摘要:In this paper we present the floristic checklist, including life forms of angiosperms from the savannas ofSan Miguel Allende (Campeche) and Chacho Lugo (Yucatán). We recorded 142 species belonging to 96 genera and36 families, herbaceous plants being the dominant life form. The Jaccard index value obtained was 0.169, whichshows the significant differences in the floristic composition of each savanna, which share only 24 out of the 142species recorded. The geomorphological characteristics of each site indicate variations in hydrological dynamics, asreflected in significant variations in the floristic composition. San Miguel Allende is classified as a seasonal savanna,characterized by the presence of genus as Trachypogon and the limited presence of taxa of Cyperaceae, while ChachoLugo is classified as a savanna hiper seasonal, where species from humid environments are abundant (Cyperaceae,Eriocaulaceae and Lentibulariaceae). The presence of endemic as Echeandia campechiana, E. petenensis and Hampeatrilobata and the limited presence of introduced plants show the floristic and ecological importance of these sites sopoorly studied and highly affected by human activities.