摘要:Volumen IX - 2009 ISSN 1870-4654 EL ANEXO 2 DE LA ORGANIZACIÓN MUNDIAL DE COMERCIO Y LA PARTICIPACIÓN DE LOS PARTICULARES A TRAVÉS DEL AMICUS CURIAE * Rodolfo CRUZ MIRAMONTES ** This study is about the possible intervention of entities with a legal interest in dispute settlement procedures that without having the quality of third party considers that its legitimate interest could be affected by the final report of the DSB. The article departs from a specific case at the WTO and from the involvement of a private entity through the figure of Amicus Curiae briefs. An overview of the legal status of these briefs stemming from Common Law in different European and Latin-American legal regimes is made. Finally their incorporation into the Rules of the Dispute Settlement Understanding is suggested. * Artículo recibido el 2 de agosto de 2008 y aceptado para su publicación el 3 de septiembre de 2008. ** Doctor en derecho y profesor de Derecho comercial internacional en la Universidad Iberoamericana. * Nota: Debido que la traducción es automática podrá ser inexacta o contener errores.