摘要:Hohenbergia mesoamericana I. Ramírez, Carnevali et Cetzal is proposed as new, described, and illustrated. Because the genus was previously known only from the Antilles, Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil, this new species represents the first record of Hohenbergia for Mexico and Mesoamerica. The new species is morphologically similar to the Jamaican H. spinulosa Mez in having the bracts subtending the spikes far exceeding them (especially the lowermost) and green petals, but differs in several characters, including a more elongate peduncle and rachis resulting in a less dense inflorescence, shorter floral bracts, and pedicellate spikes. The conservation status of the new species is evaluated as critically endangered (CR) according to IUCN criteria.
关键词:Bromelioideae;biogeographical disjunction;conservation;IUCN criteria;Mexico;Yucatán Peninsula;Bromelioideae;conservación;criterios IUCN;disyunción geográfica;México;península de Yucatán