标题:Los moluscos (Pelecypoda, Gastropoda, Cephalopoda, Polyplacophora y Scaphopoda) recolectados en el SE del golfo de California durante las campañas SIPCO a bordo del B/O “El Puma”. Elenco faunístico
摘要:A total of 202 species (122 genera in 62 families) and 4 979 specimens of mollusks was collected in 24bottom trawls on the continental shelf off the coast of Sinaloa, in the SE Gulf of California, Mexico. The trawls weremade between 27 and 117 m depth during the SIPCO I, II and III cruises aboard the research vessel “El Puma” of theUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México in April and August 1981, and in January 1982. The material obtainedbelongs to five classes of mollusks: Pelecypoda, 55 species, Gastropoda, 140; Cephalopoda, 3; Polyplacophora, 3;Scaphopoda, 1 species. Some species (2 Bivalvia; 4 Gastropoda; 1 Cephalopoda) could not be identified but wererecognized as distinct. The check list presented includes the material examined and the geographic distribution of allspecies. In addition, an illustration of each collected species is provided.
关键词:mollusks;continental platform;Southeastern Gulf of California.;moluscos;plataforma continental;golfo de California sureste.