摘要:In its program of studies for preschool level, The Secretary of Public Education of Mexico promoted development of four standards os science: Scientific Knowledge, Applications of Scientific Knowledge and Technology, Skills Asocciated to Science amd Attiudes Associated to Science. However, to develop this skills and reach out the standards there are some problems; one of them is lack os specific syllabus that allow to the teachers since a concept develop the skills needed to reach out the four standards in science. In this paper we shows the results of use physics concepts (specifically electricity) to build skills aimed to reach the standards of science in Childs of preschool level. We implemented an inquiry cycle that include generation questions, abstract conceptualitazion, demostrative experiments, handling of experimental kits and a link of the experience with the real world, all around of concept of electric charge. We find finalizing the cycle that the kids achieved acquisition of a basic science vocabulary, developing of a greater capacity to interpret ans represent natural phenomena and link of science knowledge with their enviorement, skills request to reach out standards of science in preschool students in Mexico
关键词:Preschool Physics;Science in school; Teaching methods and strategies