Improving mathematics and science education in rural Australia: a practice report.
Whannell, Robert ; Tobias, Stephen
The importance of science to Australia was described by Professor
Ian Chubb, following his appointment as Chief Scientist in 2011, as the
value of good science to our nation and the world is colossal ...
Science has got us to where we are today--many of the good bits and
sometimes the bad; and it holds the key to our future (Chubb, 2011, p.
2). He identified a number of key foundations for the provision of a
scientifically literate Australia, including the need for educators to
inculcate the coming generations with an enthusiasm for the wonder,
beauty and endless potential of science (p. 15) and the need to support
science teachers throughout their careers.
This view of the importance of science and mathematics education to
Australia's future contrasts strongly with the reality in our
schools and universities where there has been a decline in popularity of
these areas of study over many years. This paper describes initiatives
at the University of New England (UNE) to address this challenge in
rural Australia through the implementation of innovative practices in
pre-service teacher education, including the creation of a Higher
Education Research Facility (HERF). A primary focus of these practices
and the HERF will be the development of research-based innovations in
synchronous and asynchronous online delivery of science and mathematics
education through partnerships with primary and secondary schools in
rural and remote locations. The potential for this facility to radically
change the approach taken to pre-service teacher education at the
institution and in the development of partnerships with isolated schools
to engage in and improve the provision of Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education will be proposed.
The number of students studying STEM related courses at the
secondary and tertiary level of education has been in steady decline in
recent years (Ainley, Kos, & Nicholas, 2008; Goodrum, Druhan, &
Abbs, 2011). This is associated with a significantly lower level of
interest and satisfaction by rural and remote students in the study of
these subjects when compared with students in large towns and cities
(Lyons & Quinn, 2012). The lack of interest in these fields of study
is accompanied by lower levels of mathematical and scientific literacy
in rural and remote students in Australian schools (Thomson, De Bortoli,
Nicholas, Hillman, & Buckley, 2011).
Lyons and Quinn (2010), based on a national Australian survey of
3,759 year 10 students, identify three factors at the upper secondary
level of education that contribute to the declining enrolments in senior
school science: students have difficulty in picturing themselves as
scientists; a perception of a decrease in the value of science relative
to its difficulty, and a failure of school science to engage a wide
range of students due to the nature of delivery. They also concluded
that the challenges facing secondary STEM education are not likely to
result from a decline in the level of interest in science among younger
students, nor on negative experiences of science at the primary school
level, with 92 per cent of the participants indicating that it was the
early secondary school science experiences that influenced the decision
on whether to study science at year 11 level. In a review of the
literature, Tytler (2007) describes this lack of influence of primary
school experiences of science on subsequent decisions to study science
and identifies the primary to secondary school transition as a point
where interest in studying science appears to decline sharply.
A second contributing factor to the state of STEM education in
rural and remote areas is that many secondary schools are unable to
obtain staff who are adequately qualified to teach these subjects
(Harris, Baldwin, & Jensz, 2005; Lyons, Cooksey, Panizzon, Parnell,
& Pegg, 2006; Marginson, Tytler, Freeman, & Roberts, 2013).
International studies highlight the significance of this issue as
impacting on teacher well-being (see for example Ingersoll, 1998; Steyn
& du Plessis, 2007) and the quality of educational outcomes; for
example, studies have shown that students taught by out-of-field
mathematics teachers perform below students taught by qualified teachers
(Attard, 2013; Thomson, Hillman, & Wernet, 2012).
The availability of teachers of chemistry and physics, which
require a high level of mathematics proficiency, has been identified as
a particular problem (Harris et al., 2005). This is exemplified in the
enrolments in science curriculum units at UNE where few students study
to be teachers of Physics. The issue of unqualified teachers in science
is also greater in the lower years of secondary school, where heads of
science departments in Australian schools report a much lower
satisfaction with the science qualifications of staff in this area. The
lowest satisfaction level (66.2%) was demonstrated at junior school
science level (Harris et al., 2005). It will be remembered that Lyons
and Quinn (2010) identified lower secondary school as being the point of
decision making by students to continue their study of science.
The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication
Technology, and Mathematics Education for Rural and Regional Australia
(SiMERR) national survey of science, mathematics and ICT education
(Lyons et al., 2006) established that teachers in non-metropolitan
primary and secondary schools reported a significantly higher unmet need
for their students to have access to a broad range of learning
experiences including opportunities to visit education sites, than did
their metropolitan colleagues (p. vii). This lack was particularly
identified in relation to activities suitable for gifted and talented
students who would be those most likely to engage in tertiary study in
these areas.
The literature examined presents the situation for the education of
rural school students of mathematics and science in a poor light,
particularly in relation to the junior secondary years, and presents
substantial challenges for the future. The challenges also continue at
the tertiary level of education, where the proportion of these students
relative to their urban peers has been reducing and they are
demonstrating lower retention rates (Bradley, Noonan, Nugent, &
Scales, 2008).
The UNE School of Education (SoE) currently has over 4,000
students, with 80 per cent of these students enrolled to study in the
distance mode. In 2014, the core junior secondary school mathematics
curriculum unit, EDME492, had 44 enrolments at the university census
date. The core senior secondary school mathematics unit, EDME494, had 36
enrolments. These units are offered only once per year in trimester 1.
The numbers enrolled in the core secondary science curriculum units were
approximately 50. A number of students were enrolled across both the
mathematics and science curriculum units.
The approach taken at UNE to pre-service teacher education is for
students to study teaching units that address three different elements:
* compulsory teaching units, including professional experience in
primary or secondary school;
* curriculum units that address how to teach within a discipline;
* electives.
The academics who are engaged in the delivery of the STEM related
curriculum units are allocated to one of three different teams, namely
Mathematics, Science and IT. There has historically been very little
cross disciplinary engagement between the STEM teaching teams and none
of the academics who teach in the curriculum units are involved in the
professional experience of the pre-service teachers in schools. This
situation contributes to the disconnect between theory and practice for
the pre-service teachers (Allen, 2009; Allen & Peach, 2007) and a
separation between the SoE STEM academics and the school-based
experience of students and their mentoring practicum teachers. Ramsey
(2000), in a review of teacher education in Australia, described the
importance of this relationship when he argued the need for a high level
of practical partnership between the supervising teachers and university
lecturers (p. 63).
An additional complication in relation to the research conducted is
that the academics delivering the STEM curriculum units generally engage
in research individually and in small curriculum based teams. The
research targets independent projects with little facility to engage in
cross disciplinary activity. This research is also organised on an ad
hoc basis with secondary and primary schools. This theory-practice gap
in teacher education has been previously identified (Grima-Farrell,
Long, Bentley-Williams, & Laws, 2014). The capacity to develop the
professional learning communities (Vanderlinde & Braak, 2010)
involving pre-service teachers, SoE academics and practicing school
teachers that would allow for this theory-practice gap to be bridged
appears to be lacking.
The context described up to this point for STEM education in rural
Australian schools presents challenges and associated opportunities for
Schools of Education in all universities. The literature presented
indicates the following conditions that need to be addressed to improve
the quality of rural science and mathematics education:
* Declining interest and enrolments in science and mathematics;
* declining motivation to study these subjects in the junior high
school years; and
* a lack of qualified staff.
A simple solution would appear to be the employment of well
qualified and highly skilled individuals who are able to teach STEM
subjects in a manner that would interest and engage a wide range of
students. However, the current lack of availability of qualified science
and mathematics teachers, combined with the relatively small numbers of
pre-service teachers preparing to teach in these areas indicates that
this is not a viable solution now, or in the foreseeable future. For
this reason, alternative approaches involving changes in practice need
to be adopted to provide a possible solution.
The traditional role for the School of Education at UNE has been,
firstly, to prepare pre-service teachers to enter the teaching
profession and, secondly, the conducting of educational research. There
has been very little structured overlap between these roles. There has
also been little focus on involvement in the preparation and delivery of
resources and content to school students at the secondary level of
education. Rural universities, such as UNE, include Schools of Education
with experienced and qualified science and mathematics teachers and
academics in other Schools who engage in research that is relevant to
the particular context of the physical location of that university. This
is exemplified at UNE by the UNE SMART Farm, located at Kirby, near the
university campus, where the issues of farming sustainability are being
addressed. The presence of these highly skilled educators and academics,
and the availability of science and mathematics being used in regionally
relevant contexts, provide the opportunity for institutions such as UNE
to engage much more closely with the provision of educational services
at both the content and delivery levels to schools in their catchment
area. This engagement may improve the quality of mathematics and science
education at this crucial point in a student's development and
potentially result in an increase in the number of secondary students
choosing mathematics and science programs at the tertiary level.
In an attempt to address some of the issues facing STEM education,
Australia's Chief Scientist initiated a number of projects funded
through the Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT) in 2013. Two of these
multi-institution projects, funded to a total of $1.9m, were
specifically targeted at rural and remote education and are being
conducted by the Regional Universities Network (RUN) consortium, which
includes UNE. These projects aim to provide rural and remote STEM
students with access to engaging online content via a digital classroom
and to develop the confidence and competence of pre-service teachers of
science and mathematics.
The RUN Maths and Science Digital Classroom Project
The RUN Maths and Science Digital Classroom Project provides a
learning management system (LMS) hosted in the Moodle environment, that
provides each partner university with the capacity to provide engaging,
interactive content that is based on the specific strengths of the
institution. The LMS homepage is shown in Figure 1.
The content of the LMS, written by academics from each university,
embeds the syllabus needs of the students in their local settings with
all teaching and learning materials provided. A focus on engaging,
interactive learning activities has been made, with the provision for
both synchronous and asynchronous interaction with university based
researchers. Each learning context developed is different and is
intended to focus on the particular research and teaching strength of
each university. This provides an opportunity for future students to
engage and identify with relevant local science and mathematics topics.
Content developed by UNE has focussed on particular aspects of the UNE
SMART Farm, including the remote management of livestock and sustainable
grazing practices.
The digital classroom will be introduced to over 200 science and
agriculture teachers from throughout regional and rural NSW at a teacher
professional development workshop being conducted at UNE in late June
2014. Teachers will have the opportunity to tour the UNE SMART Farm and
will be able to see the technology used to collect the data and the use
which is made of the data, once analysed, at the farm to manage
livestock grazing and ensure the sustainability of the farming
processes. Following this, participants will engage in a computer
workshop to examine the teaching and learning materials and discuss
possible classroom implementation.
The RUN It's a Part of My Life Project
The RUN, It's a Part of My Life Project, seeks to improve the
confidence and competence of preservice mathematics and science teachers
studying in regional universities. This three year project involves
pre-service teachers (PST) in a six lesson practicum experience where
lesson planning is supported by researchers and academics in
mathematics, science and education at the institution. Following lesson
delivery, PST's have the opportunity to engage with experienced
school teaching staff and university academics in a reflective process
to further develop their confidence and competence in the field. The
research focus of the project is to identify strategies that are able to
be incorporated into the curricula of pre-service teacher education
programs that will specifically support the development of confidence
and competence of the students. The findings will also be used by the
institutions to develop strategies to improve these areas for practicing
teachers of mathematics and science, particularly those teaching
The Higher Education Research Facility (HERF) being established at
UNE would leverage the institution's previous work focused on rural
and remote STEM education by its National Centre of Science, Information
and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education for Rural and
Regional Australian (SiMERR) and its current involvement in the
identified OLT projects. The facility will include a state of the art
digital STEM classroom that will provide the opportunity to address the
current issues in rural and remote STEM education at the primary and
secondary school level. The classroom will include the latest in
technology used in the teaching of science and mathematics and would be
able to be used to deliver asynchronous and synchronous content to
students and teachers in remote locations.
The digital STEM classroom will meet its obligations in research,
teaching and learning, and service by:
* Supporting primary and secondary STEM education in rural and
remote Australia via digital classroom by developing synchronous and
asynchronous interactive content specifically targeting the UNE context;
* Providing specialist support and professional development to
out-of-field STEM teachers in rural and remote schools in Australia;
* Conducting research on and identifying best practice for the
remote delivery of preservice teacher education practicum experience via
the STEM classroom. The NSW DEC has indicated its support for this and
will credit this experience.
In order to position the role of the STEM digital classroom, the
following framework will be used to contextualize the role of the HERF
within the functions of research, teaching and learning, and service
that are relevant to the core business of the university and are shown
in Figure 2.
This project has the capacity to have a substantial impact on the
SoE at UNE, the NSW Department of Education and Communities and schools
in rural and remote NSW. A successful implementation of the STEM digital
classroom within this focus could see a substantial change in practice
for the identified stakeholders, in that the UNE SoE will partner with
rural and remote schools in the research-based delivery of current, high
quality online education in the STEM disciplines. UNE, with the support
of NSW DEC schools, will also pioneer the implementation of virtual
pre-service teacher practicum experience. This practicum experience will
involve PST's located in the STEM digital classroom at UNE engaging
in accredited virtual delivery of practicum lessons to rural and remote
schools throughout NSW.
The challenges confronting STEM education in Australia,
particularly in rural and remote schools, will not be solved in the
short-term. The capacity for teacher education programs to meet the
demand for highly qualified teacher education graduates in the STEM
field has been questioned for a substantial period of time (Marginson et
al., 2013; Thomas, 2000) and this appears unlikely to change in the near
future. This situation places an onus on Schools of Education in rural
universities to look for innovative strategies to provide in-school
expertise in relation to research and content development and delivery
for STEM subjects.
This paper has described the evolution of thinking at UNE in
relation to how the problems facing STEM education in rural Australia
may be addressed. A primary motivation in this process has been the
recognition that the institution must engage more directly with
teachers, students and the learning activity in schools. The
implementation of the Higher Education Research Facility (HERF),
incorporating the digital online STEM classroom and a virtual space for
content storage, presents the opportunity for the institution to engage
with schools throughout rural Australia in a research driven change in
approach to STEM education. This approach will involve the institution
and partner schools using digital technology to bring interesting,
engaging and contextually relevant science and mathematics to rural
The opportunity now presents itself over the coming years for rural
science and mathematics education in Australia to enter a new phase of
development, where technology will provide the medium by which new
approaches to the delivery of content to rural schools can be achieved
and where teachers in rural schools, many of whom may be teaching
out-of-field, are able to access the support required to fully meet the
needs of their students.
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Robert Whannell and Stephen Tobias
School of Education, University of New England