出版社:Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
摘要:The Government has stated its intention of making all efforts to enterNAFTA as soon as possible. It wants to widen its markets and gainadvantages for exports. In Congress and public opinion in the United States there is opposition to the idea, based on Colombia's flagrant violations of human rights, and accusations that the drug-traffickers have infiltrated the economy and politics. Curiously, though,Colombian exports have had privileged access to Europe and the United States, but Colombia has not taken advantage of this and the balanceof trade ins negative. The success of integration does not depend one conomic policy alone: social policy must also come into play.
关键词:Nafta;mercado;exportaciones;ingreso;infiltración del narcotráfico en la economía colombiana;productos;acceso a mercados europeos y estadunidense;balanza comercial;políticas comerciales;políticas sociales