How education can be used to improve sustainability knowledge and thinking among teenagers.
Brazier, Randolph James ; Cruickshank, Heather ; Buckley, Nicola 等
In the United Kingdom, while some aspects of sustainability have
been introduced into the secondary school curriculum, they are often
merged into other subjects and do not attract as much attention as
traditional subjects. Furthermore, sustainability emphasis varies
between schools, exam boards and teachers, leading to differing levels
of understanding among teenagers. As a result, it could be argued that
some young people fail to engage with global issues, which could be
contributing towards the lower rates of young people voting in the
United Kingdom. Promoting sustainable development, and how engineering
can contribute towards it, could also potentially help reverse the
decline in engineering student entries at universities, by attracting
more interest to the engineering field. Thus, the question is raised as
to how sustainability knowledge can be improved among teenagers.
The research investigated the scale and quality of ESD at secondary
schools in the United Kingdom and recommended a range of solutions to
improve sustainability teaching and thinking among teenagers. A range of
research tools were used, including a literature and curriculum review,
interviews and surveys with teachers and students, and a role-play case
The research involved a survey being conducted with 475 UK
secondary school students aged 12-18 years. The survey was conducted to
determine the current level of sustainability understanding of the
students, where they learned about it, their preferences relating to
issues facing the Earth, and how they think sustainability teaching
could be improved. Surveys were purposely open ended, and teachers were
instructed not to give prompts prior to the survey, to enable an
accurate reflection of students' knowledge. Results of the surveys
varied across age group, school, overall attainment levels of students
and exam boards. In general, results showed that while students are
interested and knowledgeable about current issues, their level of
understanding of sustainability is poor to moderate, and they want it to
be taught in more subjects.
A gap analysis was then conducted with a curriculum review, survey
results and interviews with teachers as inputs. The aim of the analysis
was to determine the difference between a desirable level of knowledge
and teaching of sustainability, and current practice. Among other
things, the analysis indicated that interactive learning would be
beneficial, and thus a role play, set in Cambridge and covering
environmental, social and economic aspects, was designed and run at two
schools in Cambridge. An element of competition was included, as well as
a relatively open set of rules, to invoke creative solutions.
Observation during the game indicated engaged students. Feedback from
students indicated that the game was a fun and useful learning tool.
Feedback from teachers was also positive, indicating that interactive
teaching tools, like role plays, class debates and field experiments,
can be very valuable towards teaching students about the complexities of
After the role plays, the students were surveyed with identical
questions to the initial survey. Results were compared, and
sustainability knowledge and the ability to identify environmental
issues was seen to increase significantly, far more so than originally
expected. This increase in knowledge was highlighted by the students
themselves in subsequent feedback sessions.
Finally, steps were proposed to improve sustainability education
that could be implemented by schools and teachers or at the UK National
Curriculum level:
* a 'Sustainability Week' or sustainability short course
to be run at early secondary school, with the aim to give students a
holistic overview of sustainability;
* aspects of sustainability, including real-world examples, to be
included in all subjects and lead on from the short course;
* interactive learning tools to be strongly encouraged and made
available to all teachers;
* training and support to be provided to teachers to improve
understanding and ability to teach sustainability;
* extra-curricular sustainability activities to be offered at all
schools. These steps, along with continual lines of communication and
feedback between politicians, the public, industry, students and
educators, will ensure that students understand sustainability and
develop critical ways of thinking, leading to a more engaged generation.
doi 10.1017/aee.2015.17
The author would like to thank The University of Cambridge, in
particular, the Cambridge University Engineering Department and the
Centre for Sustainable Development, for the opportunity to undertake
this study. This research and dissertation could not have been completed
without the efforts of Dr Heather Cruickshank, lecturer at Centre for
Sustainable Development, and Nicola Buckley, Head of Public Engagement
at the Office of External Affairs and Communications, who not only
served as supervisors but always provided useful advice and encouraged
progress throughout the dissertation. The author would also like to
extend his gratitude to all the teachers and students in Cambridge, Ely,
London and Lincolnshire who helped contribute towards the interviews,
role plays and surveys involved in the research. A special thank you
must go to the teachers at Chesterton Community College and Parkside
Community College for their help and enthusiasm with designing and
running the role plays in their classes. The author understands that
their time is valuable and their assistance was much appreciated.
Randolph James Brazier, Supervisors
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Heather Cruickshank, University of Cambridge
Nicola Buckley, University of Cambridge
Author Biography
Randolph was a Commonwealth Trusts Scholarship holder and has
recently completed an M.Phil in Engineering for Sustainable Development
from the University of Cambridge, focusing his study on Education and
Sustainability. Originally a graduate of the University of Adelaide with
a double degree in Engineering and Science, Randolph is a current STEM
Ambassador in the United Kingdom, working with schools and teachers to
promote STEM subjects. Email: