A quadripolar epistemic proposition of entrepreneurship construct/Uma proposicao epistemica quadripolar do constructo empreendedorismo/Una propuesta epistemica cuadripolar del constructo empreendedorismo.
Moraes, Joysi ; Mariano, Sandra R.H. ; Mancebo, Rafael Cuba 等
The growing interest for subjects related to entrepreneurship, in
its most diverse perspectives, began to take form in the scope of the
Administration studies at the end of the 90's, more specifically in
1999, with the publication of two articles: "Tendencias do
comportamento gerencial da mulher empreendedora" (The Tendencies of
the Behavioral Management of the Entrepreneurial Woman), which was the
outcome of a Ph.D thesis from a Production Engineering's student
and "Validando um instrumento de medidas de comprometimento: uma
proposta empreendedora voltada para as dimensoes academica e
empresarial" (Validating an Instrument of Commitment Measures: An
Enterprising Proposal Focused on the Academic and Business Dimensions).
This last one, in reality, as designated by the authors themselves, is
about "presenting a global evaluation questionnaire on the
practices of human resources of companies and the level of the
organizational commitment of its members, with the intention of
contributing to the development of research on these subjects. "
(Bandeira; Marques; Veiga, 1999: p. 12). Only the articles available in
the National Association of the Graduate Programs and Research
Administration ("ANPAD --from the Portuguese") from 1997 were
Since then, a debate has been observed about the viability of the
topics allegedly related to entrepreneurship, theoretical-methodological
as well as epistemological and morphological in the field of
Administration. An ill-advised raid in the first part of the debate of
the Administration studies in Brazil, the annals of the Meeting of the
National Association of the Graduate Programs and Research
Administration (EnANPADS), can cause certain anxiety to the researcher,
because a Chimera is presented. A figure of the Greek mythology with
three heads (a goat, a lion, and a dragon) with a body of a lion and a
serpent's tail. This is in the most visually artistic version
(FRANCHINI; SEGANFREDO, 2003). At least today, the image illustrates the
entrepreneurship's construct and its perspectives.
In this sense, the objective of the research exposed in this
article is to present how entrepreneurship has been constructed in the
studies of Administration. This is presented based on the Bruyne, et al.
(1977) proposition, about the "four poles of the methodological
practice, " i.e. the epistemic quadripolar proposition. In
particular, how this construct has been forming in an epistemological,
morphological, theoretical, and technical manner.
For that intent, a priori, a bibliometric analysis was carried out
from a survey of articles published in events tied to the National
Association of Graduate Programs and Research in Administration. This
method involves a set of procedures, laws, and principles that, applied
to mathematical and statistical procedures, allow the researcher to map
out the given scientific production using documents with similar
properties (ARAUJO, 2006; MACIAS-CHAPULA, 1998), which in this case are
defined by the entrepreneurial theme. Following, the content analysis of
the material collected was conducted. According to Bardin (2006:38), the
content analysis consists of "a set of techniques of
communications' analysis that uses systematic and objective
procedures of the description of the messages ' content. Its main
purpose is to improve the readings of selected texts. The articles can
be handled to search for answers to the research questions, making it
possible to identify what certain researchers affirm and discuss about
the theme under study (VERGARA, 2005). Finally, the content analysis
allows identifying how the subject at hand has been configured
considering each pole: epistemological, morphological, theoretical, and
The research presentation in this article is as follows: initially,
it describes the perspectives on entrepreneurship, mainly, the state of
the art of entrepreneurship. Following that, the poles of the
methodological practice which compose the Bruyne Epistemic Quadripolar
Proposal (BRUYNE et al. 1977) are presented, namely: the
epistemological, the theoretical, the morphological, and the technical
poles. In sequence, the methodology used to carry out the survey and the
analysis of the articles catalogued, the results obtained with their
respective analysis are presented and, finally, some final
considerations are drawn out, indicating the references used throughout
the text.
Brockhaus (1994:25) says that entrepreneurship research was
originally developed by economists who presented the role of the
entrepreneur in economic growth and innovation (SCHUMPETER, 1934;
BAUMOL, 1968). Early research was primarily prescriptive as writers
offered their evaluation of and practical suggestions for the
entrepreneurial processes based upon their observation of small business
owners (HORNADAY, 1982).
According to Morris, Lewis & Sexton (1994:22), "early
definitions, which were formulated principally by economists, tended to
emphasize assumption of risk, supply of financial capital, arbitrage,
and coordination of the factors of production. The entrepreneur was
clearly involved in the initiation of a business". But, Hisrich and
Peters (1992) claim that the prevalent tendency has been to associate
entrepreneurship with small business start-up and management. As such,
the entrepreneur is viewed as someone who assumes the social,
psychological, and financial risks necessary to start and run a small
Entrepreneurship is a process that can be conceptualized as
involving inputs and outputs. It is defined by activities such as
starting new ventures, innovating, pursuing opportunities, taking risks
and managing and creating value. Using the input-output perspective,
entrepreneurship uses opportunity, proactive individuals, an
organization, risks, resources and innovation as inputs toward the
outputs of a new enterprise, value, products, profits and growth.
Entrepreneurship also involves the attitudinal factor of willingness and
the behavioral factor of process activities (MORRIS, LEWIS & SEXTON,
Accordingly, Stevenson, Roberts & Grousbeck (1985) defined
entrepreneurship as "the process of creating value by bringing
together unique combinations of resources to exploit an
opportunity". As perceived by North Americans, according to Kent,
Sexton & Vesper (1982) and Sexton and Smilor (1986), that scholars
are attracted to entrepreneurship research in order to understand: 1.
Macrostructural factors shaping the new economy; 2. The nature of firms
in the new economy; 3. Innovation and technology transfer; 4. The
process of venturing; and 5. The growth strategies of the entrepreneurs
who are the driving force of the new economy.
And the entrepreneurial sector is understood "as a relatively
small subset of the small business sector. It is estimated that as few
as 10 per cent of the firms in the USA generate over 90 per cent of the
new jobs, as well as a disproportionate amount of the net increases in
income, wealth, and tax revenue created in a given year" (MORRIS;
PITT & BERTHON, 2012:61).
However, the current theme among entrepreneurship scholars is about
the legitimacy of entrepreneurship as a field of study. Mainly, because,
in recent years, we have seen an extraordinary proliferation of
entrepreneurship and small business courses and programs in colleges and
universities worldwide (SOLOMON, 2006).
From its origins until today, entrepreneurship research and
teaching has met many important milestones. Some of them include: the
first course offering in entrepreneurship at Harvard Business School by
Myles Mace in 1947, the first conference on small businesses at St
Gallen University in Switzerland in 1948, the first academic conference
on entrepreneurship research at Purdue in 1970, the formation of the
Entrepreneurship Interest Group at the Academy of Management in 1974,
and finally achieved full status as the Entrepreneurship Division of the
Academy of Management in 1987 (Sanchez, 2011). Today, there are multiple
journals dedicated to entrepreneurship (i.e. Entrepreneurship: Theory
and Practice, Journal of Small Business Management, International Small
Business Journal, Small Business Economics, and The Journal of Business
Venturing) (HERIOT et al., 2014:5).
More recently, Lumpkin (2011) encourages us to "move on and
declare victory" in the battle to establish entrepreneurship as a
legitimate field of study. He suggests that we focus our attention to
the impact of entrepreneurship research. This includes applying the
unique knowledge gained from entrepreneurship research to help us better
understand phenomenon outside this domain. It is also important to use
the context of entrepreneurship to better understand individual and
organizational decisions and strategic actions.
According to Heriot et al. (2014:8), Lumpkin (2011) implores us as
researchers to think of ourselves as leaders rather than followers who
are simply trying to test current management theories. They claim that
entrepreneurship may not be considered legitimate due to the limited
academic credentials of the instructors assigned to teach in some
courses. In addition, the authors state that there is a clear
implication from these results that entrepreneurship as an academic
field of study contrasts greatly from other disciplines and emphasize
that researchers demonstrate a focus on the practical activities rather
than scholarly activities among the participants as measured by research
As we can realize, there is already a discussion on the state of
the art of entrepreneurship in the world. In this sense, our proposal is
to check the state of the art of entrepreneurship in Brazil, from a
bibliometric analysis in the published articles on the events linked to
the National Association of Graduate and Research Programs in
Administration (ANPAD).
Before starting with the epistemic quadripolar proposition itself,
it is necessary to place it in the societal environment of the research.
That means, an environment formed by fields that influence the research
in a way that makes it easier or limit the methodological choices of the
researcher. There are four fields of diverse nature and importance and
their influence is specific to each particular context of research. They
are: the field of social demand, the field of axiology, the field of
doxology, and the field of epistemology. This last one is what we
examined in this article trying to understand the state of the art in
the field of entrepreneurship.
On the field of social demand, one can be sure that all scientific
production brings the mark of the social demand to which it responds to.
As for being the researcher a member of a particular society, his/her
activity is allowed and/or is legitimized, in a sense, by the
sociocultural system of this society. Therefore, the social demand of a
research or its financing, for example, can introduce normative or
exclusively pragmatic intentions that deviates the process of
objectifying the research (Bruyne et al., 1977).
The field of axiology, according to Bruyne et al. (1977), is the
field of social and individual values that constrain the scientific
research. It is considered here, the interests of the researcher because
they can influence and guide the research, the judgment of personal
values of the researcher and the cultural values inherent to society to
which the researcher belongs to, as these also impose certain choices of
problematic issues and of subjects.
As for the field of doxology, Bruyne et al. (1977:33) highlighted
that "it is the non-systematized field of knowledge, of language
and of the evidences of everyday practice, where the scientific practice
should precisely strive to extract their specific problem areas. The
field of doxology is the support and product of the common language, of
the empirical practices", but it can also create in the researcher
a certainty, at least nebulous, about the investigated reality. In this
sense, the researcher should seek to immerse in a social phenomena.
The epistemic field, "is the field of scientific knowledge
that has reached a certain degree of recognized objectivity: the status
of the theories, the status of the epistemological reflection, the
status of methodology, and the status of the research techniques"
(BRUYNE et al., 1977:34). This field, "from a methodological point
of view, is conceived as the articulation of different instances, of
different poles that determine a space in which the research is
presented as being caught in a force field, subjected to certain flows
and certain internal demands" (BRUYNE et al., 1977). These
instances or these poles do not constitute separate moments of a
research, but particular aspects of the same reality of the production
of speech and scientific practices.
These are the poles that make up the methodological quadripolar
space proposed by Bruyne et al. (1977). The authors distinguish four
methodological poles in the field of scientific practices:
epistemological, theoretical, morphological, and technical. These four
poles define a methodological field, ensure the research practices are
scientific, and mainly, allow the development of a certain epistemic
The graphic representation of the methodological quadripolar space
that contributes to the structure and the strengthening of a specific
epistemic field is represented in Figure 1.
First, it is necessary to distinguish two functions of
epistemology: as meta-science, that reflects on the principles,
fundamentals, and validity of science, and with a meta-scientific
character, the epistemological work also reveals an intra-scientific
character and as such, represents an intrinsic pole to the scientific
The epistemology also perceived like that, as an essential pole of
research, situates as both logic of discovery as well as logic of proof,
since the way of the production of knowledge is of its interest as much
as the validation procedures. "And so, the nature of the
epistemological pole is the use of the methodological approach, the pole
considered to be an internal engine, mandatory in the researcher's
investigation, who consciously or not, raises epistemological questions
because they can help to solve practical problems and acquire valid
theoretical solutions" (BRUYNE et al., 1977:44).
In this case, the authors point out that the researchers have to be
attentive to the internal epistemological principles. In other words,
"the object and the scientific problem, the real object, the
perceived object, and the constructed object, therefore the
epistemological rupture and the genesis of theorizing. "
Understanding that the "object of science is a system of relations
explicitly built and is opposed to the object pre-built by
perception." The perceived object is the one that spontaneously
appears as 'real. ' However, we must recognize that the
perceived object is not the entire reality. The constructed object, in
turn, is a specific translation, conceptual real, it is an object built
by explicit methods. It is the scientific object built over the course
of objectification, conceptualization, formalization, and structure. The
epistemological rupture is what consecrates the distancing always
reinitiated of the scientific object before the objects of common sense,
pre-concepts, myths, and ideologies (BRUYNE et al., 1977:49-52). The
genesis of theorizing, in turn, as the source of the theoretical
formulations, should be sought at the epistemological level, and for
this purpose, the concern with the methodological framework that
composes the epistemic field. "Different origins are proposed for
the conceptualization. Among these, big, discursive processes will be
found in between the lines: phenomenology, dialectic,
hypothetical-deductive logic, and quantification" (BRUYNE et al.,
1977:53). It was chosen not to describe each of these cases due to the
limitations of space and to the concern that an undue explanation could
cause inappropriate cuts and misunderstandings.
It is important to highlight that the epistemological pole carries
out a function of critical vigilance. Throughout the entire research,
the epistemological pole is the guarantee of objectification, the
production of the object of research, and it also defines the rules of
production of scientific knowledge such as the rules of explanation,
understanding, validation, etc. It commits to continuously renew the
rupture between the scientific objects and those of common sense. That
is why the epistemological pole has a range of discursive processes in
its orbit of very general methods, which with its logic penetrate the
researcher. Remembering that these processes are not mutually exclusive.
In fact, some can even be almost omnipresent, while others may only
appear in specific researches (BRUYNE et al., 1977:35).
Bruyne et al. (1977:101) recall that in the social sciences, the
theory is not a luxury for the researcher. It is much more than a
necessity because without theory there is no science. "The theory,
a way of scientific knowledge, is immanent to all of the pertinent
observation. It is its condition of possibilities, a necessary
condition, and the rupture of the pre-scientific explanations of the
social norm. Thus, the progress of the research and of the theoretical
work is not only parallel but also inseparable."
The theory is the researcher's artifact. It belongs to the
symbolic order and is formulated in a symbolic language, built
especially for that. The theory defines the language of the field. To
refuse the theoretical structure is to condemn someone to deal with the
shares of 'evidences ' with no relations between them.
Therefore, the theory should be an integrated system of propositions
with logical relations between them. A substantial change in the
formulation of an important proposition of the system has logical
consequences for the formulation of others (BRUYNE et al., 1977).
According to the authors, the construction of concepts and
theories, is guided by frameworks of references, when assembling the
methodology, proposes to regroup under four 'original,
disciplinary' baselines; the main paradigms of these school of
thought that bring together the highest methodological convictions.
These are the main frames of reference: positivity, comprehension,
functionalism, and structuralism.
The characteristic of the framework of positivist reference in the
social sciences is the research through the observation of test data and
of the general laws that rule the social phenomena. The constancy or
regularity of the observed phenomena leads to the generalization that
comes from them, that is, the development of positive laws. The
comprehension framework, or the comprehensive approach, aims to gather
and explain the meaning of both the individual and collective social
activity, as the realization of an intention. In that case, the goal of
the comprehensive approach is to display the internal meaning of
behavior. Meanwhile, the functionalist framework, endorses an all
encompassing and systemic view from the beginning, in front of social
facts, each one is encompassed in an integrated set of teleological
nature. Thus, the functionalism investigates the durable forms of the
social and cultural life, the outcome of an institutionalization: the
roles, the organizations, the standards, etc. On the other hand, the
structuralist framework has value and interest insofar as is defined as
a method, which tends to explicitly highlight at the beginning, the
research problems from the perspective of the method, and it is thought
as an 'activity In this case, there are multiple structuralist
activities: ethnology, language analysis, rhetoric, literary, etc. From
an epistemological point of view, the structuralism presents itself as
an analysis immanent of its objects of investigation (BRUYNE et al.,
Finally, the theoretical pole guides the development of hypotheses
and the construction of concepts. It is directly linked to the poles of
the analysis framework (morphological) that result on the reference
framework. It is the place of the systematic formulation of scientific
objects. It is in the theoretical pole that suggests rules of
interpretation of the facts, specification and defining solutions to
problems given provisionally. It is consequently, the place of
developing the scientific languages, where the movement of
conceptualization is determined; where the 'reference
frameworks' which also guides the theoretical construction of the
field are built (BRUYNE et al., 1977:35).
The morphological pole or the analysis framework refers to rules of
structuring, forming, constructing or training the scientific object, by
means of models, copies or simulation of real problems. "If the
theory is the place to formulate the problems, the morphological pole is
the place of their objectification. This pole represents the
organization plan of the phenomena, the ways of articulating the
theoretical expression of the research problems (BRUYNE et al.,
In the social sciences, according to Bruyne et al. (1977), four
main frames of analysis realize, each one in its own way, the
methodological functions of the morphological pole: typologies, the
types of ideas, the systems, and the structure models.
Typology is an analytical conceptual structure that should not be
considered just a theory. Although, the goal of the typology and the
systematic classification is the conceptual elaboration, the
purification and greater precision of concepts. The "type"
realizes the integration of discreet elements into a coherent unit
being, therefore, the taxonomy of the integration of discreet series in
a continue order. The biggest advantage of a typological frame is that
it allows the application of a method of comparison, as well as for the
construction of a scientific discourse on a ranking system that allows
you to group the phenomena into logical categories according to the
criteria that define them (BRUYNE et al., 1977:175-180).
The ideal types consist of purely experimental procedures that the
researcher creates voluntarily and arbitrarily according to requirements
of the investigation. The goal of the ideal type is not to gather a
census of all the determination of a phenomenon. An ideal type is used
so that the researcher may classify certain phenomena in some
categories, but never exhausting them. On the other hand, the systematic
analysis framework recognizes in any set of problems of a research the
prevalence of the total over the parties. Consequently, it addresses its
objects in a consistent and globalizing form of a network of
relationships. The models and structures, as morphological components of
the research, allow performing a clear and imperative manner the
structural use of the methods. It is the study of social relations with
the help of the suggested methods (BRUYNE et al., 1977:180-189).
In other words, the morphological pole raises several modalities of
analysis framework. It dictates the architectural configuration of the
object and sets the rules for the creation and structure of the
scientific object with the fundamentals based on analogies. It also
establishes a relationship between its elements, giving it a specific
configuration and define casual relationships or of symmetry. Lastly, it
defines the relationship between the variables of the research. It is
worth emphasizing that the various forms of developed configuration, in
most cases, engage the research into mutually exclusive options. This is
because the casualty is designed in a particular way in each analysis
The technical pole is related to the collection of data, trying to
observe and confront them with the theory that created them. They have
in their vicinity individual methods of investigation, such as case
studies, comparative studies, experimentals, and simulations. These
research methods indicate practical options by which the researchers
choose a kind of look, meeting the empirical facts (BRUYNE et al.,
This pole, according to Bruyne et al. (1977, p. 201), has the
function of defining the facts in significant systems, with protocols of
the experimental discovery of these empirical data. "Thus, the
research, in its technical pole, will gather the data in terms of which
it will formulate its facts. The logical form of these data will be of
singular existential enunciation affirming observable events,
inter-subjectively controllable, either directly (perceptible) or
indirectly (inferable)."
It is important to remember that to join the status of
"fact," the data collected should be relevant to the precise
theoretical hypotheses, in other words, they should make a statement or
confirmation of these hypotheses. Finally, it must verify or falsify the
theoretical systems in which these particular hypotheses are included.
Therefore, "the scientific facts are achieved, built, determined,
and their nature is instrumented by the techniques that they collected
and made significant by the theoretical systems that produced or
received them" (BRUYNE et al., 1977:203).
In any case, the technical pole is related to the demand of
testability, the definition of the methods the researcher meets the
empirical facts, how to deal with them, and to compare the data with the
theories that raised them, since scientific research is constructed
through references to the world of events (BRUYNE et al., 1977).
Finally, it should be emphasized that the dialectic interaction of
those different poles forms the set of methodological practices. Also,
this is a design that introduces a "typological and not a
chronological model" of the research that is infinitely varied in
time and space. It moves through the methodological field, more or less,
in an explicit manner through every step of its practice (BRUYNE et al.,
With the purpose of identifying how the academic research that
addresses topics related to entrepreneurship in Brazil is configured,
especially in the Administration's field of study, the methodology
used was the bibliometric analysis. This method involves a set of
procedures, laws, and principles that applied to mathematical and
statistical procedures, enable the researcher to map out certain
scientific production using documents with similar properties (ARAUJO,
2006; MACIAS-CHAPULA, 1998), which in this case are defined by the
entrepreneurial theme. This kind of approach is nothing new in the
Administration's field of studies; on the contrary, it is
increasingly exploited and used by researchers. Therefore, a decision
was made not to describe it in full details.
However, it is important to emphasize that for the bibliometric
analysis, a survey of the articles published in events linked to the
National Association of Graduate Programs in the Administration (ANPAD)
was done due to the quantity of articles found in its repository. The
research considered the period from 1997 when all articles of the
"EnANPAD" were made digitally available until 2014. It is both
a quantitative and qualitative study because it is characterized by the
exploratory approach, followed by the content analysis of the articles
According to Bardin (2006:86), the content analysis consists of
"a set of techniques of communications' analysis that uses
systematic procedures and an objective description of the messages
' content." Its main purpose is to improve the readings of
selected texts. The articles can be handled to search for answers to the
research questions, making it possible to identify what certain
researchers affirm and discuss about the theme under study (Vergara,
Undoubtedly, there was a need to interpret what the researchers of
the area have been reporting over time. The methodology used for the
interpretation of the texts was developed by Bardin (2006) and is
structured in three stages: pre-analysis, exploration of the material,
and processing the results, of which are also part of the inference and
the interpretation. In the pre-analysis stage, the material is organized
with the objective of making it operational, systematizing the original
ideas. In this step, there is a superficial reading of the collected
texts to better understand them. After this first reading, the texts to
be selected should be those that address the theme to be analyzed.
Hereinafter, already with the definition of the articles, the researcher
must define the categories of analysis and draft indicators that can be
identified in the analyzed documents (Bardin, 2006).
The second stage of the research, the exploration of the material,
consists in the dedicated and attentive reading of the texts that will
be analyzed in the light of previously defined categories. The two types
of the categories of the analysis are quantitative and qualitative. The
quantitative indicators show the quantity of texts published in each
year and also per each "ANPAD" event, the type of research and
the central topic addressed. By reading the articles it is also possible
to identify the origin of the researchers, the Higher Education
Institutions (HEI) to which they are bound, and the organizations in
which the empirical studies were carried out. The in-depth reading also
leads to the understanding of the objects and subjects of the research,
of the methodologies used the theoretical structures, and several
others. It also it makes possible to recognize the worries and the
concerns of the researchers in the area.
In the third stage of the study, the fundamental information for
analysis is highlighted, culminating in the inferential interpretations.
It is the moment of the reflective and critical analysis and the content
analysis point of culmination. Also, segments of the texts analyzed are
highlighted, which can be a representative of the contemplated contents
(Bardin, 2006).
In this article, as the analysis is presented, each stage is
explained, starting with the criteria for the selection of articles that
lead to the subsequent analyses.
The survey conducted aimed to identify the articles related to the
subject of entrepreneurship which are available in the repository of the
National Association of Research and Graduate Studies in Administration
(ANPAD), making them fully available to its members.
There were 209 articles identified by the word
"entrepreneurship." 482 articles, including the previous 209,
with the word "entrepreneur". Afterwards, the term
"enterprise" was used (without the "e" at the end)
in order not to lose any article that at least uses that terminology.
543 articles were found, including those previously found. To avoid
mistakes, a download of all articles listed was made, archiving them in
a folder. Only five (5) articles, although listed, were not found in the
ANPAD's database. However, these were recovered in the CDs that
were delivered to the participants of the annual meeting of the
In phase two, the selected articles were grouped by year and by
event of the ANPAD. During a period of almost eight months, a systematic
reading, attentive to each one of the articles, was conducted. The
following main data was registered: title, the central theme, the year,
the means of publication, the authors' name, the authors'
origin (the institution to which they are bound), the types of research
and strategies used, the type of data collection, the type of
organization where the research was conducted, when it was the case, and
the main authors used as a reference in the body of the article.
In phase three, the articles were analyzed more carefully in a way
that the approach favored by the work could be identified and, finally,
introduced into a form with the main results and conclusions highlighted
in each article. It is worth mentioning that, due to space limitation,
only the most relevant results are presented in this article and not all
of them are showed graphically.
Table 1 shows the amount of work on the topic grouped by year and
by the event of the ANPAD. The first articles on the subject were only
published after 1999, noting that only articles published after 1997 are
available on ANPAD s website.
As already stated at the beginning of this paper, one of the first
two articles configures on itself, as per its denomination, "an
entrepreneurial proposal focused on the academic and entrepreneurial
dimensions." Its goal was to validate an instrument to measure the
commitment of the organizations. The other article, "Tendencies of
the Managerial Behavior of the Entrepreneur Woman," is the result
of a doctoral thesis of a Production Engineering student. There was
reference to classic authors used as references in theoretical articles
that deal with the topic of entrepreneurship.
In the following year, in 2000, no papers about the theme were
presented on the biggest event, the EnANPAD. However, in the first
edition of the Meetings on Organizational of Studies (EnEO), there is an
article called "Teaching in the Area of Organizations: A
Multidimensional Proposal for Education and Formation of Entrepreneurs
for Small and Medium-sized Businesses." It discusses including
approaches related to organization studies to entrepreneurship studies
in order to obtain an integrated and multidimensional model of
entrepreneurial training, suitable for small and medium-sized
businesses. It is important to emphasize that in the six editions of the
EnEO, from 2000 to 2010, there were a total of 19 articles presented.
Specifically from this area, comes some of the biggest criticism of
entrepreneurship, by registering it as a practice and a tool of
capitalism. At the same time, the articles have some of the
contributions that are most relevant for the construction, particularly
in the morphological and theoretical poles.
In 2001, four articles were presented, all in "EnANPAD",
where the interest of researchers on the issue of entrepreneurial
behavior has already been noted. The authors still show little concern
about the theoretical framework that supports this kind of study, since
theories of entrepreneurial behavior are not even mentioned. The
researchers were more focused on research methods and results,
therefore, with a greater focus on the technical pole.
In 2002, there were only six articles and between these, two are
highlighted for different reasons, but they already insinuate the
hegemonic path taken by researchers of the area. The first one is an
article that makes an analysis of the disciplines of entrepreneurship in
the curriculum of undergraduate and graduate courses of Administration
in North American Universities. In general, it deals with the
enterprising education in those universities without doing a comparative
analysis, with at least, a Brazilian university or, even with what is
observed in Brazil in general. The second one is an article that
analyzes the behavior of Brazilian entrepreneurs using a research tool
produced in another country and that is not yet tested in Brazil. This
leads to rather confusing results which do not cooperate with the
understanding of the profile of the national entrepreneur, and neither
with the development of the theoretical pole. It begins to mark a wide
range of publications that highlight the technical pole.
In 2003, with the development of a field called
"Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Behavior," there
were 23 articles in "EnANPAD " and four in the first edition
of the Meetings for Strategy Studies ("3Es"), also dedicating
an area to the studies of "Strategy and Entrepreneurship. " In
general, the articles discuss about the profile, the behavior, and the
entrepreneurial motivations. At the same time, articles that describe
the history and the trajectory of the Brazilian entrepreneurs have
already emerged. Two articles are remarkable not because of the
contribution they bring to the entrepreneurship area, but because of a
concern with the discipline in the Administration courses. The article,
"Entrepreneurship and Didactic Practices in The Administration
Undergraduate Courses: the students bring up the problem", for
example, is a study of didactic-pedagogical practices of the
undergraduate programs in Administration, the teaching strategies that,
in the perception of the entrepreneur student, can encourage or inhibit
entrepreneurship (Ferreira & Mattos, 2003). In "Entrepreneurial
Education as an Alternative to the Mismatch Between the Training and the
Allocation of Higher Education Professionals in Brazil: A Case Study in
a Public University", Oliveira et al. (2003) discuss the asymmetry
that characterizes the relationship between the process of forming
senior level professionals in Brazil and the capacity of the labor
market of absorbing them. Presenting, in this context, the potentiality
of the entrepreneurial education to fill in this gap.
Between the years of 2004 and 2008, the subject in question seems
to be on its way to consolidation as part of the Administration studies.
With the new organization per area of knowledge established for the
"EnANPADs", "Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial
Behavior" becomes part of the greater area of the "Strategies
in the Organizations", within the area of "Management of
Science, Technology, and Innovation," a sub-topic called
"Entrepreneurship and the Business Innovator" is also created.
During these five years, there was a quantitative growth in the
publications that did not repeat in subsequent years. During that time,
274 articles were published, in other words, 65% of the total
production. It is noted that there is a predominance of articles about
the behavioral approach studied in various types of organizations using
case studies in an exploratory-descriptive research. Articles seem to
link entrepreneurship and innovation, starting with empirical bases
without worrying about the pertinent (relevant) theory. The same is seen
in emerging studies about the incubators, and the entrepreneurial
orientation and intention. Over the same period, it also begins to
appear articles that try to show the test and validation of tools used
to access entrepreneurial behavior, intention and orientation. From
these, only two articles were seen in the following years, which after
the test and validation of the tools, were used in Brazil, especially
with undergraduate students.
Most likely, these studies are motivated by ANPAD's definition
for the interest in research, given that it determines, in a specific
way, the scope of interest for the work. Also from this period, four
articles were found whose contribution goes beyond the technical pole.
In "The Epistemological Analysis of the Entrepreneurial
Field", a first epistemological analysis of the entrepreneurial
field was developed, looking to analyze the influence of the
epistemological currents on the work of the field in question. It is
pointed out that the study of the different school of thoughts show the
influence of various epistemological paradigms on the entrepreneurship
construction. There is a near total dominance of the rational,
functional, and positive thoughts (Guimaraes, 2004:10). In the same
line, the article "Back to the Classics: Entrepreneurship and the
Institutional Conflict, " looks to retrieve, in a theoretical
essay, from the reading of classical authors of the Social Sciences, the
concept of entrepreneurship to show that, in spite of the
social-economic changes that occurred long ago, many authors emphasize a
fundamental dimension of the entrepreneurial action: resistance and
conflict with the institutional system (Martes, 2006).
"Methodologies, Resources, and Didactic-Pedagogical Practices
in the Education of Entrepreneurship in National and International
Undergraduate and Graduate Programs" and " Does the University
develop Entrepreneurs? Converging and Diverging Aspects from the
Perspective of the Students, Teachers, Parents, and Entrepreneurs,"
compose a series of articles whose central point is based on the
university's role in the entrepreneur's education. There are
proposals placed that lead to the discussion of the pros and cons in the
positioning of the teachers, who perceive the university as one of the
main propulsions of the development of entrepreneurship in the country,
and those who believe that the university's role is more related to
the training of more reflective students.
It is also noted, as pointed out by Henrique and Cunha (2006), that
the entrepreneurship education has been implanted in synergy with
methodologies and didactic-pedagogical practices that are more effective
for learning, but without leaving aside, on many occasions, the
traditional methods of education consistent with one aspect of the
debate about the entrepreneurship education methods that supports the
need of a theoretical-practical study, not leaving any gaps when
compared to the international universities. On the other hand, two years
later, Nassif et al. (2008) indicate that, while seeking to identify the
determining factors of the entrepreneurial training that help in
building a pedagogical project of Administration courses committed to
the entrepreneurial education, it was found that there was an urgent
need to review the pedagogical projects and to re-align what is taught
in the classroom with what is happening in the daily professional
routine so it would meet this reality; adopting methodologies which
incorporate theory and practice through a range of extension courses and
incentives for research. It is highlighted that from 2004, with the
publication of articles that point out the role of the university, other
articles that do a survey of the practices and the content of the
entrepreneurial education in their respective courses at several
universities in Brazil began to emerge.
Since 2009, the number of articles related to the topic of
Entrepreneurship began to decline, despite, or maybe due to, a new
reorganization of areas and sub-topics within the "ANPAD".
There were only 44 articles. The area of "Strategy in
Organizations," increased the scope of the studies and pointed out
that its interest would transfer to the topics of "Strategy,
Entrepreneurship, and Development". "Science Management,
Technology and Innovation," also redefined its theme, broadening it
and calling it, "Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Networks. "
In the year of 2010 and 2011, the same nomenclatures as those of 2008
were resumed, but the quantity of articles published continued to fall
to 41 and 32 respectively. It is worth noticing that the number of
articles dealing with the entrepreneurial behavior and entrepreneurial
profile significantly decreased.
The most interesting thing is that during this same time period,
Global Entrepreneurship Model (GEM, 2012) indicates that Brazil, in
comparison to 58 other countries, improved its position in the
Entrepreneurship ranking and, currently, it is in 12th place worldwide.
It is also important to highlight that Brazil is in 1st place among the
17 countries of the G-20 that participated in the GEM research.
Furthermore, at the same time, as it was widely reported in the national
and international mass media, Brazil placed in 6th place in the ranking
of the largest economies in the world.
The articles from these three year period tend to discuss the
social entrepreneurship, the intrapreneurship, as well as the
relationship networks between small and medium-sized companies. Reports
that discuss the impacts of the entrepreneurial practices on
sustainability and organizational competitiveness are also present. In
general, it is observed that there was a greater dispersion of interests
on the subject; from the locus of the research to the object of study
The authors continue studying the sides of social entrepreneurship
in the last three years analysis (2012, 2013 and 2014) but a key element
was added to that and has been ocupying the center of discussions:
entrepreneurship in public administration, specifically in universities.
In other words, the authors have studied the role of the universities on
developing young entrepreneurs through the entrepreneurship education
and training of an entrepreneurial culture in the public universities
and schools. This discussion began in 2012 with the paper "O
Fenomeno do empreendedorismo publico: um ensaio sobre a aplicabilidade
desse construto na Administracao Publica Brasileira" (The
phenomenon of public entrepreneurship: an essay on the applicability of
this construct in the Brazilian Public Administration). In 2013, the
text "Meta-analise da producao cientifica internacional sobre
empreendedorismo no setor publico: o que tem sido escrito acerca
disso?" was published (Meta-analysis of the international
scientific literature on entrepreneurship in the public sector: what has
been written about it?). This publishing strengthened the discussion and
brought to it the comparison between the entrepreneurial phenomenon in
the public sector in Brazil and worldwide. It must be highlighted that
the public policies of encouraging entrepreneurship in Brazil has been
strongly discussed among researchers in the area. It is also noted that
in 2013, Marcus Alexander Yshikawa Salusse and Tales Andreassi published
"O Estado da arte do ensino do empreendedorismo: mapeamento e
evolucao" (The state of art of entrepreneurship education: mapping
and evolution). The authors explore the existing links between the
different entrepreneurship education techniques and the paradigmatic
discussion of entrepreneurship as a science and show the challenges that
arise from the recently introduced approach from the entrepreneurship as
a method. Alexandre Yshikawa Salusse and Tales Andreassi suggest the
identification of Brazilian cases in order of deepening and development
of local content and the participation of the country, academic teachers
in the highlighted discussion on the subject. It may be highlighted the
article, in 2014, "Similitudes entre Teoria Social Cognitiva,
Capital Psicologico e Comportamento Empreendedor: uma Reflexao
Teorica" (Similarities between Social Cognitive Theory,
Psychological Capital and Entrepreneurial Behavior: A Theoretical
Reflection) from Luciano Goncalves de Lima and Vania Maria Jorge Nassif.
The exposed theoretical reflections on the paper show the need for
empirical studies to support overlapping as well as a deepening about
the construct of entrepreneurship.
It is noted that more research on the topic began to appear,
however the studies develop in Brazil until then, had not been the
result of a systematic study, that could produce a real contribution,
mainly, a theoretical-epistemological contribution.
More specifically, as far as the type of organizations studied, was
found that the researchers ' preferences was for the empirical
research in small to medium-sized companies which are those that
correspond to about 30% of the articles presented. Ranking second place
in the researchers' preferences are the small business with 13%.
Then follows the universities and bigger companies that answer with 12%
each one of the locus of the research. With great representativeness,
the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have about 8% of the total
articles presented, followed by public organizations that represent only
5%. These organizations correspond to approximately 80% of the locus of
the research. The others 20% are distributed among research studies that
are carried out in religious organizations, incubators, trade
associations, professional associations, cooperative businesses, and in
the "Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small
Enterprises" ("SEBRAE"). The source of all the articles,
as identified by the HEI which is linked to the researcher, the Table 2
names each researcher and their respective HEI of origin.
There are two points to be highlighted about the researchers in
Table 2. In general, their research objects and topics are varied.
However, it is observed that 70% of this group share a common theme: the
study of the role of the university in the entrepreneurial training,
i.e, the education of entrepreneurship in their various approaches. The
second aspect is the type of approach and the perspective by which these
researchers try to appropriate in this field. Its insertion among the
studious of entrepreneurship is very clear: to strengthen and expand the
theoretical framework via intensive work and in-depth studies in the
epistemological field.
A piece of information that seemed singular was that from the nine
articles published in the annals of the "ANPAD" events, eight
are from researchers listed in Table 2. Note that ANPAD makes an effort
to build in Brazil, in careful and well-done manner, the quadripolar
dimension proposed by Bruyne et al. (1977), The last article that makes
up this series of nine is a researcher that, for a few years, signed on
as a second author and is included in Table 3. As a general rule, it is
also observed, that the researchers from Table 2 and Table 3 had already
been working together at some point of their research on topics related
to entrepreneurship. Another unique finding is the number of
publications, generally essays, that certain researchers obtain by
criticizing entrepreneurship and related topics. They are researchers
with publications more regularly than many of those who defend the need
of education and development of action-reflection-action of
entrepreneurship in Brazil.
As far as the analyzed category it is a theme dealt within the
articles, it is noted a strong interest of the researchers on the
following specific topics: to understand the entrepreneurial behavior,
to understand how entrepreneurship is being incorporated in
Administration courses, a concern in how to provide an adequate
entrepreneurial education, and also a large amount of researchers
dedicated to the studies of social entrepreneurship. Table 4 shows the
greatest concentration of topics that have interested researchers. It is
immediately observed that a more in-depth reading of the articles
indicates a high level of dispersion of the topics of interest. Although
the organizations that were the locus of the research presented a
greater uniformity, the dispersion on the topic discussed leads to the
lack of deepening of the level of debate in the articles. What is also
confirmed is the high rate of articles that are exploratory-descriptive
studies that leave little room to expand the discussions on the topic in
Regarding the type of approach of the research, in relation to the
total number of articles analyzed, there is a predominance of
qualitative investigations (a bit more than 65% of the total). Even more
when we consider the approaches the researchers denominate as
qualitative-quantitative, which account for about 10% of the total. 24%
of the studies that use the quantitative approach, less than 5% works
with more sophisticated tools, with the SPSS, for instance. The majority
uses Excel for tabulation with some quite basic analyses. It must be
emphasized that the tabulations and the more sophisticated analyses in
the quantitative approaches have increased over the past few years. In
general, it attempts to validate or test the models for measurement of
entrepreneurial intention or of verification of the entrepreneurial
behavior, for example, developed in other countries in the Brazilian
It still stands out that almost 70% of the articles are the results
of case studies and almost 75% of the articles analyzed are
exploratory-descriptive studies. These responses may indicate the
interest of the researchers to better understand the phenomenon of
entrepreneurship in the most varied contexts, mainly the experiences
that have been carried out in the scope of small and medium-sized
business. However, the predominance of the exploratory-descriptive
studies also shows a theoretical pole that progresses very little. In
this sense, it is observed that although the same topics and the same
approaches are handled several times in different contexts or not, as a
rule, the authors claim that the subject is still not well studied and
believe they could bring new knowledge to the area. In more than 70% of
the cases, the authors confirm the need to familiarize themselves with
the studied phenomenon. The study of the articles already published in
the Annals of the "ANPAD ", would collaborate immensely for
the advance of the theoretical pole about entrepreneurship in Brazil.
However, from what it is been noticed in the most recent
publications, researchers already show a concern with the state of art
of entrepreneurship in Brazil. This is the first step, as it has also
been done the US researchers Kent et al. (1982) and Sexton and Smilor
(1986) and Westhead (1993).
Although the propositions of Bruyne et al. (1977), have been
treated throughout the presentation and analyses of the results with
insertions where it was relevant, it is important to observe that:
Our greatest contributions are in the technical pole, the one
related to the data collection, and where countless case studies were
found. In reality it is where the majority of the empirical studies that
address the entrepreneurship and its related topics converge. Combined
with this discrepancy is the fact that the majority of the research is
also the result of the exploratory-descriptive studies. However, we must
remember that the exploratory-descriptive studies are at the level that
Bruyne et al. (1977) calls the "zero degree" of theorization.
The same way, a large number of case studies, although it may lead to
in-depth studies of the subject, what was not perceived in the analysis
of the articles can generate some stagnation in the research. This is
because, "the case study, in its own unique way, can only aspire to
scientifically be integrated into a process of global research where the
role of theory is not deformed and where the criticism of
epistemological problems and concepts is not neglected" (BRUYNE et
al., 1977:225). Precisely the opposite of what was found in the analysis
of numerous articles, which was: the emphasis on the case studies and
data valuation, combined with certain negligence with the theory, as if
part of the researcher's work was not to seek to compare the
results obtained in the empirical research with the theory that
originated them.
Due to the carelessness observed in confronting the empirical
studies with the theory, the morphological pole or the frame of analysis
does not advance a lot in Brazil. Therefore, it contributes little to
the theoretical formulations of the field as a whole. Remembering that
the morphological pole represents the organization plan of the
phenomena, the ways of articulating the theoretical expression of the
research. In other words, it deals with typologies, the ideal types, the
systems, and the structure-models. In this perspective, what was
observed was that the use of typology proposed in other countries and
the lack of typologies typically Brazilian, although some researchers,
who specifically study entrepreneurship in the context of the Brazilian
culture already point to possibilities of the creation of national
typologies, so as to understand and compare Brazilian entrepreneurs with
non-Brazilians within our own regions, analyzing them under different
perspectives and places. As Bruyne et al. (1977) pointed out, the great
advantage of a typological framework is that it allows the use of the
comparative method, as well as building a scientific message in a
ranking system that allows the phenomena to be grouped into logical
categories according to the criteria that define them.
Some of the biggest gaps in the construct of entrepreneurship were
found in the theoretical pole in the analyzed texts. The construction of
concepts and theories, guided by the reference framework, has not
happened due to the large use of case studies, exploratory-descriptive
studies and the lack of systemization of what is already implemented in
published research. Surely, the reference framework used is positivist,
but, as Bruyne et al. (1977) confirms, the characteristic of the
positivist reference framework in the social sciences is the research,
through the observation of the experience data, the formulation of the
general laws that rule the social phenomena. The development of these
laws from the persistency or regularity of the phenomena observed does
not have a place in the agenda of the researchers with interest in the
topic. That would take, supposedly, to formulate positive laws and the
generalization from them. In this way, the built object little differss
itself by the perceived common sense, since the specific translation,
concept of the real, is still quite fragile. As a result, what is noted
is the epistemological rupture that would enshrine the distancing always
recommenced of the scientific object before the objects of common sense,
pre-notions, myths, at least in the analyzed articles, always seems to
be imminent. But in the following years, when waiting for more in-depth
studies that could promote, even if slowly, this rupture, it does not
happen and the articles are repeated, in its majority, with the case
studies and the exploratory-descriptive studies. Thus, the theorizing
that should be sought at the epistemological level, also, still fragile,
does not represent the robustness needed for the formulation of the
reference framework and so forward.
Finally, the assertion of Bruyne et al. (1977) is that the
dialectic interaction of these different poles constitutes the set of
the methodological practice can distinctly be observed to the extent
that it is noted that the weakness on a field, as in the case of the
technical field, whose problem is the excessive use of the case studies
and the exploratory-descriptive studies, leads to the lack of
substantiality in the entire field of a given construct.
The case study approach to research offers a valuable opportunity
to generate new theories and provide in-depth understanding of complex
phenomena (EISENHARDT, 1989; JACK et al., 2010; YIN, 1993). Theory
building from case studies is especially useful for exploring
longitudinal change processes (Van de Ven, 1992). As Eisenhardt and
Graebner (2007:25) state, "papers that build theory from cases are
often regarded as the most interesting research".
It is also important to remember that although the area still
requires a great deal of dedication and discipline of its researchers, a
group of researchers that have already been previously mentioned and
that, over the course of almost two decades, have been providing a new
breath to the entrepreneurship studies in Brazil when dedicating
themselves to discuss about: the essence of entrepreneurship, the
epistemological analysis of this field, the discursive construction of
the concept and its axiological sense, the ontoteleological constitution
of entrepreneurship, the epistemological dimensions of research in
entrepreneurship, and finally, the ideas and the location of the
entrepreneurs and of the entrepreneurship in a historical perspective.
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DOI: 10.5700/577
Recebido em: 31/3/2014
Aprovado em: 27/8/2015
Joysi Moraes
Professora da Universidade Federal Fluminense--Niteroi-RJ, Brasil
Professora convidada da University of Nottingham (UK). Doutora em
Administracao pela
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Mestre em Administracao
pela Universidade
Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Graduada em Administracao de
Empresas pela Universidade Estadual do Ceara
E-mail: jmoraes@id.uff.br
Sandra R. H. Mariano
Professora Associada ao Departamento de Empreendedorismo e Gestao
da Faculdade de
Administracao e Ciencias Contabeis da Universidade Federal
Fluminense (UFF)--Niteroi-RJ, Brasil
Pesquisadora na area de empreendedorismo e gestao Educacional.
Mestre e Doutora em
Engenharia de Sistemas e Computacao pela COPPE/UFRJ. Pos-Graduada
em Sistemas de Informacao pelo JICA (Japan Internacional Cooperation
Agency), Okinawa, Japao
Coordena o Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Gestao e
E-mail: sandramariano@id.uff.br
Rafael Cuba Mancebo
Mestrando em Administracao pela Pontificia Universidade Catolica do
Rio de Janeiro (IAG-PUC-Rio)--Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil
Graduado em Administracao pela Universidade Federal Fluminense
(UFF), onde atuou como
monitor da disciplina de Sociologia no curso de Administracao e
pesquisador assistente do
Projeto OportUnidad na area de Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA),
financiado pela Comissao Europeia
E-mail: cuba.mancebo@gmail.com
Alessandra Bellas Romariz de Macedo
Mestranda em Administracao pela Universidade Federal
Fluminense--Niteroi-RJ, Brasil
Graduada em Administracao pela Universidade Federal Fluminense
(UFF). Licenciada e Bacharel em Educacao Fisica pelas Faculdades
Integradas Maria Thereza
Monitora de Administracao de Recursos Humanos e Desenvolvimento de
Recursos Humanos na UFF
E-mail: alessandrabellas@id.uff.br
Table 1--Number of articles per year and per event
of the ANPAD
Year EnANPAD EnEO Simposio EnADI 3Es
1997 0 - - - -
1998 0 - - - -
1999 2 - - - -
2000 0 1 - - -
2001 4 - - - -
2002 5 1 - - -
2003 23 - - - 4
2004 38 6 - - -
2005 27 - - - 7
2006 40 1 19 - -
2007 34 - - 1 11
2008 31 3 29 - -
2009 29 - - 0 10
2010 26 7 4 - -
2011 23 - - 1 3
2012 31 1 4 - -
2013 32 0 0 - 10
2014 33 6 4 - -
Total 378 26 60 2 45
1997 - - - - 0
1998 - - - - 0
1999 - - - - 2
2000 - - - - 1
2001 - - - - 4
2002 - - - - 6
2003 - - - - 27
2004 0 3 - - 47
2005 - - - - 34
2006 1 3 - - 64
2007 - - 1 8 55
2008 1 0 - - 64
2009 - - 3 2 44
2010 0 4 - - 41
2011 - - 3 2 32
2012 - - - - 36
2013 - - 1 - 43
2014 - - - - 43
Total 2 10 8 12 543
Source: Created by the authors.
Table 2--The relationship of authors with a greater quantity of
articles on the subject and their respective HEI
1st author Quantity HEI to which the
researcher is bound
Vania Maria Jorge Nassif 8 Faculdade Campo Limpo
Fernando Gomes de Paiva JR 7 Universidade Federal de
Yakara Vasconcelos Pereira 7 Universidade Federal
Leite Rural do Semi-Arido
Carlos Alberto Goncalves 6 Universidade Federal de
Hilka Vier Machado 5 Universidade Estadual
de Maringa
Eda Castro Lucas de Souza 5 Universidade de Brasilia
Diego Luiz Teixeira Boava 5 Universidade Estadual de
Raimundo Eduardo Silveira 4 Universidade de
Fontenele Fortaleza
Luciano Rossoni 4 Universidade Positivo
Alessandra Mello da Costa 4 Fundacao Getulio
Vargas - RIO
Total 55
Source: Created by the authors.
Table 3--List of authors with a greater quantity of articles
about the subject and their respective HEI
2nd author Quantity HEI to which the
researcher is bound
Tales Andreassi 9 Fundacao Getulio
Vargas - SP
Rivanda Meira Teixeira 7 Universidade Federal
de Sergipe
Marianne Hoeltgebaum 5 Universidade Refional
de Blumenau
Fernando Gomes de Paiva 5 Universidade Federal de
JR. Pernambuco
Fernanda Maria Felicio 5 Universidade Estadual de
Macedo Maringa
Walter Fernando Araujo 5 Universidade Federal de
de Moraes Pernambuco
Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer 4 Universidade Federal de
Liliane de Oliveira 4 PUC - MINAS
Eda Castro LucaS de 4 Universidade de Brasilia
Denise Franca Barros 4 Fundacao Getulio
Vargas - RJ
Cristina Castro-Lucas 4 Universidade de
Total 56
Source: Created by the authors.
Table 4--Specific topics covered in the selected articles
Entrepreneurial Behavior 78
Teaching entrepreneurship 45
Social entrepreneurship 33
Entrepreneurial attitude 21
Entrepreneurship in public organizations 19
Reflections and elaborations on the entrepreneurial construct 19
Guidance and view of entrepreneurship 17
Women's entrepreneurship 15
Inter entrepreneurship 15
Validation of research tools 5
Total 267
Source: Created by the authors.