标题:Efecto de la colonización de los céspedes algales en el crecimiento de Pocillopora capitata (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) en el Pacífico tropical mexicano
摘要:The disturbances on coral reefs increase the competition for space between organisms. This study evaluatedthe effect of algal turfs on the growth and survival of the coral Pocillopora capitata. The experimental work was tounite dead branches —colonized by algae— and live with live coral branches in 2 types of adhesion —lateral andapical—, in 2 seasons —rainy and dry— in the Mexican tropical Pacific. The information was obtained throughcomparative pictures between the start and end of the experiment for each season. The results show that the coralbranches growth did not change significantly despite the manipulation, the injuries —apical cut and adhesion— andby contact with algal turfs, survival values obtained for the branches of coral between 65 and 100%. Thus, the resultspresented here, and the results of other studies have found some qualities of P. capitata as rapid growth, ability andto manipulation resistance, also the turf algae overgrow resistance, and in addition their membership to a family usedin the recovery of reefs make to this species useful in restoration projects, in degraded coral communities of theMexican tropical Pacific.