出版社:Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
摘要:Agricultural policy in Colombia during the last two decades has been characterized by incoherence, lack of clarity and a senseless pattern of advances and U-turns. The author sustains that this chaos is due to the lack of a long term vision of the rural sector and, in academic circles, the lack of of an adequate theory capable of encompassing its complexity. Such a theory should clearly establish -with rigor, a definite method and appropiate instruments- what precisely in the agrarian problem to whose solution policies are addressed. After reviewing some basic theoretical concepts, this essay explores the causes of the current confusion. In order to formulate an answer, it follows the evolution, in the work of Bejarano, of the vision of the agrarian problem until it disappeared below the horizon of current academic concerns. It concludes with a discussion some epistemological options available to society and academia to return to the basics. One of these is the need to thihk once again as a society.