摘要:Objective : Assessing the quality of life ( cv ) and its relationship with reintegration to work, depression and pain in people injured in traffic accidents. Methods : we evaluated reintegration to work, cv ( sf -36); depression ( phq -9); and pain (visual analog scale), in patients with moderate or severe trauma. Results : twelve months after the trauma 367 out of 461 patients reintegrated to work (81.4%). The patients that did not reintegrate had lower scores in the cv subscales, compared to the reference scores; those who did reintegrate to work had higher scores. We did not observe depression and phq -9 had a greater correlation with the emotional performance subscale of sf -36 in reintegrated people and with physical performance in those who did not reintegrate. cv was affected by the severity of the injuries and pain. Conclusion : cv is lower and was affected by the severity of the injuries and depression in patients who did not reintegrate to work.
关键词:quality of life;injuries;traffic accidents;reintegration to work;visual analog scale for pain;phq-9;calidad de vida;lesiones;accidentes de tránsito;reinserción al trabajo;Escala Análoga Visual del Dolor;phq-9;qualidade de vida;lesões;acidentes de trânsito;reinserção ao trabalho;Escala Analógica Visual da Dor;phq-9