How relevant are Australian Science curicula for rural and remote students?
Lyons, Terry ; Quinn, Frances
This paper reports findings from the Choosing Science study (Lyons
& Quinn, 2010) indicating that Australian Year 10 students in small
rural or remote areas tend to regard their science lessons as less
relevant than do students in larger towns and cities. Specifically,
those in small rural or remote schools were significantly more inclined
than their city peers to disagree that what they learned in science
classes 'helped them make sense of the world'.
They were also significantly more likely to strongly agree that
they found science lessons boring, and to strongly disagree that science
was one of the most interesting subjects. Potential explanations
discussed include a mismatch between science curriculum content and the
everyday experiences of students in these regions, the relative shortage
of experienced specialist science teachers in rural or remote areas and
a lack of opportunities to demonstrate the relevance of school science,
among others. The paper considers the implications of these findings in
relation to the Australian Science Curriculum and whether it is likely
to better address the needs of rural and remote students.
A previous paper by the authors published in this journal argued
that high school students in small rural and remote towns tend to enjoy
their science lessons significantly less than their peers in larger
towns and cities (Lyons & Quinn, 2012). This argument was based on
evidence from the national Choosing Science research project which
investigated the influences on Year 10 students' decisions about
taking science subjects in Year 11 (Lyons & Quinn, 2010). The paper
made the point that this difference was not due simply to a lower level
of enjoyment of school in general among rural and remote students, since
these students were also significantly less inclined than peers in other
locations to enjoy science relative to other subjects.
This paper complements the previous one by narrowing the focus from
regional variations in students' overall enjoyment of science
classes to variations in their perceptions of the interest and relevance
of science curricula. It reports the results of comparisons between
students in four geographic regions about whether the content they
learned in science classes helped them make sense of the world, and
whether they found it interesting. While there is no doubt some overlap
between students' views of the relevance of science lessons and
their overall enjoyment of these lessons, we argue that the former is a
more specific element contributing to the latter in that relevance
concerns the applicability of science content and skills to
students' personal values and interests.
The paper begins by providing an overview of the research landscape
in this field as a context for the study. We then introduce the Choosing
Science study, describing the relevant research questions, sample
characteristics and methodology before presenting and discussing the
associated results. We argue that these findings are important in terms
of the ongoing debate about how well an Australian Science Curriculum
will address the diversity in interests of students in different
educational and geographical contexts.
The literature identifies a number of advantages of rural education
in Australia. Vinson (2002) found that the sense of community, the level
of social capital and the role of the school in maintaining community
identity were often more positive than in larger centres. Boylan,
Sinclair, Smith, Squires, Edwards, Jacob, O'Malley and Nolan (1993)
reported that teachers in rural areas regarded the quieter, safer and
healthier lifestyles as very beneficial, particularly among those
raising children. More recently, the state and territory case studies
presented in the SiMERR National Survey (Lyons, 2006) provided
overwhelming support from teachers, parents and students for these
Nevertheless, there is also evidence that high school students in
small rural and remote towns in Australia are subject to a number of
educational disadvantages, including a higher rate of teacher turnover,
a greater proportion of first year out teachers, a greater chance of
being taught by a non-specialist teacher, and less access to non-school
resources such as museums (Harris, Jensz, & Baldwin, 2005; Lyons,
Cooksey, Panizzon, Parnell, & Pegg, 2006).
In terms of educational outcomes, a succession of PISA science
results have shown that students in these schools achieve considerably
lower results than those in more populous locations (e.g. Thomson, De
Bortoli, Nicholas, Hillman, & Buckley, 2010). Our previous paper in
this journal indicated that Year 10 students in these areas also had
poorer attitudes towards science classes, a finding consistent with
Waldrip and Fisher (1999). Aspects of these attitudes included enjoyment
of science lessons, intentions to participate further in science
learning and disposition towards scientists and science more generally.
The research on attitudes to science notes both their
multidimensional nature and the difficulty of drilling down to identify
which sub-components most contribute to the students' overall
attitudes. The Choosing Science questionnaire included multiple
questions on attitudes, including several which investigated
students' perceptions of the contribution of science lessons to
their understanding of the world and to their personal interests. The
personal relevance of science lessons to young people has been a concern
in many countries including Australia, with several key reports arguing
that students often question the relevance of what they learn and
experience in junior high school (e.g. Osborne & Dillon, 2008; OECD,
2007). Darby-Hobbs (2011) rightly highlights the 'relevance
imperative' as one of the most important themes to have emerged in
the field of science education. Indeed, the 2006 PISA study included
additional questions specifically addressing this imperative. That study
found that 74 per cent of 15 year old Australian students agreed science
helped them understand the things around them, though only 55 per cent
agreed that science was very relevant to them (Thomson & De Bortoli,
2008). Unfortunately there was no breakdown of these statistics by
geographical location and hence no indication as to whether students
learning science in different locations find it equally relevant.
The Choosing Science study explored a range of influences on Year
10 (15-16 year old) students' decisions about whether to take
science subjects in Year 11. This report concerns three items
investigating students' views on tire relevance and benefit of
their science lessons:
* "What I learn in science helps me to make sense of the
* "Science lessons bore me"
* "Science is one of the most interesting subjects"
The first item was included in the survey as it was thought to
encapsulate the primary purpose of science education--understanding the
physical world. The second and third items come from Fraser's
(1978) Test of Science Related Attitudes (TOSRA). The principal reason
for using the TOSRA instrument was to enable comparisons between the
attitudes of contemporary students and those of Fraser's 1977
cohort. Results of this comparison are published elsewhere. TOSRA
measured students' agreement with a range of dispositions towards
science, including the interest and relevance of school science. The
TOSRA scale has been validated many times and shown to be robust
(Blalock, Lichtenstein, Owen, Pruski, Marshall, & Topperwein, 2008)
with high levels of scale reliability. Students responded to the three
items via a five point Likert-type format with the following options:
Strongly disagree (1), Disagree (2), Unsure (3), Agree (4) and Strongly
agree (5).
Sample Characteristics
The Choosing Science cohort comprised Year 10 students intending to
progress to Year 11. The final sample of 3759 students attended 200
schools selected for state/territory and sector representation and for
geographical location. School locations were allocated to the four
categories listed in Table 1.
Close to half the students attended capital city schools, while
about 12.5 per cent were from small rural or remote areas. Around 24 per
cent of respondents (N=908) had decided not to take any science in Year
11. Further details of the sample composition can be found in the full
Choosing Science report (Lyons & Quinn, 2010).
The analyses for this report consisted of chi-square contingency
table tests employing a level of significance of p<0.001 and a
minimum reportable effect size of 0.06. According to Cohen (1988, in
Gravetter & Wallnau, 2005) this corresponds to a small effect size
in tables where the variable with the smaller number of categories has
three degrees of freedom, which is the case for all analyses reported
here. Students' agreement responses on each item were
cross-tabulated with school location. Patterns of difference were
analysed using chi-square contingency table tests. Where significant
chi-square relationships were observed, adjusted standardised residuals
(ASRs) were used to evaluate the sources of the differences. ASRs
greater than +3.30 or less than -3.30 indicate (at 99.9 per cent
probability level) that individual cell counts are significantly
different to those expected if there was no association between the
variables. In this paper significant results will be reported as
footnotes showing chi-square statistics, Cramer's V effect sizes
and absolute values of the ASRs of unexpected cell counts.
Making Sense of the World
Overall, about 63 per cent of the Choosing Science cohort agreed
that school science helped them make sense of the world while about 16
per cent did not agree. Boys were significantly more inclined than girls
to agree with this statement. Figure 1 compares the ratings of
respondents in the four location categories.
Contingency table analysis revealed a significant association
between geographic location and agreement with this item (1). The
association was primarily due to significantly more students than
expected from small rural and remote towns disagreeing that what they
learned helped them make sense of the world, and significantly more than
expected students from capital cities strongly agreeing that this was
the case. The Effect size of this association was small.
Interest in Science Lessons
Two TOSRA items related to the relevance and interest of science
lessons. The first sought students' agreement with the statement
'Science lessons bore me'. Since it was likely that responses
to this might be coloured by students' views on school more
generally, a second question explored the level of interest relative to
other subjects: 'Science is one of the most interesting school
Figure 2 compares the ratings on agreement with the first item by
students in difference geographical regions. The figure shows that
around 45 per cent of students in small rural and remote towns agreed
that they were bored by science lessons. This compares to 34 per cent of
respondents from rural cities/large towns, and around 30 per cent of
respondents from the two most populous regions. Contingency table
analysis revealed a significant association between geographic location
and agreement with this item (2). The association was due primarily to
significantly fewer students than expected from small rural and remote
towns disagreeing that science lessons bored them and significantly more
strongly agreeing that this was the case. The Effect size of this
association was small.
Figure 3 compares the ratings of respondents in different regions
on the item "science is one of the most interesting school
subjects". The figure shows that only a third of those in small
rural and remote towns agreed with this statement, and 46 per cent
disagreed. Of these, more than 21 per cent strongly disagreed, about
twice the proportion of those in the large cities.
Contingency table analysis revealed a significant association
between geographic location and agreement with this item (3). The
association was primarily due to significantly more students than
expected from small rural and remote towns strongly disagreeing that
science was one of the most interesting subjects, and fewer than
expected agreeing that this was the case. In contrast, significantly
more than expected students from capital cities agreed that science was
one of the most interesting subjects. The effect size of this
association was small.
In concert, these results indicate that Year 10 students in small
rural and remote schools tend to see less relevance and meaning in their
school science lessons than do their city cousins. While the Choosing
Science study did not explore individual explanations further to
determine why this might be the case, the literature in this field
offers a number of potential explanations.
The first of these may be the relative lack of qualified and
experienced science teachers in small rural and remote schools. Previous
studies (Harris et al., 2005; Lyons et al., 2006) reported that the
demand for science teachers in such regions is significantly higher than
in larger towns and cities, and that teachers are more often required to
teach out of field. Hence science is often taught by teachers lacking
the requisite discipline background and pedagogical content knowledge.
Further, due to the higher rates of teacher attrition in small
rural/remote schools, students' experiences of science are more
likely to be affected by high turnover and teacher inexperience.
Research shows that inexperienced and diffident teachers tend to rely
more on textbook-based learning and undertake less practical work,
leading to a less engaging and contextualised learning experience (e.g.
Roehrig & Luft, 2004; Tobin & Garnett, 1988).
Second, it may be the case that students in small rural and remote
schools have less access than their city peers to out-of-school
experiences showing the relevance of science, for example, museums and
outreach science opportunities. Lyons et al. (2006) found that science
teachers in rural and remote areas were significantly more inclined than
those in urban schools to perceive an unmet need for their students to
visit non-school educational sites. The teachers' qualitative
responses identified distance, time required and the lack of substitute
teachers to cover other classes as the chief reasons for this lack of
opportunity. However the degree to which this contributed to the
perceived lack of relevance can only be speculated upon.
A third possibility is the applicability of the typical science
syllabus to young people in rural and remote regions. We have argued
previously (Lyons & Quinn, 2012) that the more academic nature of
Year 10 syllabuses favour students who intend taking science at the
senior secondary and university levels. Alloway, Gilbert, Gilbert and
Muspratt (2004) argued that many students in small rural and remote
schools are less inclined than their city cousins to aspire to
university study and hence do not consider the Year 10 curriculum as
This third possibility has implications for the implementation of
the Australian Science Curriculum. Given the centralisation of its
development, the uniformity of its design and the focus on content, if
adopted without modification by local curriculum authorities there is a
real risk that it will not allow the level of flexibility some locally
developed state and territory syllabuses have had to cater for student
diversity, including the needs and interests of rural and remote
students. This was shown by Drummond, Halsey and van Breda (2010, p. 5)
to be a concern of rural teachers worried that the content-focused
nature of the curriculum would reduce their capacity to design learning
opportunities that are responsive to local issues and interests. A few
education authorities seem to have taken such concerns on board--for
example Education Queensland intends to implement the curriculum with
reference to that state's Action Plan for Rural and Remote
Education 2011-2015. However, this requirement to address geo-social
diversity is absent from the Shape of the Australian Curriculum v.3
(ACARA, 2012) document (indeed the terms rural and remote are not
mentioned at all in this document) and so may not find its way into
state and territory requirements.
Evidence reported here and in our previous paper reinforces the
needs for ACARA and other education authorities to correct this
oversight so that teachers are explicitly encouraged to recognise and
cater for the interests of rural and remote students the design of
science curricula. Further, given the aforementioned teacher supply and
attrition problems we also recommend that these bodies recognise the
additional needs of teachers in small rural and remote schools for
resources, support and professional development to help them better
engage their students in learning science.
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(1) [chi square] (12) = 48.03; p<0.001; Cramer's V = 0.065,
ASR 3.7
(2) [chi square] (12) = 44.34; p<0.001; Cramer's V = 0.063,
ASR 3.7
(3) [chi square] (12) = 55.91; p<0.001; Cramer's V = 0.070,
ASR 5.4
University of New England
Armidale, NSW
Table 1: Breakdown of Choosing Science respondents by sex and
geographical location.
Girls Boys
Location Category count per cent count per cent
Capital city 863 23 878 23.4
Large non-capital city 387 10.3 323 8.6
Rural city/large town 482 12.8 355 9.4
Small rural/remote town 262 7 209 5.6
Total 1994 53 1765 47
Location Category count per cent
Capital city 1741 46.3
Large non-capital city 710 18.9
Rural city/large town 837 22.3
Small rural/remote town 471 12.5
Total 3759 100