To investigate or not to investigate? The use of content specific open-ended tasks.
White, Paul ; Sullivan, Peter ; Warren, Elizabeth 等
Some teachers are concerned that a problem solving approach to
teaching may reduce attention to the key concepts and procedures of
mathematics. The polarisation of positions concerning problem solving
and investigations versus the notion of a secondary mathematics teacher
'as an expositor and director of learning' (Allen, 1998, p.3)
is illustrated by the debate raging in the US tagged the 'Math
Wars'. A similar situation has arisen in New South Wales. The Stage
5 mathematics syllabus introduced in 1997 contained a whole strand on
mathematical investigations. However, due to some strong opposition
claiming such investigations take students away from content focused
mathematics, this section was temporarily made optional and is currently
under review.
An approach which appears to contain some of the desirable
attributes of investigations has received recent research interests
involves the use of content specific open-ended tasks (e.g. Sullivan,
Warren, White, & Suwarsono, 1998) as opposed to the standard closed
task. An example of a closed task is:
Find the mean of 8, 10, 12, 12 and 18.
The corresponding content specific open-ended task would be:
The mean of a set of 5 scores is 12.
What might be the scores?
Some other examples of content specific open-ended tasks are:
* A number has been rounded off to 5.6.
What might be the number?
* Write some numbers with exactly six factors.
* Write algebraic expressions which might be multiplied to give
* Find rectangles with the same area but different perimeters.
The efficacy of such tasks is now considered by analysing
students' responses to one pair of comparable closed and open-ended
content specific tasks.
Comparing responses to open-ended and closed tasks
In some earlier trialling of open-ended tasks, many students
regularly responded with only one answer even though multiple answers
were available.
These single responses made comparisons between closed and
open-ended tasks difficult. As a result, in the tasks that follow, a
prompt for at least three answers was given for all open-ended tasks.
The following area and perimeter task was administered to just over
1000 Grade 7 students from 23 schools across New South Wales, Queensland
and Victoria in a both a closed and open form. As well, a generalised
form of the task was included to allow students to express mathematical
ideas in their own words.
Closed version
Joan designs a garden 36 [m.sup.2] in area and 3m wide.
A = 36 [m.sup.2]
What is its perimeter?
Open version
Joan wants a garden to be rectangular with a perimeter of 30 m.
What might be the area of the garden? (Give at least 3 answers.)
Generalised version
Explain to Joan how to work out some more of these designs for
Results for each of the three versions are presented separately.
Implications for teaching and assessment are considered later.
Closed version
For the closed version, responses were scored as no attempt,
incorrect or correct. Tables 1 and 2 show the breakdown and most common
incorrect responses. Responses were scored as correct if they showed 30,
regardless of units'.
The results show that:
* there were a surprisingly large number of incorrect responses;
* the common errors (19.8% of all responses) account for only about
40% of the incorrect responses (28.6% of all responses);
* the missing dimension of 12 is readily found;
* even after being found, using the missing dimension of 12 to find
the perimeter is problematic.
Open version
Each of the open-ended items were scored as no attempt or using the
following codes:
i 3 correct responses ii 1 or 2 correct responses (no errors) iii
Some correct and some incorrect responses iv 1 or 2 errors (no correct
responses) v 3 errors
Numbers (ii) and (iv) occurred when only one or two responses were
given. Tables 3 and 4 show the breakdown of responses and the most
common errors.
The results show that:
* 40% (17.3 + 6.6 + 16.2) gave at least one correct response--less
than half of these gave 3 correct responses and 24% (17.3 + 6.6) gave
only correct answers;
* 28% gave 3 incorrect responses;
* perhaps surprisingly, 16% gave both correct and incorrect
Three incorrect responses usually involved 3 responses based on a
single misconception (e.g, 5 x 6, 3 x 10, 15 x 2 by not halving the
perimeter and thus finding two numbers with a product of 30).
Two correct and one incorrect responses usually involved errors:
* in arithmetic (e.g. 9 x 6 = 58 [cm.sup.2]);
* which showed dimensions which did not add to 15 (e.g. 15 x 1);
* which repeated a rectangle and so did not give three separate
answers (e.g. 10 x 5 and then 5 x 10).
One correct and two incorrect responses usually involved unrelated
errors which showed no particular pattern.
The following provides a comparison of Tables 1 and 2.
* Giving 3 correct responses (17.3%) to one open-ended task as
opposed to the correct response to a comparable closed version (28.6%)
suggests that the open version is more cognitively demanding.
* Giving only correct responses (24%) to one open-ended task as
opposed to the correct response to a comparable closed version (28.6%)
suggests that correct answers were equally accessible in both versions.
* Giving some correct responses (40%) to one open-ended task as
opposed to the correct response to a comparable closed version (28.6%)
suggests that some form of correct response is more accessible in the
open version.
The results suggest that the open versions provides a wider range
of information about students' understanding than the comparable
closed version.
Generalised version
Table 5 provides a breakdown of responses for the generalised
The results show that:
* 71.6% ( 58.0 + 13.6) either gave no response or non-mathematical
comments such as 'Let her work it out for herself or 'I
don't know and I don't care';
* 17% made an attempt but could not give a correct plan;
* the number giving a correct response is very low (even combining
the 6.2% and the 5.0%).
Comparing Tables 2 and 3, we can assume that only the 17% who gave
3 correct responses to the open version would be in a position to
generalise. Hence we have 3 classifications:
* Students who gave 3 correct responses but no generalisation (6%);
* Students who gave 3 correct responses and made some progress
towards generalisation (5%);
* Students who gave 3 correct responses and a correct
generalisation (6%).
In summary, more than 70% of these students did not actively engage
in the exercise at all while only about one third of those who gave 3
correct responses successfully stated the generalisation. Together,
these raise concern about the ability or indeed the willingness of
students to engage in such activities.
To give some perspective to the results on closed and open-ended
tasks imagine a typical class of 25 of these students attempting such
* 10 will give some form of correct response to the open version
** 6 of these 10 will have no errors (24%);
** 4 of these 10 will give 3 correct responses (17%);
* 7 will give a correct response to the closed version (28.6%);
* 5 will make no attempt at any of the tasks;
* 1 will offer no response to the open version, but will give the
correct response to the closed version;
* between 1 and 2 will write a correct generalisation.
We believe that open-ended content specific tasks make a useful
contribution to a mathematics curriculum in that they can:
* address conventional content explicitly and so can be easily
integrated into mathematics curricula;
* have a teaching focus sufficiently similar to what teachers
usually do and so are easy to implement;
* assist learning by drawing students' attention to key
aspects of concepts, and make it clear to students that they can think
about mathematical relationships;
* allow the possibility of the students investigating the situation
for themselves and so coming to a better appreciation of the concept as
a result of their own thinking;
* provide opportunities for discussion of and reflection on
responses which could provide a rich, student based learning
* provide assessment information on what students can do as well as
cannot do.
With respect to assessment, open-ended tasks are useful in that:
* multiple incorrect responses provide insights into
* a mixture of correct and incorrect responses provides insight
into what is known and not known whereas a closed task may have only
shown the latter;
* the cycle of:
'closed [right arrow] 3 correct [right arrow]
generalisation' provides a hierarchy for identifying different
levels of achievement.
Content specific open-ended tasks allow problem solving to be
incorporated into the normal curriculum. An added advantage is that
these tasks provide insights into content understanding as well as
problem solving ability. However, we are not advocating that these be
the only type of tasks used. The diet of mathematics given to students
may be compared with a balanced eating diet. Balance is achieved not
just by deciding which is best, grains, fruit and vegetables, meat and
fish, or dairy, and then eating only that food type. Rather, it involves
using a selection to maximise the contribution of the parts. Hence, the
ideal mathematics curriculum may indeed be a balance between various
approaches to teaching mathematics. These results support the use of
open-ended questions as a useful teaching strategy, but they also
suggest that such questions form part of the mathematical diet and not
be the sole serving.
Published in Vol. 56, No. 2, 2000, Barry Kissane (Ed.)
Allen. F. (1998). A program for raising the level of student
achievement in secondary school mathematics. Retrieved from
http://ourworld.compuserve.comlhomepagesl mathmanl allen.htm
Sullivan, P., Warren, E., White, P. & Suwarsono, S. (1998).
Different forms of mathematical questions for different purposes:
Comparing student responses to similar closed and open-ended questions.
In C. Kanes, M.
Goos & E. Warren (Eds), Proceedings of the 21st annual
conference of the mathematics education research group of Australasia
(pp. 645-652). Gold Coast: MERGA.
Table 1. Percentage of all responses
to closed versions.
Item % responses
No attempt 18.9
Incorrect 52.5
Correct 28.6
Total 100
Table 2. Common incorrect responses
to closed versions
Common incorrect responses % responses
12 (only found side length) 14.0
15 (forgot to double) 2.4
3 x 12 or 3 x 4 3.4
Total 19.8
Table 3. Percentage of all responses to open version.
Item % responses
No attempt 23.0
i 3 correct 17.3
ii 1 or 2 correct (no errors) 6.6
iii some correct, some incorrect 16.2
iv 1 or 2 errors (no correct) 9.3
v 3 errors 27.6
Total 100
Table 4. Most common errors for open version.
Item % responses
5 x 6, 3 x 10, 15 x 2 etc 7.6
(did no halve 30)
20 x 10, 15 x 15 4.0
(dimensions add to 30)
Total 100
Table 5. Sample percentage responses to
generalised version.
Item % responses
No attempt 58.0
Incorrect plan 8.6
Correct--e.g. halve 30 and then
find two numbers which add to 15 6.2
Correct but incomplete 5.0
Non-mathematical 13.6
(e.g. use her brain)
Only gave rules for perimeter 8.6
and area
Total 100