摘要:The purpose of this study is to investigateprospective physics teachers’ knowledge of and attitude towards radiation andradioactivity. Participantsof this study are 56 prospective physics teachers. A questionnaire related withthe knowledge about radiation and radiation fear was conducted. The results ofthis study showed that most of the prospective physics teachers did not haveenough knowledge about the ionising radiation and they lacked differentiationbetween contamination and irradiation. Moreover, majority of them were notaware of the degree of radiation exposure during their daily life experiences.Most of them could not give logical reasoning for their positive or negativeattitudes towards radiation. In addition, it was found that the prospective physics teachers whoknow more about radiation and radioactivity have more positive attitude towardsradiation and give more reasonable answers about it.Based on theabove facts, the authors recommend that new teaching and information processesare needed to provide more beneficial learning environments about radiation andradioactivity.
关键词:radiation awareness; radiation fear; attitude towards radiation; prospective physics teacher