Frontier Equity Markets: Risk Parity Lessons for Asset Allocation.
Chan-Lau, Jorge A.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank Group,
first defined "frontier markets" as small, less-liquid equity
markets in developing countries, which despite their investment
restrictions are regarded as investable from the perspective of a
foreign investor.
The experience of emerging markets suggests that frontier markets
offer prospects of higher returns, especially as increased capital flows
and infrastructure investment accelerate their economic growth. Indeed,
prior to the onset of the subprime crisis in the United States in 2008
and the subsequent sovereign debt crisis in Europe in 2010, frontier
markets edged out emerging markets, posting the strongest performance
among global equity indexes (Exhibit 1).
Several factors contribute to the growth potential and long-run
strong performance of frontier markets. They include, but are not
limited to, fast economic growth, favorable demographics, and abundant
natural resources (Howell and Gratsova [20111; Speidell [2011]). There
are downside risks, though, as frontier markets are vulnerable to large
price corrections during severe distress periods. Investors are more
prone to reduce exposure in riskier asset classes, including frontier
markets, as observed during the 2008 global financial crisis.
Investing in frontier markets is facilitated by the existence of
benchmark investable indexes constructed by Morgan Stanley Capital
International (MSCI) and Standard and Poor's (S&P). The MSCI
Frontier Markets Index is a free-float adjusted market capitalization index. By mid-November 2013, it included 142 stocks in 25 countries,
accounting for 85% of the free-float adjusted' market
capitalization in each country. The market capitalization of the index
was $130 billion. (1)
The S&P Frontier BMI is a broad benchmark index that tracks the
equity return performance of 587 stocks publicly traded in 36 frontier
countries. (2) As of mid-November 2013, the mean market capitalization
in the index was $1.1 billion, with a median value of $367 million.
The potential diversification benefits of frontier equity markets
can be appealing to investors in developed and emerging market countries
alike. The argument can be supported informally by examining equity
return correlation across different markets, as advanced by Speidell and
Krohne [2007]. (3) During the period of May 2002--November 2013, the
average weekly return correlation of frontier markets with other global
equity indexes ranges between 0.3 and 0.4. In contrast, all other global
equity indexes are highly correlated (Exhibit 2, first panel).
Exhibit 2
Global Equity Indexes: Equity Return Correlation
Frontier Europe North EAFE* Emerging
Markets America Markets
Frontier markets 1.00 0.38 0.34 0.40 0.39
Europe 1.00 0.86 0.98 0.97
North America 1.00 0.85 0.84
East Asia and Far Hast 1.00 1.00
Emerging markets 1.00
Frontier Europe North EAFE* Emerging
Markets America Markets
Frontier markets 1.00 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.09
Europe 1.00 0.79 0.96 0.94
North America 1.00 0.76 0.76
East Asia and Far Hast 1.00 0.98
Emerging markets 1.00
Frontier Europe North EAFE* Emerging
Markets America Markets
Frontier markets 1.00 0.49 0.44 0.51 0.51
Europe 1.00 0.88 0.98 0.98
North America 1.00 0.87 0.87
East Asia and Far Hast 1.00 1.00
Emerging markets 1.00
Source: MSCI ami author's calculations.
Frontier markets tend to decouple from other markets when equity
prices are increasing (Exhibit 2, second panel) and become more
correlated during periods of distress (Exhibit 2, third panel). But even
in the latter case, equity price declines in frontier markets are not as
correlated as those in other markets.
Although equity return correlations suggest substantial
diversification benefits, two factors could reduce them. First, as has
been the case with emerging markets, increased integration of frontier
market countries with the world economy and the global financial system
could lead to diminished diversification. However, a study by Berger et
al. [2011] finds no evidence that frontier markets are becoming
increasingly integrated over time, even after allowing for structural
breaks, and suggests they could help diversify global investors'
Second, higher transaction costs, due to lower liquidity and depth,
could offset the diversification benefits. Bid--ask spreads in frontier
markets can be as high as 10%-12%, as is the case in Kenya and Ukraine
(Speidell [2011]), and in general, transaction costs in frontier markets
are three times higher than in the United States. Notwithstanding the
high transaction costs, investors can benefit from investing in frontier
markets. Marshall et al. [2011] find that including frontier market
equities in value- and equal-weighted international portfolios can yield
higher Sharpe ratios. Frontier markets, therefore, appear better suited
as a diversifying asset than emerging markets, as the diversification
benefits of the latter could vanish once transaction costs are accounted
for (De Roon et al. [2001]).
In addition to transaction costs, there are other risks involved in
frontier market investments (Schoen-holz [2010]; Speidell [2011]).
Regulatory and trading/execution risk arises from ownership
restrictions, domestic registration requirements, custody rules, and the
need to use domestic brokers. Foreign exchange risk is ever present, as
some of the frontier countries are very volatile; global custodians may
require sizable foreign exchange conversion charges; and the
ever-present possibility that capital controls could be imposed looms.
Investors also have to deal with settlement systems that are more prone
to errors, weak corporate governance standards, and political
Despite these obstacles, the case for investing in frontier markets
remains valid. The next section analyzes in detail the frontier market
allocation in global equity portfolios when risk parity is used.
Risk Parity Portfolios
The role of frontier equity markets in a world equity portfolio is
discussed in the context of a particular risk-based strategy, risk
parity, which equalizes risk contribution across different equity
classes.' In other words, risk parity involves assigning the same
risk budget to each asset in the portfolio, where the only driving risk
factor is the comovement between the asset's return and the return,
on the portfolio. (5)
The choice of risk parity is guided by the fact that it is less
sensitive to correlation estimates, especially when the number of assets
in the portfolio is small (Alvarez et al. [2011]). Risk parity is also
supported empirically by the observation that high-beta, high-volatility
stocks underperform low-beta, low-volatility stocks, an observation
referred to as the low volatility anomaly! (6) Finally, it can be shown
that risk parity, while allowing investors to reach their desired risk
targets using leverage, is the preferred strategy when investors exhibit
leverage aversion (see Frazzini and Pedersen [2010], and Asness et al.
In a risk parity strategy, the weights of the different assets are
determined in such a way that they contribute equally from a risk
perspective. Following Alvarez et al. [2011], in a portfolio P, the risk
contribution, CTR, of asset k depends on its portfolio weight, w, and
its return correlation with the portfolio returns:
Risk parity requires equalizing the risk contribution across all
assets in the portfolio:
CT[R.sub.k] = CT[R.sub.j], j [not equal to] k, j, k = 1, ... , N
where N is the number of assets in the portfolio. Given the return
variance-covariance matrix, Maillard et al. [2010] show that the asset
weights in the risk parity portfolio in a long-only portfolio can be
calculated as the solution to the problem:
to the long-only constraint [[SIGMA].sub.j-1.sup.N] [w.sub.j] = 1,
[w.sub.j] > 0[for all]j. Alvarez et al. [2011] describe how the
portfolio allocation problem can be extended to alpha risk parity
strategies that factor in the investor's priors on expected returns
for each asset class: problem (3) is solved replacing the risk
contribution per unit of expected return, or alpha, for the absolute
risk contributions in Equation (3).
The asset allocation exercise assumes that the global equity
portfolio comprises five major equity classes: North America equities;
European equities, including U.K. equities; East Asia and Far East
equities; emerging market equities; and frontier market equities. For
the period June 7, 2002, to November 15, 2013, weekly equity returns in
U.S. dollars were constructed for each equity class using the
corresponding Morgan Stanley Capital Indices (MSCI). The analysis below,
is relevant for global equity portfolios denominated in U.S.
Portfolio Weights
The global equity portfolio was constructed by weighting the
returns of each equity class by its market capitalization. Exhibit 3
shows the evolution of the weights of each equity class since June 2002
in a market-capitalization-weighted portfolio, in which the frontier
market allocation never exceeds 1% of the portfolio.
Prior to the 2008 financial crisis, the weight of the North America
equity allocation declined to about 35%, but it has since recovered. The
weight of emerging marking equities in the portfolio has increased
steadily to about 10% of the total portfolio allocation.
The calculation of the weights in the risk parity strategy required
estimates of the variance-covariance matrix. Rather than relying on
forecasts, we calculated the matrix using the standard but
backward-looking approach of using past observations over a one-year
rolling window. Under risk parity, the asset allocation departs
substantially from that suggested by market capitalization weights
(Exhibit 4).
During the period June 2003--November 2013, the frontier market
equity allocation ranged from 23% to 48%, with an average value of 35%.
North American equities ranked second, with an average weight of 20%.
Allocations to equities in Europe, East Asia and Far East, and emerging
markets are roughly 15% each.
An examination of Equation (1) and the equity return correlations
in Exhibit 2 indicates why risk parity assigns a higher weight to
frontier market equities. Compared with other global equities, they
exhibit low correlation with the risk parity portfolio. Hence,
increasing the risk contribution of frontier market equities requires
increasing their weight in the portfolio.
Exhibit 1 shows that market capitalization weights have remained
little changed since 2008. This is not the case for risk parity weights
calculated using a one-year window, which are especially more volatile
for frontier market equities.
It is worth noting that the weight of frontier markets in the risk
parity portfolio correlates negatively with those of other global equity
markets. Again, Equation (1) and Exhibit 2 explain why this is so. The
correlation of frontier market equity returns is countercyclical,
declining when global equity prices rise and increasing when they
decline. This causes the frontier market risk parity weight to move in
sync with global equity prices.
If a longer window is used to calculate the risk contributions,
then the risk parity weights are rather stable (Exhibit 5). On average,
frontier markets still account for the largest share of the portfolio
(30%); followed by North America (20%); East Asia and Far East, and
emerging markets (17% each); and Europe (16%).
For long-only portfolios, there is one practical problem for
implementing a risk parity allocation strategy. The small market
capitalization of frontier markets may not accommodate the required
allocation, especially for asset managers in charge of large portfolios.
In addition, many long-only portfolios are managed relatively to a
benchmark, restricting the scope for risk parity allocations that could
differ substantially from market capitalization weights. Even under
these constraints, portfolio managers could increase their chances to
beat their benchmarks without increasing the downside risk of the
portfolio by modestly overweighting their frontier market allocations.
Since equity prices in frontier markets can be subject to large
swings, especially when investor sentiment deteriorates rapidly, it is
necessary to evaluate whether they could effectively contribute to
improve the performance of a global equity portfolio. This section first
analyzes the performance of frontier markets in isolation and then
within a global equity portfolio.
Individual market performance. The individual performance of
different equity markets is reported in Exhibit 6, which shows
annualized weekly equity returns, standard deviations, and Sharpe
ratios. The results are reported for the complete period of study (June
2002-November 2013), the pre-crisis period (June 2002--December 2007),
and the crisis/post-crisis period (January 2008-November 2013).
Annualized Weekly Equity Returns: Mean, Standard Deviation, and
Sharpe Ratio
Frontier Europe North East Asia Emerging
Markets America and Far Markets
Mean Return, in Percent
6/2002-11/2013 6.8 4.1 4.8 4.1 5.7
672002-12/2007 25.0 12.5 6.7 11.7 13.0
1/2008-11/2013 -10.4 -3.9 3.0 -3.1 -1.2
Standard Deviation, in Percent
6/2002-11/2013 15.5 23.2 18.6 20.4 20.7
6/2002-12/2007 12.3 15.5 13.5 14.4 14.9
1/2008-11/2013 17.7 28.7 22.5 24.8 24.9
Sharpe Ratio
6/2002-11/2013 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3
6/2002-12/2007 2.0 0.8 0.5 0,8 0.9
1/2008-11/2013 -0.6 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1
Source: MSCI and author's calculations.
If the complete period is analyzed, frontier and emerging market
equities outperform, posting higher returns and higher Sharpe ratios.
The performance of frontier markets is especially strong in the
pre-crisis period, delivering twice the returns of the other equity
The strong performance of frontier markets was reversed in the
crisis/post-crisis period. Returns, on average, declined by 10%, or more
than twice the decline of the second-worst-performing market. Frontier
markets also underperformed from a risk-adjusted perspective, with a
negative Sharpe ratio five times higher than in the other markets.
Portfolio performance. While economic arguments suggest frontier
markets should become more integrated over time, so far this has not
been the case, as found by Berger et al. [2011]. Moreover, Marshall et
al. 120111 show that including frontier market equities leads to higher
Sharpe ratios in global equity portfolios.
This section does not repeat or update the results reported by
Berger et al. [2011] and Marshall et al. [2011]. Instead, it compares
the performance of global equity portfolios, which include frontier
markets, under three different weighting schemes. One is the traditional
market capitalization weighting. The second is the risk parity weighting
scheme, where the risk contributions are calculated using a one-year
window. (7)
The third is a simple market capitalization weight that overweights
frontier markets in an otherwise market-cap-weighted portfolio by a
factor of 10, while reducing the weights of the other equity asset
classes. This last scheme facilitates implementing the frontier market
allocation and overcomes some of the implementation issues discussed
above. The results are presented in Exhibit 7, which shows the results
when portfolios are rebalanced continuously (every week) and only at the
end of the year.
Annualized Weekly Equity Returns of Global Equity Portfolios:
Mean, Standard Deviation, and Sharpe Ratio
Continuous Rebalancing
Risk Parity Market-Cap Constrained
Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio
Mean Return, in Percent
6/2003-11/2013 6.0 6.2 6.3
6/2002-12/2007 19.2 14.9 15.4
1/2008-11/2013 -4.4 -0.6 -0.8
Standard Deviation, in Percent
6/2003-11/2013 16.0 19.5 19.6
6/2002-12/2007 9.5 11.8 11.9
1/2008-11/2013 19.5 23.9 23.9
Sharpe Ratio
6/2003-11/2013 0.4 0.3 0.3
6/2002-12/2007 2.0 1.3 1.3
1/2008-11/2013 -0.2 0.0 0.0
End-of-Year Rebalancing
Risk Parity Market-Cap Constrained
Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio
6/2003-11/2013 5.6 5.9 6.0
6/2002-12/2007 18.9 14.7 15.2
1/2008-11/2013 -4.7 -0.9 -1.1
6/2003-11/2013 16.1 19.6 19.6
6/2002-12/2007 9.4 11.8 11.8
1/2008-11/2013 19.7 23.9 24.0
6/2003-11/2013 0.3 0.3 0.3
6/2002-12/2007 2.0 1.2 1.3
1/2008-11/2013 -0.2 0.0 0.0
Source: MSCI and author's calculations.
Overall, the results suggest that a risk parity portfolio
outperforms the other portfolios during periods of globally rising
equity prices and underperforms in the opposite case. Over a long period
of time, risk parity portfolios deliver a somewhat better performance as
measured by the Sharpe ratio. Since the constrained portfolio is not
much different from the market-cap portfolio, given that the frontier
market market-cap weights are very small, both portfolios perform
similarly. These results together suggest that benefitting from frontier
market equities requires adopting an asset allocation heavily tilted
toward them, as is the case for risk parity portfolios.
Lessons for Investors
The analysis herein holds some important lessons for global equity
investors. Frontier equity markets exhibit low correlation with other
equity markets, including emerging markets. Their inclusion in global
equity portfolios could enhance diversification. More importantly, an
asset allocation strategy based on risk parity shows that deviating from
a market capitalization allocation strategy by heavily overweighting
frontier markets could help portfolios to outperform when global equity
prices are rising.
Frontier market equities, hence, could play a role in tactical
asset allocation. Notably, the outperform.ance is not achieved at the
expense oflarger losses during downturns relative to market-cap-weighted
There may be some practical roadblocks to adopting a risk parity
allocation in long-only global equity portfolios. One is the small
market capitalization of frontier markets. Another is that global equity
portfolios are managed relative to a benchmark index, which could differ
substantially from the risk parity weights. Notwithstanding these
roadblocks, the results presented herein suggest frontier market
equities can serve as an alternative asset class.
The author is thankful to the comments by an anonymous referee. All
errors or omissions are the author's sole responsibility. The views
in this article represent only those of the author and do not
necessarily represent those of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) nor
IMF policy.
(1.) Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia,
Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya. Kuwait, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mauritius,
Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka,
Tunisia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam. Calculations
reported herein are based on this index.
(2.) The index, in addition to the countries in the MSCI FM index
except Serbia, includes Botswana, Cote d'ivoire, Cyprus, Ecuador,
Ghana, Jamaica, Latvia, Namibia, Panama, Slovakia, Trinidad and Tobago,
and Zambia.
(3.) Cross-market correlation, while helpful to highlight
diversification benefits, may not be accurate enough. See, for instance,
Carrieri et al. [2007] and Pukthuantong and Roll [2009].
(4.) Risk-based strategies require forecasting only the
variance-covariance matrix of returns and avoid the need to forecast
expected returns. In addition to risk parity, risk-based strategies
include minimum variance portfolio theory and maximum diversification.
Minimum variance portfolios tend to deliver corner solutions (Black and
Litterman [1992]; Litterman and Quantitative Resources Group [2003]; and
Meucci [2009]) while maximum diversification is not as robust as risk
parity to changes in correlation estimates.
(5.) For textbook treatments of risk budgeting, see Pearson [2002]
and Scherer [2002].
(6) As noted in Alvarez et al. [2011]. For recent references on the
low volatility anomaly, see Baker et al. [2011], and Frazzini and
Pedersen [2010].
(7.) Results for the five-year window are not reported since they
would only cover the period June 2007--November 2013.
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Jo order reprints of this article, please contact Dewey Palmieri at or 212-224-3'675.
JORGE A. CHAN-LAU is a senior economist at the International
Monetary Fund and a senior fellow at the Center for Emerging Market
Enterprises at the Fletcher School, Tufts University in Washington, DC.