摘要:During recent years websites of various Lithuanian museums have been developing rapidly. Therefore, evaluation of their quality is becoming very important. The aim of this article is to evaluate the development of museumsʼ websites in Lithuania via Website Quality Evaluation Method. They were rated after evaluating convenience, functionality, reliability and efficiency dimensions. The comparative analysis of websites' quality of urban and district local governments` museums was made and the factors which have impact on development of museumsʼ websites were identified. Results show that the majority of websites of Lithuaniaʼs local government museums are developed on a limited level. No essential differences were found between website development level of urban and district local governments` museums judging their convenience, functionality, reliability and efficiency dimensions. It should be noted that the mostly developed aspects are related with locating and spreading the information. On the other hand, aspects which are related with interaction and communication with visitors, social inclusion, and technical possibilities display the low level of websitesʼ development. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.ppaa.15.1.14699