger, 1970), 3
(7) Julius A. Amin, The Peace Corps in Cameroun (Kent, OH: Kent
State University, 1992), 117
(8) R. Sargent Shriver "The Vision" in Viorst (ed), 21
(9) Harris Wofford in Virost, ed., 34
(10) Hoffman, 153
(11) Animal Farm is about insurrection, hence Nkrumah's
reaction. He thought it was too revolutionary to be taught by Americans
who might use it to incite his overthrow.
(12) Kwame Nkrumah, Neo-Colonialism. 248-249
(13) Gerald Rice, The Bold Experiment: JFK's Peace Corps
(Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press), 201
(14) Alan Guskin, "Passing the Torch" in Making the
Difference: The Peace Corps at Twenty-Five Milton Viorst, ed. (New York:
Weiden & Nicholson, 1986), 28
(15) Margaret Mead, Cultural Frontiers of the Peace Corps, ed.
Robert B. Textor (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1966), ix
(16) Cited in Rice, 262-263
(17) Fisher, 88
(18) Paul A. Laudicina, World Poverty and Development: A Survey of
American Opinion (Washington DC. ODC 1973), 77
(19) Hoffman, 157
(20) Quoted in Latham, 133
(21) Arnold Zeitlin. To the Peace Corps, with Love (Garden City,
NJ: Doubleday & Co. Inc., 1965)
(22) Thomas A. Hart. "Ghana, West Africa As I see it." In
The Journal of Negro Education. Vol. 31. no. 1. Winter 1962.), 95
(23) The New York Times, November 21, 1963
(24) Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman, All You Need is Love: The Peace Corps
and the Spirit of the 1960s. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
(25) Peter L. Hahn & Mary Ann Heiss (eds). Empire and
Revolution: The United States and the Third World since 1945. Columbus,
OH: Ohio State University Press, 2000.
(26) Rupert Emerson, Africa and United States Policy. (Englewood,
NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1967), 42 and Waldemar A. Nielsen, The Great Powers
and Africa (New York: Praeger, 1969), 300
(27) Steven W. Hook & John Spanier, American Foreign Policy
Since World War II (15th ed). 100
(28) Odd Arne Westad, The Global Cold War: Third World
Interventions and the Making of Our Times (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2005), 92