Modern Persian verb stems revisited.
Henderson, Michael M.T.
1. More than a decade and a half ago I described the verb
morphology of modern Persian as a six-slot string of constituents, each
slot rewritten as a pair of features or as a phonological matrix(1). I
The second section of that article listed the five large classes of verb
stems, divided according to the differences between the present and
(1) invariants, such as mandan `stay' xordan `eat'
(23 verbs(2))
(2) consonantal alternations, such as bastan/band(3)
`tie' (70 verbs)
(3) vocalic alternations, such as burdan/bar `carry'
(15 verbs)
(4) augmentative stems, in which the past stem is one
or two segments longer than the present stem,
such as danistan/dan `know' or nihuftan/nih
`wear' (18 verbs, plus the productive i-augment
(5) exceptional or suppletive verbs in which no responsible
suggestion can be made that the alternations
are rule-governed, such as bu/bas/ast
`be' and dadan/bin `see' (18 verbs).
Other members of class (5) may share one or more alternations with
members of another class, such as zududan/zida `rub off', which
shares a process with asudan/asa `rest' but has another, unique
vowel alternation earlier in the stem.
A linguist writing rules to describe linguistic phenomena such as
these is trying to account for the knowledge that native speakers of the
language have in their minds, and to do so in a manner which is
consistent with a plausible view of a child's ability to acquire
language. It is a plausible assumption, for instance, that confronted
with a reasonably large set of examples of a particular phenomenon, a
child will construct a rule which can be applied to as-yet-unheard
forms. We know that this happens, because we have examples of
children's overgeneralizations: English speaking children apply the
regular past tense formation rule (add -d, devoiced to t after voiceless
consonants, and insert [unknown character] first if the verb stem ends
in t or d) to verbs which have irregular pasts: the English-speaking
world is full of children producing forms like goed, comed, and sended.
Effors like this tell us that our rules are in fact descriptive of
rule-governed behavior. But we also write rules, such as the ten I
listed in "MPVM," which look just like the kinds of rules a
child might construct to account for a large body of data, but which in
fact account for only one or two forms. These rules are just like the
kind we could write to account for the many strong, verb alternations of
English which have remained in the language, such as [unknown character]
[left arrow] ey for the come/lcame alternation. It looks like a rule,
and it could be written with distinctive features, but a rule is
commonly accepted to mean "a description of a regularly occurring
phenomenon." Just as it takes at least three aligned trees to make
a row, it certainly takes more than one or even two examples to be a
rule-governed occurrence.
In "MPVM" (p. 384) I suggested that "a generative
grammar is written in terms of rules, but ... this does not imply that
everything the grammar describes is rule-governed behavior."
Nevertheless, the vexing question remains of how to write a description
which adequately describes the facts, as "MPVM" did, while at
the same time plausibly reflecting the kinds of knowledge a
Persian-acquiring child might have, which "MPVM" did not.(4)
In the time since the publication of that article, a new approach to the
description of morphophonology has been developed, one which helps to
deal with the welter of historical relics which makes up the Persian
verb stem system, and it is to the application of this newer model that
I shall now turn.
2. Lexical phonology. It has long been assumed that while the
regularly occurring, predictable parts of language should be described
by rule, the unpredictable parts belong in lists. Lists hold the forms
that a learner must memorize, consciously or subconsciously, since they
are not susceptible to rule formation. The list that linguists assume
exists in everyone's mind is the lexicon. This is where all the
morphemes go, at least those with semantic content,(5) and where the
particular characteristics of each morpheme are listed: its form,
grammatical category, semantic features (such as the animacy or
inanimacy of a noun, or the requirement that a verb's object be
animate, as is the case for frighten), and any other unpredictable facts
about the morpheme. Beyond these facts, it is now considered wise to put
some processes in the lexicon, processes which look for all the world
like phonological rules, but which apply in very restricted ways.
Lexical phonology holds that there are not two kinds of phonological
rules, such as the general and minor rules of "MPVM" (p. 384),
but that there are two kinds of rule application. Applications of rules
are distinguished by the domain in which they operate.(6) A rule applies
either inside the lexicon, or after the lexicon, or (in some cases) in
both domains. Here are some examples of each of these types of
application in English:
(1) Lexical application only: addition of -y to stems
such as president, current, or dormant causes
the t to be pronounced [s] (and written with a c)
as in presidency, currency, dormancy, etc. That
this is a lexical phenomenon and not a phonetic
one is shown by the fact that adding the phonologically
identical but morphologically different
[iy] to other words ending in nt does not produce
the consonant change: mint + y does not become
*mincy, and aunt + ie does not become *auncie.
(2) Post-lexical application only: purely allophonic
rules, such as aspiration of voiceless stops initially
in stressed syllables, or nasalization of
vowels before nasal consonants; and assimilation
rules such as the realization of the plural morpheme
as [s] after voiceless consonants and [z]
after voiced sounds. Since these are exceptionless,
predictable, and phonetically motivated,
they belong not in the lexicon but in the postlexical
part of the grammar.
(3) Application both in the lexicon and post-lexically:
palatalization of s before y. Race + -ial and face
+ ial are pronounced [reysel] and [feyzel], and
miss + you is (often) pronounced [misye]. Note
that when this rule is applied lexically, it is exceptionless
(no non-pedant says *[reysiyel] or
*[feysiyel]), but its post-lexical application is optional
or stylistically controlled. It is not unusual
to hear [misye], and if there is a pause between
the syllables, palatalization of [s] is definitely
3. Application to Persian verb stems. A venerable rule of consonant
assimilation and dissirnilation in Persian states that in a cluster of
two obstruents, the first must agree in voicing with the second,
moreover, if the second is a stop, the first must be or become a
This rule, which produces waxt in relaxed speech f m waqt `time'
appears to be a post-lexical rule, although it is by no means
allophonic. The past tense morpheme is [t] after obstruents (stops and
fricatives) and [d] after sonorants (vowels and all other consonants).
Any stem-final consonant appearing before this [t] will, by application
of the above rule, appear as a voiceless fricative, as in kuftan/kub
`grind' and raftan/raw `go'.(7) One of the characteristics of
post-lexical rules is that they do not have information about
word-internal information, such as the presence or absence of morpheme
boundaries. It might therefore seem that, since it applies both
word-internally and across the morpheme boundary between the stem and
the past tense marker, the rule should be applicable both lexically and
post-lexically. It appears, however, despite its having been in the
language for millennia,(8) to be a phonological rule in Persian, one
which simply applies whenever its structural description is met, without
regard to the presence or absence of morpheme boundaries or past tense
The same consonant assimilation rule applies, but with various
changes in stems ending in non-labial consonants, all of which have
shifts in their place of articulation. Examples are eighteen verbs like
amextan/amez, and a number of verbs in which the past stem ends in s but
the present stem in h.(10) The voicing assimilation and fricativization
is still attributable to the post-lexical assimilation rule, but the
changes in point and manner of articulation are definitely lexical
rules, the kind children leam some time after they have mastered the
regularly applying phonological rules.(11) These stem alternations are
historical relics and should be described with mechanisms which do not
masquerade as regular phonological rules.
The large class of denominal and deadjectival verbs,(12) formed by
the addition of i to the present stem, is a productive class. Given a
new borrowing from English such as modim `modem', Persian speakers
could construct a verb modimidan/modim `to (communicate via)
modem'. The extra syllable is added automatically, although it is
not a phonological process. That it is automatic and productive is shown
by such doublets as kustan ~ kusidan `kill'.
We thus have only two classes of verbs, down from five: (1) those
whose stem alternations are entirely predictable (invariants like kandan
`dig', augmentatives like raqsidan `dance', and
consonant-assimilation verbs like yaftan/yab `find'), and (2) those
whose alternations are so idiosyncratic as to need to be learned one at
a time. This last class includes the truly suppletive verbs such as
didan/bin `see' and the partially suppletive class, in which
"phonological-look" rules can describe the alternations, but
the form of the verbs themselves gives no clue as to which rule is to be
applied. Phonological rules apply to forms which meet their structural
description. Rules which behave otherwise are descriptive of phenomena
which are not phonological.
The advantages of the lexical phonology approach include (1)
cutting the number of verb classes of modem Persian from five to two;
(2) avoiding the necessity of marking even invariant verbs as
"exceptions" to certain rules (cf. "MPVM," 385); (3)
clearly separating, on a principled basis, those phenomena for which a
child could plausibly leam a rule from those which must be memorized
singly, and (4) allowing the use of rules to describe historical relics
- once, but no longer, rule-governed - and other oddities, without the
implication that those rules have the same status as those describing
predictable phonological phenomena.
(1) Michael M. T. Henderson, Modern Persian Verb Morphology,"
JAOS 98 (1978): 375-88, hereinafter referred to as "MPVN." (2)
The count for each class of verbs is from Haim's Shorter
Persian-English Dictionary (Tehran: Y. Beroukhim and Sons, (1963). (3)
In these examples I shall list the past stem with the infinitival suffix
-an, separated by a slash from the present stem. (4) "MPVM"
did, I still believe, give a very plausible account of the altemations
in the morphemes other than the stem of the Persian verb, even all these
years later, I see no need for revision of the rules which
"spell" the grammatical formatives. (5) Many linguists prefer
to generate grammatical formatives, such as the allomorphs of the
English plural or the Persian optative, directly, positing no underlying
form. As I showed in "MPVM," I subscribe to this view, which
is expressed well by James W. Harris in his Spanish Phonology
(Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1969), ch.3. (6) Antonia Y. Folarin,
"Lexical Phonology of Yoruba Nouns and Verbs" (PH.D. diss.,
Univ. of Kansas 1987), 15ff. (7) The w of Kabul Persian, the variety
with which I work, behaves like v in cvery way but its actual
articulation. It is pronounced [v] in Iranian Persian. (8) H.
Hubschmann, Persische Studien (Strassburg: Trubner, 1895), 114-15. (9)
There are some rules which apply only across morpheme boundaries. The
coalescence of a and i to long e in Kabul Persian is attested only when
the i is the Ezafat, so xana+i+kalan `big house' is pronounced xane
kalan. But morpheme-internal instances of ai are realized as e only
variably. See Michael M. T. Henderson, "Diglossia in Kabul Persian
Phonology," JAOS 95 (1975):651-54. (10) All of these are listed in
the appendix to "MPVM." (11) Data from children acquiring
Persian natively are lacking and, sadly, likely to remain so for some
time. It is conceivable that children may acquire a rule for some of the
most frequent consonant altemations, such as past s alternating with
present r(d). Experiments in which past tense forms were elicited from
children who were given made-up present tense verbs like *meliram could
show whether they were likely to produce an invariant such as *lirdam or
a rule-obeying *listam. (12) Not all are derivational. There seems no
reason to derive xandidan `laugh' from an underlying noun xand -
quite the opposite. The formation, distribution, and semantics of
Persian verbs have been interestingly discussed by Hassan Zand in
"Aspects of Persian Intransitive Verbs"(CPH.D. diss., Univ. of
Kansas, 1991).