Children with Down syndrome learning mathematics: can they do it? Yes they can! Jo Brady, Barbara Clarke, Ann Gervasoni discuss some teaching approaches that can be used to assist children with Down syndrome to learn mathematics.
Brady, Jo ; Clarke, Barbara ; Gervasoni, Ann 等
The mathematical development of children with Down syndrome (DS) is
largely uncharted territory and yet the experience of parents and
teachers reminds us that children with DS can and do learn mathematics.
In the 1970s, few children with DS had access to schooling and
authorities in the field (Restak, 1975, cited in Rynders & Horrobin,
1990) were still arguing whether education was possible! Three decades
later, the specific area of mathematics education for DS children
remains an emerging field. In 2008, many children with DS in Australia
attend their local school and are included in classrooms with their age
peers. At present, little research information is available to guide
teachers to provide the best opportunities for the children to learn
mathematics. Some suggestions are provided in the resource list at the
end of this article.
Down syndrome is one of the most common congenital chromosomal
variations present in all populations, occurring approximately once in
700 Australian births (Selikowitz, 1997). Down syndrome results almost
universally in intellectual impairment, although the extent of the
disability varies. People with Down syndrome have been part of many
research studies and a great deal is known about how they learn (Buckley
& Bird, 2002; Wishart, 2002), their physical development (Bruni,
2006; Winders, 1997) and their acquisition of language (Buckley, 2000).
However, very little is known about their acquisition of mathematical
Against this background of limited DS research, there is a stark
contrast with the burgeoning interest in the mathematical development of
children in general early childhood settings in Australia. A number of
Australian states have undertaken major projects to assess and provide
early intervention in mathematics (some states focussing on Number) such
as the Early Numeracy Project (Victoria), Count Me In Too (New South
Wales), Year 2 Net (Queensland) and First Steps (Western Australia).
Through these projects, a considerable amount of data on the
mathematical development of Australian children has been obtained (Bobis
et al., 2005).
A brief description of the study
The research project used task-based interviews to gather data on
the mathematical development of children with Down syndrome, modifying
the Early Numeracy Interview (Clarke et al., 2002) and the Early
Mathematics Understandings instrument (Gervasoni, 2004). Although these
instruments are already demonstrably effective, modification, trial and
development was necessary because, to our knowledge, neither had been
used with children with Down syndrome.
Twelve children, ranging in age from 6 to 12 years, were recruited
for participation in this study. The children were interviewed twice in
the year, around July and November. The interview involved asking
children to perform tasks with objects. For example, we put a collection
of plastic teddy counters on the table and asked the participant to put
all the yellow teddies together and then to count them. The equipment
was put in a variety of interesting boxes and containers to encourage
curiosity about the tasks. We videotaped the interviews and parents were
invited to observe and make notes for discussion later. Figure 1 shows
an interview in progress
Interviewing the children
In making decisions about the staging of the interviews, we were
mindful of research that demonstrated the diminished performance of
children when they were interviewed in clinical settings by researchers
they did not know (Brown & Semple, 1970). Therefore, children were
interviewed in a familiar setting in the presence of a parent. On one
occasion, a teacher observed as well and, in another, a teacher aide was
Time was spent at the start of the interview chatting to the parent
and the child. This allowed the interviewer the opportunity to become
accustomed to the style of communication of the child. Some of the
children appeared nervous at the start, although most were clearly
We were astonished at the variety of approaches the children took
in the interview. The behaviour of the children ranged from confident
performance (even described by one mother as 'showingoff') to
shy whispering. One of our younger participants found it all too much
and needed considerable encouragement from his mother to continue the
interview. The most surprising was one of our older students. At the
start of the interview, 'Mr T' was very reluctant to
participate. He refused to answer any questions, though was engaging
when the interviewer was chatting and asking about non-mathematics
topics. As soon as task questions were posed, he folded his arms and
looked away. For some time, particularly with the early counting tasks,
he gave the impression he was unable to count. Due to his maturity in
conversation (and his mother rolling her eyes and shaking her head in
the background!) the researcher was fairly certain this was not the
case. The interviewer used techniques such as pretending to make
mistakes with counting to observe if he noticed. He did, and so it was
obvious he was able to perform the task--he just did not want to show
that he could. Similar behaviour has been observed by Wishart (1996).
Having carers present who could tell us if their child was
underperforming as well as providing opportunities in the interview to
approach a concept from alternative tasks were strategies we have
deliberately employed to enhance the likelihood of our gaining data we
could trust. For many of the children, the interviewer made use of a
sticker chart to encourage and reward participation. Interviews lasted
between 30 and 60 minutes and most of the children were engaged through
that time. The stickers assisted to maintain interest. In two
interviews, notably Mr T's, the stickers served as a supplementary
counting task. Mr T had to earn 15 stickers before he could leave.
Suddenly, we found out he could easily count, could self-correct with
reference to the hundreds chart and could perform mental calculations
such as how many more stickers he needed!
Suggestions for teachers
In this section, we offer suggestions arising from the initial
analysis of our research data and from our experience of teaching
children with Down syndrome. We have completed the interviews and
commenced the analysis of the data. It is exciting to see the study
unfolding. There is an enormous amount of data resulting from the video
taped interviews and conversations with parents to be analysed. The
small sample allows us to study individual cases in detail. It is early
days in the analysis of our data but we believe our suggestions may be
helpful and further investigation will follow.
Taking a visual approach to number concept development
Young children with Down syndrome will come to school varying
greatly in their language development. Many children will be using
signing to support their developing spoken language. Even so, many
already will be reading! Using methods proposed by authors such as
Oelwein (1995), children are taught to read using sight words and for
many this has been observed as a first language, with speaking coming
second and enhanced as a result. We believe this well researched
approach to teaching reading (Buckley, 2000) can underlie an alternative
approach to teaching counting.
Usually young children learn the oral count words first and many
typically developing children arrive at school being able to say long
strings in the counting word sequence. For children with DS, this may
not have occurred due to difficulties with oral language. Our research
suggests this does not mean they are unable to count. It may be that
some of the children who are as yet unable to say the count word
sequence are able to order numbers and so would appear to have some
aspects of the number concepts.
Learners with DS are likely to have a relative strength in the
visual learning mode. This can be used to support the development of the
oral and symbolic aspects of number concept development: emphasise the
visual by teaching the symbols (numerals) and the connection to the
word. Oelwein (1995) advocates the approach of 'match, select and
name' sequence.
Selecting is more difficult. Given some numerals, the child selects
the target numeral when the teacher asks for it.
Finally, naming is the stage where the child names (or signs) the
numeral when shown the card.
Once the numerals are known, the order can be taught. Counting
songs are excellent for this, but the tempo needs to be slow to allow
time for signing or processing the words. Videos showing Makaton signing
to children's songs are available (see resource list) and give a
good guide to how slow the tunes should be.
Focussing on visual approaches to learning number concepts has
received recent attention (Bobis, 2008). Bobis has argued for the
importance of part-whole knowledge and subitising (the process of being
able to determine how many items there are without counting them), these
being developed through a range of visual approaches. Some of the
children in the study were successfully using materials such as real
objects and number lines to perform calculations, hundreds charts to
support counting and bundling sticks to understand place value concepts.
Approaches such as the use of ten-frames, five-frames, number
lines, empty number lines and hundreds charts are commonplace in
Australian primary classrooms. These manipulative materials and visual
strategies assist learners to develop number sense using spatial
methods. Numicon, developed in the UK by Wing and Tacon, is a
multi-sensory mathematics teaching program using plastic shapes for 1 to
10 in set arrangements. It has been promoted as a successful approach
for children with Down syndrome (Wing & Tacon, 2007). The materials
focus on subitising, learning number combinations and calculating
without relying on counting. Similar materials, more common in
Australian classrooms, that focus on spatial thinking may well be as
In focussing on developing number concepts, we are aiming for the
development of number sense. Having a sense of what the number
'three' actually is involves gaining an understanding of the
concept in several forms: as a symbol, as language, as representations
in various arrangements of materials, as connected to other numbers.
Finally, links between the forms of the concept are required for deep
understanding of 'three-ness.' In teaching number to develop
this rich concept, we need to use a variety of approaches. It is our
view that children with Down syndrome will access the development of
number sense more readily by focusing on visual and kinaesthetic
approaches, with language and oral methods introduced alongside.
Feedback to parents
Parents were an integral part of our research study. They watched
the interviews and gave us advice about their child's
participation, the wording of questions and background information about
schooling. In addition to the information the parents provided to us, we
were conscious of how desperate the parents were for information from
us. Parents clearly wanted to know about the mathematical development of
their child. It can be very difficult for a parent of a child with an
intellectual impairment to gain a realistic view of performance, perhaps
particularly if the child is attending a local school. Comparison with
typically developing peers is unhelpful and yet other measures are not
readily available as an alternative. Children with learning disabilities
are commonly withdrawn from state and now national testing, and
comparisons with age peers are unhelpful if the child with DS is working
on an adjusted program. Few have access to comparisons with others with
At the end of the interview, many parents expressed keen interest
in our opinion of how their child had performed. This research may begin
to provide ways to help parents and teachers to judge the educational
progress of the child with Down syndrome.
We would recommend an approach where teachers report specific
achievements against the 'big ideas' of mathematics, such as
those specified in syllabus documents. Accomplished concepts as well as
emerging concepts are helpful for parents to know. Providing information
about where the child is headed would also be important. Parents attend
planning meetings for their children and it is helpful for them to have
detailed information to support their contribution. Teachers may also be
surprised at the extent to which parents of children with Down syndrome
read research. All the parents in our study were keenly aware of the
literature on Down syndrome. Clearly, there is likely to be a sampling
effect here--parents with an interest in research are more likely to
participate in studies--however, even so, parents are often part of
support groups and can be very knowledgeable. Teachers can use this
knowledge as a resource; invite parents to share latest research or
information and follow up with them after you have had time to read and
consider the information.
Deciding what to teach
In the development of individual learning programs for children
with Down syndrome, decisions need to be made about what to teach. In
the early years, the programs will be similar to those for other
children in the class, ensuring an emphasis on visual learning
approaches. As the child moves through primary school, the gap between
their mathematical development and that of their age peers tends to
widen. Decisions then need to be made about what to teach. In our study,
the older children who were included with age peers were learning a
range of mathematics from across the discipline. They were using similar
approaches and manipulative materials to others in their class and the
effectiveness of this could be seen in their performance during the
interview. These children were successful at a range of tasks and were
familiar with the standard classroom materials, such as hundreds charts
and calculators (see Figure 2).
From the initial analysis of our data, it would seem that assisting
children to work on similar content to that of others in the class is an
effective approach. Strategies for diversifying the curriculum are
available elsewhere (see for example, Browder & Spooner, 2006;
Carnellor, 2004).
Future plans
Our main purpose in this research is to empower teachers and
parents through the understanding we hope to gain about the mathematical
development of children with Down syndrome. Only through research can
those closely involved in the teaching and learning process be advised
of best practice approaches. In the 1960s, life expectancy for people
with Down syndrome was around 15 years. Now, it is more than 50, with
one in ten living to their seventies (Brown, 1996). Preparation for a
long adulthood is essential and begins in the early years. Foundation
concepts of mathematics underpin lifelong numeracy development, an
important goal for all learners, including those with Down syndrome.
Matching involves matching a numeral written on a card to an
identical numeral on another card. Begin with one numeral to
match--small steps allow the learner to succeed at each stage and
practise before moving on. As one numeral is learned move to others. The
order is not important at this stage. Selecting is more difficult. Given
some numerals, the child selects the target numeral when the teacher
asks for it. Finally, naming is the stage where the child names (or
signs) the numeral when shown the card.
The authors are grateful for the contribution of the children with
Down syndrome and their families who participated in our study.
This research was jointly funded by the Mathematics and Literacy
Education Research Flagship of ACU National and SiMERRACT hub.
Bird, G. & Buckley, S. (2001). Number skills for individuals
with Down syndrome--An overview. Hampshire: The Down Syndrome
Educational Trust.
Bobis, J. (2008). Early spatial thinking and the development of
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Bobis, J., Clarke, B. A., Clarke, D., Thomas, G., Wright, R.
&Young-Loveridge,J. (2005). Supporting teachers in the development
of young children's mathematical thinking: Three large scale cases.
Mathematics Education Research journal, 16(3), 27-57.
Browder, D. M. & Spooner, F. (Eds) (2006). Teaching Language
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Brown, R. I. (1996). Growing older: challenges and opportunities.
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Brown, R. I. & Semple, L. (1970). Effects of unfamiliarity on
the overt verbalisation and perceptual motor behaviour of nursery school
children. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 40(3), 291-298.
Bruni, M. (2006). Fine Motor Skills for Children with Down
Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals (2nd ed.). Bethesda, MD:
Woodbine House.
Buckley, S. (2000). Speech and language development for individuals
with Down syndrome--An overview. Southsea, UK: Down Syndrome Educational
Buckley, S. & Bird, G. (2002). Cognitive development and
education: Perspectives on Down syndrome from a twenty-year research
programme. In M. Cuskelly, A. Jobling & S. Buckley (Eds), Down
syndrome across the life span. (pp. 66-80). London: Whurr.
Carnellor, Y. (2004) . Encouraging mathematical success for
children with learning difficulties. Southbank, Victoria: Social Science
Press Australia.
Clarke, D. M., Cheeseman, J., Gervasoni, A., Gronn, D., Horne, M.,
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& Rowley, G. (2002). Early Numeracy Research Project Final Report.
Melbourne, Australia: Mathematics Teaching and Learning Centre,
Australian Catholic University.
Gervasoni, A. (2004). Exploring an intervention strategy for six
and seven year old children who are vulnerable in learning school
mathematics. Unpublished Doctoral thesis, La Trobe University, Bundoora.
Oelwein, P. L. (1995) . Teaching reading to children with Down
syndrome: A guide for parents and teachers. Bethesda: Woodbine House.
Rynders, J. & Horrobin, J. (1990). Always trainable? Never
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Down's syndrome. American journal on Mental Retardation, 95,77-83.
Selikowitz, M. (1997). Down Syndrome: The Facts. (2nd ed.). London:
Oxford University Press.
Winders, P. (1997). Gross Motor Skills in Children with Down
Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine
Wing, T. & Tacon, R. (2007). Teaching number skills and
concepts with Numicon materials. Down Syndrome Research and Practice,
12(1), 22-26.
Wishart, J. G. (1996). Avoidant learning styles and cognitive
development in young children. In B. Stratford & P. Gunn (Eds), New
approaches to Down syndrome. (pp. 173-205). London, UK: Cassell.
Wishart, J. G. (2002). Learning in young children with Down
syndrome: public perceptions, empirical evidence. In M. Cuskelly, A.
Jobling & S. Buckley (Eds), Down Syndrome Across the Lifespan (pp.
18-27). London: Whurr.
Resource list
Resource kit
DSAQ. (2000). Where do we go from here? Information and ideas for
regular primary schools about including a child with Down syndrome.
Brisbane: Down Syndrome Association of Queensland. [Contact]
Practical Teaching Strategies in Numeracy series of 5 books
Munro, J. (2000) . Practical Teaching Strategies in Numeracy.
Northcote, Victoria: Down Syndrome Association of Victoria. [Available
through MAV:]
Makaton signing video
Variety Clubs of Australia [Available
Down Syndrome Issues and Information Series
DownsEd:PorstmouthUK:Down Syndrome Educational Trust 2001--Series
editor Professor Sue Buckley.
Number skills for individuals with Down syndrome: an overview
Number skills development for infants with Down syndrome (0-5
Number skills development for children with Down syndrome (5-11
Number skills development for teenagers with Down syndrome (11-16
Rhonda Faragher, Jo Brady, Barbara Clarke, Ann Gervasoni ACU
National <>