出版社:Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
摘要:This article presents the nature, bases, and coherence requirements of a plan, in order to specify the methodological criteria of its internal critique of the agricultural chapter. The examination of its diagnosis leads to a different diagnosis, which is inferred by the objective of "integrating the rural sector": the persistence of the agrarian problem, expressed in a bimodal structure, polarized into 'the economic' and 'the social'. The plan's objective reveals a long-term vision: to contribute to the solution of the agrarian problem. Thus, the policies differentiate between the advanced entrepreneurial and peasant sectors, for which it designs different strategies which assign different roles for the state: to facilitate socioeconomic processes for the former, and to promote rural development for the latter. The article shows that the Plan maintains internal coherence, and illustrates its limitations due to the institutional environment, which is manifested in its design and in the possibilities for its execution. It concludes that the most important policies are the weakest, and that rural developmerlt is not only a problem of social design, but above all of the mentality and commitment of society on all levels.
关键词:El agro;plan de cambio;agropecuario;económico;social;sector empresarial;campesino;socio-económicos;desarrollo rural