摘要:Structure and composition of tropical dry forest (SBC) and tropical semideciduous forest (SMS) weredescribed in 2 locations at Campeche, Mexico. We compare the species richness, abundance and distribution of treesas well as their dasometric characteristics within each plant communities. We established 27 plots (500 m2) wereall individuals ≥ 3 cm of diameter at the breast height were counted and measured. We counted 3 162 individualsbelonging to 83 species and 30 families. Tree species richness was higher in the SMS (70 species in 30 families; 13species average per plot) than in SBC, were 50 species in 21 families and 11 species per plot were recorded. Treediversity in SBC was 1.91 (±0.34) versus 2.10 (±0.32) in SMS. Consequently, communities are not equitably distributedboth in SMS (J= 0.65±0.12) and SBC (J= 0.63±0.12).