标题:Acceso y satisfacción con servicios curativos: análisis de casos en afiliados al régimen contributivo y afiliados al régimen subsidiado en un barrio estrato 2 - Cali, Colombia.
摘要:This study presents a case analysis to identify differences in access to curative services among people affiliated to the contributive and subsidized system. At the population level, around a tenth of the population feels the need and demand a healing service, 97.8 % being treated. Descriptive, cross-sectional investigation; fundamentals variables were operationalized taking into account the need serviced. Cases were considered, those presenting a health problem in the last month, consulted a formal service and were treated. The results show differences between the regimes of access and satisfaction; for example, in relation to the medicines they claimed 87.8 % of contributive and subsidized 55.9 %, statistically significant differences. Administrative and financial barriers were found; and characteristics of the services that affect access to care and quality in both regimes, demonstrating infringement of the fundamental right to health care.
关键词:social security;health services accessibility;health services needs and demand;medical care;utilization;patient satisfaction;seguridad social;accesibilidad a los servicios de salud;necesidades y demandas de servicios de salud;atención médica;utilización;satisfacción del paciente;segurança social;acessibilidade a serviços de saúde;necessidades e demandas de serviços de saúde;atendimento médico;utilização;satisfação do paciente