Critical numeracy and abstraction: percentages: Paul White, Mike Mitchelmore, Sue Wilson and Rhonda Faragher describe an approach to teaching percent that puts contexts and application before abstract concepts and procedures.
White, Paul ; Mitchelmore, Mike ; Wilson, Sue 等
Have you ever taught a class a concept and then been disappointed
that they seem unable to apply what they have learnt to a slightly
different context? Many teachers have despaired over this issue which is
at the heart of teaching for numeracy. Being numerate involves using
mathematical ideas efficiently to make sense of the world, which is much
more than just being able to calculate. What is needed is the accurate
interpretation of mathematical information and the ability to draw sound
conclusions based on mathematical reasoning. This skill may be called
"critical numeracy", defined by Stoessier (2002, p. 19) as
"being able to critique or make critical interpretations of
mathematical information." There is a clear analogy with critical
literacy, which involves the realisation that all texts represent
different views of the world (Statkus, 2007) and requires students to go
beyond acceptance to analysing and challenging (Luke & Freebody,
How should students be taught mathematics to develop critical
numeracy? The traditional approach--sometimes called the "ABC
method" because Abstract concepts and procedures are taught Before
Concrete examples and applications (Mitchel more & White,
2000)--certainly seems inadequate. In the ABC method, "knowledge
acquired in 'context-free' circumstances is supposed to be
available for general application in all contexts" (Lave, 1988, p.
9)--but research consistently shows that, in practice, this intention is
rarely fulfilled.
A teaching method which is more consistent with a critical numeracy
standpoint is to start with real-world contexts and gradually draw
outgeneral mathematical principles; concepts become "the
end-product of ... an activity by which we become aware of similarities
... among our experiences" (Skemp, 1986, p. 21). This approach,
which we call "teaching for abstraction", is the reverse of
the ABC method: teaching starts with contexts and examples and leads to
abstract concepts.
The teaching for abstraction method was initially shown to be
useful and successful for teaching angles (NSW DET, 2003; White &
Mitchelmore, 2004). We have now extended the approach to teaching
percentages, a topic with which students have many difficulties. A
detailed analysis of percentages by Parker and Leinhardt (1995)
highlighted the multiplicative-additive confusion with percentages,
demonstrating that the concise, abstract language of percentages often
uses misleading additive terminology with a multiplicative meaning (for
example, there will be a pay rise of 15% paid in three instalments of
5%). Their review of research into teaching percentages showed that a
method which linked the development of calculation procedures closely to
percentage contexts was likely to be more effective than one in which
procedures were taught abstractly and then applied. Our attempt to
develop such a method is described below.
The teaching unit
A unit of work was developed in which Year 6 students investigated
a variety of situations where it was or was not appropriate to use
percentages. The skill of calculating percentages (limited to multiples
of 10%) was also addressed.
Participants were students and teachers of five Year 6 classes in
three regional primary schools. The unit contained the eight lessons
shown in Table 1. The lesson descriptions used familiar terms,
addressing the appropriate syllabus skills and outcomes. The recommended
lesson structure would, however, have been less familiar to the
teachers. Each lesson began with a problem being posed for whole class
discussion. Students were then given similar tasks to investigate in
small groups. The class then discussed and explained their findings and
finally looked for generalisations.
Teaching examples
The following excerpts illustrate how teaching the unit proceeded
in practice.
Known percentage contexts
In the first lesson, teachers began by bringing in a variety of
grocery containers whose labels included percentages. They discovered
that students had an understanding of the difference between "per
cent fat" and "per cent fat-free" and that for any
product the two values added up to 100%. This discussion clearly
assisted students to clarify their current understanding of percentage
and gave direction for future teaching.
Sorting jelly beans
Students were presented with the following context: Ajar holds a
number of jelly beans, which are then sorted into 10 boxes as shown in
Figure 1.
[The actual bar was about 14 cm long]. There were four tasks like
this; the number of beans being 100, 200 300 and 50 respectively. In
each case, students were told the percentage of red, blue and green
jelly beans in the jar and asked to colour in the diagram accordingly.
They were then asked the number of beans of each colour.
A final task asked students to colour in 10%, 50% and 90% of three
undivided bars marked only with 0% and 100% at the beginning and end.
This task confirmed that students understood per cent to mean
"out of 100." A common error early on was to calculate
percentages of 200, 300 and 50 as if there were 100 jelly beans; in
other words, treating a percentage as if it was always out of 100.
Students had little difficulty colouring in 50% of the empty bar, but
10% and 90% gave more trouble. A common mistake was to colour in 1 cm
for 10% and 13 cm [14 cm -1 cm] for 90%.
Teachers' feedback indicated that these colouring activities
and the discussion of errors helped students to think beyond 50% and to
calculate percentages of numbers other than 100.
Fixed discounts viewed as percentages
Students were told about a fast food outlet where they could get $1
off meal deals for "math burgers" and asked whether it was
better to buy two $5 deals (Nell) or one $10 deal (Grace). A typical
answer was: "Nell, because she would get a $2 discount whereas
Grace only gets a $1 discount." In one school, a student
spontaneously came up with the idea that Nell gets 20% discount whereas
Grace only gets 10%. The teacher was able to take up this idea and
introduce it to the whole class.
It was clear that fixed discounts were familiar, but the discussion
helped students relate them to percentage discounts.
Comparing a fixed tax with a percentage tax
Students were asked to compare the GST to a fixed tax method where
$10 was charged on all transactions. Students' reactions were
"[Percentage is fairer because] otherwise you could buy a $1
lollypop and the tax would come in and it would cost you $11 which is a
rip off."
"[Percentage is not fair] because if you get something
that's expensive, you pay a lot of tax."
Some students thought that the GST was fair because the money comes
back to you, but one student was adamant that the government should not
take 10% "because they did not make anything."
Context played an important role in this task. Students had to
argue their case within the context and discussion quickly moved beyond
mere calculation.
Comparing differing discounts of different amounts
The problem shown in Figure 2 was posed.
After some debate, all classes came to the final conclusion that a
bigger percentage reduction does not always mean a cheaper buy.
Importantly, they observed that both the discount and the size of the
whole, of which the percentage is calculated, were relevant.
Figure 2. Problem company discounts
Your team's football jersey is on sale at two different
stores over two weeks. At Store A, the normal cost is
$160. At Store B, the normal cost is $120.
(a) In Week 1, at Store A they reduce the normal
price by 25%. At Store B, they reduce the normal
price by only 10%. Which is the cheaper buy?
(b) In Week 2, at Store A they reduce the normal
price by 40%. At Store B, they still reduce the normal
price by only 10%. Which is the cheaper buy?
(c) Is the bigger percentage reduction always the
cheaper buy? Explain your answer.
However, the notion of "best" could still have different
interpretations, with one student thinking the best deal occurred when
the cost was lower, not the discount bigger, because they spent less
Making judgements about comparisons
To further help students distinguish contexts where percentages
were appropriate from those where they were not, a number of problems
were posed. Some are shown in Figures 3-6.
Most students correctly used percentages in the problem shown in
Figure 3. They were able to calculate that 10% of the students in the
second school were awarded certificates and to see that the percentage
in the first school was greater (even though the calculation of 12% was
beyond most of them).
Figure 4
Two basketball players compare their shooting from the
free throw line. The first player has scored 20 goals from
40 shots. The second player has scored 25 goals from 50
shots. Which player is the better shooter? Why?
Responses to the question shown in Figure 4 included the expected
assertion that each player scored 50%, but also arguments like this:
"The 25 was better because they were the same but kept it up
Figure 5
The government decides to give all public schools 10
extra computers.
(a) Is this a fairway to give out extra computers?
(b) If not, what would be a fairer method?
(c) Tell the Minister of Education exactly how
to work out how many computers should
go to each school.
As well as using proportional reasoning, some responses to the
question shown in Figure 5 raised social justice issues of fairness with
respect to how rich a school was.
Figure 6
Which is worse: losing 50% of $1, $10, or $100?
Value judgements also came into play in the question shown in
Figure 6. Some students argued that 50% of $1 is not very much but 50%
of $100 is. Others took the view that losing 50% of $100 still left you
with $50, which is better than 50 cents.
The overwhelming response from teachers was that the extended
discussion generated by the lesson materials was a great success and
promoted student engagement and learning. They were unanimous that the
greatest development occurred in the students explaining how an answer
was arrived at--in particular, in identifying percentage as a relative
comparison and the need to identify "per cent of what." Both
teachers and students indicated that the time spent talking about what a
discount is, with examples from real life, was particularly valuable.
One teacher described Lesson 6 as "the epiphany lesson" where
the students realised why they needed to be able to calculate
percentages. Another teacher comment was: "The high point of the
whole thing was that they did have to nut things out, discuss."
"Nutting things out" is certainly one aspect of critical
numeracy; dealing with value judgments and social justice issues present
in a number of the teaching activities is another. Interestingly,
teachers said they were not as comfortable with these types of
activities as they were with others, because "right answers"
were either unclear or non-existent.
Although the teachers agreed about the benefits of open discussion,
time was often a limiting factor (especially when students got carried
away with digressions). Teachers also faced the challenge of moving
beyond their normal practice. There was the natural feeling, perhaps
arising from traditional practice, that it is important for students to
get class activity answers correct. This is not likely to happen when
the focus is on long-term learning, and activities are challenging
problems which encourage students to struggle and resolve problems for
themselves. One result is that teachers give students too much
"help" and thus reduce the struggle.
Our investigation shows that teaching for abstraction can lead to
student engagement and empowerment when students understand they can
make judgements about things that are part of their lives. Teaching for
abstraction thus involves critical numeracy as well as computational
skills and certainly requires a significant shift from the traditional
approach to teaching mathematics.
This research was funded by the ACT Hub of the National Centre for
Science, Information and Communication Technology and Mathematics
Education for Rural and Regional Australia (SiMERR). The projected is
indebted to Heather McMaster for her contribution to the data analysis.
More specific details of the lessons are available from the first
Lave, J. (1988). Cognition in practice: Mind, mathematics and
culture in everyday life. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Luke, A. & Freebody, P. (1999). A map of possible practices:
Further notes on the four resources model. Practically Primary, 4(2),
Mitchelmore, M. C. & & White, P. (2000). Teaching for
abstraction: Reconstructing constructivism. In J. Bana & A. Chapman
(Eds), Mathematics education beyond 2000 (Proceedings of the 23rd annual
conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia,
pp. 432-439). Perth: MERCA.
New South Wales Department of Education and Training [NSW DET].
(2003). Teaching about angles: Stage 2. Ryde NSW: Author.
Parker, M. & Leinhardt, G. (1995). Percent: A privileged
proportion. Review of Educational Research, 65,421-482.
Skemp, R. (1986). The Psychology of learning mathematics (2nd ed.).
Harmonds worth, UK: Penguin.
Statkus, S. (2007). What is critical literacy (and how do I use
it)? Practically Primary, 12(3), 10-12.
Stoessier, R. (2002). An introduction to critical numeracy. The
Australian Mathematics Teacher, 58(4), 17-21.
White, P. & Mitchelmore, M. C. (2004). Sharpening up on angles.
In L. Sparrow & P. Swan (Eds), APMC selected writings (pp. 115-118).
Adelaide: The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc.
Paul White
ACU National
Mike Mitchelmore
Macquarie University
Sue Wilson
ACU National
Rhonda Faragher
ACU National
Table 1. Topics for lessons on percentages.
1. Thinking Students interpret percentages in
per cent situations involving bar models. The
focus is on per cent as a part of 100.
2. Calculating Students extend their previous
percentages experience of percentages to
simple percentages (multiples of
10%) of 200, 300 and 50 objects.
3. Calculating Students further extend their
more previous experience of percentages
percentages to simple percentages (multiples of
10%) of any number of objects.
4. Discounts Students investigate discounts and
compare percentage discounts with
fixed discounts.
5. How do I Students compare the
choose? appropriateness of additive versus
multiplicative strategies.
6. Taxes Students compare different ways
the GST could have been charged
and decide on fair ways of doing so.
7. What is the Students investigate problems
best way? involving different comparisons and
decide the best way to solve these
8. Summary Students bring together the main
ideas and skills learnt in this unit.
Figure 3
Two schools' results on a mathematics competition
were as follows:
Number of
School Enrolment certificates
Sunny Valley 500 60
Junction 800 80
Which school performed better? Explain your answer.