Analysis of thick skew laminate with elliptical cutout subjected to non-linear temperature distribution: major axis of ellipse parallel to inclined side.
Kumar, M.S.R. Niranjan ; Sarcar, M.M.M. ; Murthy, V. Bala Krishna 等
[E.sub.1] = Young's modulus of the lamina in the fibre
direction [E.sub.2] = [E.sub.3] = Young's modulus of the lamina in
the transverse direction of the fibre [G.sub.12] = [G.sub.13] = Shear
modulus in the longitudinal plane of the fibre [G.sub.23] = Shear
modulus in the transverse plane of the fibre [v.sub.12] = [v.sub.13] =
Poisons ratio in the longitudinal plane of the fibre [v.sub.23] =
Poisons ratio in the transverse plane of the fibre [[alpha].sub.1] =
Coefficient of thermal expansion in the fiber direction [[alpha].sub.2]
= [[alpha].sub.3] = Coefficient of thermal expansion in the transverse
direction of the fiber EL = Exact elasticity solution FE = Finite
element solution
Normalized [sigma] [sigma]/[p.sub.0][s.sup.s], Normalized
[tau]/[p.sub.0]s, Normalized w = 100[E.sub.2]w/[p.sub.0][hs.sup.4]
s = Length of the plate (l) / thickness of the plate (h)
[p.sub.0] = The maximum intensity of sinusoidal load
a = Length and width of the square plate
[p.sub.3] = Major axis of the ellipse parallel to inclined side of
the skew plate. 1/2 and 1/3 are the normalized positions along the
thickness direction
(Normalized z = 2z / h, z coordinate measured from middle plane of
the plate and h=total thickness of the plate)
The increasing use of fibre reinforced laminates in space vehicles,
aircrafts, automobiles, ships and chemical vessels have necessitated the
rational analysis of structures for their mechanical response. In
addition, the anisotropy and non-homogeneity and larger ratio of
longitudinal to transverse modulii of these new materials demand
improvement in the existing analytical tools. As a result, the analysis
of laminated composite structures has attracted many research workers,
and has been considerably improved to achieve realistic results. In the
design of modern high-speed aircraft and missile structures, swept wing
and tail surfaces are extensively employed. Moreover some of the
structural elements are provided with cutouts of different shapes to
meet the functional requirements like (i) for the passage of various
cables, (ii) for undertaking maintenance work and (iii) for fitting
auxiliary equipment. Depending upon the nature of application, these
structural elements are acted upon by mechanical and thermal loads of
varied nature. Usually, the anisotropy in laminated composite structures
causes complicated responses under different loading conditions by
creating complex couplings between extensions, bending, and shear
deformation modes. To capture the full mechanical behavior, it must be
described by three dimensional elasticity theories.
In solving the three-dimensional elasticity equations of
rectangular plates, quite a number of solution approaches have been
proposed. Srinivas and Rao [1] and Srinivas et al. [2] presented a set
of complete analytical analyses on bending, buckling and free vibration
of plates with both isotropic and orthotropic materials. Zhang and Zhang
[3] presented a new concise procedure for obtaining the static exact
solution of composite laminates with piezo-thermo-elastic layers under
cylindrical bending using the basic coupled thermo-electro-elastic
differential equations. Setoodeh and Karami [4] employed a
three-dimensional elasticity based layer-wise finite element method
(FEM) to study the static, free vibration and buckling responses of
general laminated thick composite plates. Pagano et al.[5] has given
exact solutions for the deflections and stresses of a cross- ply
laminated rectangular composites without holes using elasticity theory.
Kong and Cheung[6] proposed a displacement-based, three-dimensional
finite element scheme for analyzing thick laminated plates by treating
the plate as a three-dimensional inhomogeneous anisotropic elastic body.
Prasad and Shuart [7] presented a closed form solution for the moment
distributions around holes in symmetric laminates subjected to bending
moments. Ukadgaonker et al.[8] gave a general solution for bending of
symmetric laminates with holes. Morley et al.[9] developed an elementary
bending theory for the small displacements of initially flat isotropic
skew plates without hole. Karami et al.[10] has applied Differential
Quadrature Method (DQM) for static, free vibration, and stability
analysis of skewed and trapezoidal composite thin plates without hole.
From the review of available literature it is observed that the static
analysis of skew plates with cutouts using elasticity theory has not
been studied. The behavior of a laminate with skew edges and having
various types of cutouts is different from the one without skew edges
and/or cut outs. So it is necessary to analyse this kind of problem
using elasticity theory based finite element method to evaluate for the
most accurate behaviour of thick laminated skew plates with cutouts.
Skew Laminate
The term 'skew' in skew laminate refers to oblique, swept
or parallelogram. In case of skew plate the angle between the adjacent
sides of the plate is not equal to 900. If opposite sides of the plate
are parallel, it becomes a parallelogram and when their lengths are
equal, the plate is called a rhombic plate. In the present analysis a
rhombic laminated plate is considered by varying the skew angle from 00
to 500 as shown in Fig.1.
Problem Statement
The research problem deals with the thermoelastic analysis of thick
skew laminated plate with elliptical cutout by elasticity theory based
on finite element method.
Problem Modeling
Geometric modeling
The Figure.1 shows the in-plane dimensions of the laminate
considered for the present analysis. The dimensions for 'l'
and 'b' are taken as 20mm. d is the length of the minor axis
of the ellipse. Major axis of the ellipse is taken as twice the length
of the minor axis.
The value of d is determined from the ratio of d/1 which is varied
from 0.1 to 0.4, and the skew angle [alpha] is varied from [0.sup.0] to
[50.sup.0], the thickness of the plate is fixed from the length to
thickness ratio l/h (s =10). The individual layers are arranged so that
the total thickness of the layers oriented in x- direction ([theta] =
[0.sup.0]) is equal to the total thickness of the layers oriented in y-
direction ([theta] = [90.sup.0]).
Finite Element Modeling
The finite element mesh is generated using a three dimensional
brick elements 'SOLID90' and 'SOLID 95' of ANSYS
[11]. The 20 node thermal element is applicable to a steady state or
transient thermal analysis. The elements consists of has 20 nodes and
temperature degree of freedom for 'SOLID90'and X, Y, and Z
directional displacement for 'SOLID 95'. 'SOLID90'
and 'SOLID 95' have compatibility to transfer the temperatures
from thermal analysis to structural analysis This element (Fig.2) is a
structural solid element designed based on three dimensional elasticity
theory and is used to model thick orthotropic solids.
Boundary conditions
A temperature of [100.sup.0] C on the top face and [25.sup.0] C on
the bottom and side faces is applied. The surface of the hole is
subjected to convection with film coefficient h = 5 and bulk temperature
[25.sup.0] C.
All the edges of the skew plate are clamped i.e. all the three
degrees of freedom (Displacements in global x-, y- and z- directions) of
the nodes attached to the side faces of the plate are constrained.
The output from the thermal analysis is applied as thermal loading.
Material Properties (Graphite-Epoxy)
[K.sup.L] = 36.42 W/m K [E.sup.1] = 172.72 GPa, [G.sup.12] =
[G.sup.13] = 3.45 GPa, [[alpha].sub.1] = 0.57 x [10.sup.-6] / [sup.0]C
[K.sub.T] = 0.96 W/m K [E.sub.2] = [E.sub.3] = 6.909 GPa [G.sub.23]
= 1.38 GPa, [[alpha].sub.2] = [[alpha].sub.3] = 35.6 x [10.sup.-6] /
[v.sub.12] = [v.sub.13] = [v.sub.23] = 0.25
Validity of the Present Analysis
To validate the finite element results, a square plate with simply
supported edges and subjected to a sinusoidal load of p = p0 sin
([pi]x/a) sin ([pi]y/b), where a and b are the length and width of the
plate, is modeled with SOLID95 element. The results obtained from this
model are compared with the exact elasticity solution [5] for various
lengths to thickness ratios of the plate (Table 1). It is observed that
the finite element results are in close agreement with the exact
elasticity solution.
Table 1. Presents the results of a square laminate ('a' =
'b'). The location for maximum [[sigma].sub.x] i.e. (a/2, a/2,
[+ or -] 1/2) is at the centre and at top and bottom faces of the
laminate. Maximum value of [[sigma].sub.y] is observed at the centre and
at the interface of outer and its adjacent layers (a/2, a/2, [+ or
-]1/3) of the laminate. The value of the shear stress [[tau].sub.yz] is
taken at the mid point of one of the vertical sides and at the neutral
surface of the laminate (0, a/2, 0). The value of the shear stress
[[tau].sub.zx] is taken at the mid point of one of the horizontal sides
and at the neutral surface of the laminate (a/2,0,0) and the transverse
deflection is obtained at geometric centre of the laminate (a/2,a/2,0).
In the present work the transverse deflection and stresses
(including the inter-laminar stresses at the free edge of the elliptical
cutout) of a clamped skew laminated plate with elliptical cutout at the
centre of the plate and subjected to a non-linearly varying temperature
loading is evaluated by varying the size of the elliptical cutout and
skew angle.
Results and Discussion
Numerical results are obtained for temperature loading as mentioned
above. Variation of the stresses and deflection with respect to the skew
angle ([alpha]) for different d/l ratio's is shown in Figs. 3-9.
The following observations are made.
Effect of Skew Angle
The in-plane normal stress, [[sigma].sub.x] (Fig.) decreases with
increase in skew angle. The increase in skew angle increases the length
of the longer diagonal and decreases the length of the shorter diagonal
of the skew plate. The first factor (increase in the length of the
longer diagonal) increases the flexibility of the plate where as the
second factor (decrease in the length of the shorter diagonal) increases
the stiffness of the plate. The reduction in the stress [[sigma].sub.x]
is due to the domination of stiffness effect. (Fig). The in-plane normal
stress, [[sigma].sub.y] increases with increase in skew angle [alpha]
for d/l = 0.1 and 0.2. The increase in the stress [[sigma].sub.y] is due
to the domination of flexibility effect. For d/l = 0.3 and 0.4 this
stress increases up to [alpha] = [40.sup.0] and then decreases. Here the
flexibility effect is dominating up to [alpha] = [40.sup.0], from
[alpha] = [40.sup.0] onwards the stiffness factor is dominating
(Fig).The in-plane shear stress, [[tau].sub.xy] increases with increase
in skew angle for d/l = 0.1. For d/l= 0.2 this stress increases up to
[alpha] = [40.sup.0] and then decreases. For d/l= 0.3 and 0.4 this
stress increases up to [alpha] = 300 and then decreases (Fig).
The Inter laminar normal stress, [[sigma].sub.z] at the free edge
of the cutout decreases with the increase in the skew angle for all d/l
ratios except for d/l = 0.4. For d/l = 0.4 this stress decreases up to
[alpha] = [40.sup.0] and then increases (Fig).The Inter laminar shear
stress, [[tau].sub.yz] increases with the increase in skew angle for all
d/l ratios (Fig).The Inter laminar shear stress, [[tau].sub.zx]
decreases with the increase in skew angle for d/l = 0.1. For the
remaining d/l ratios there is no significant variation in this stress
with respect to [alpha] (Fig).
There is no significant variation in transverse deflection
'w' with increase in skew angle [alpha] (Fig.).
Effect of d/l Ratio
When the size of the ellipse increases, the area of the hole
boundary increases providing more scope for free expansion of the plate.
Due to this factor, the stresses will decrease. At the same time, the
resisting volume of the material decreases and as a result the induced
stresses will increase. The resultant effect of these factors is
discussed below.
The in-plane normal stress [[sigma].sub.x] decreases with increase
in d/l ratio up to d/l = 0.2 and then increases for skew angle [alpha] =
[0.sup.0]. For all other values of skew angle this stress increases up
to d/l = 0.3 and then decreases. The second factor (decrease in
resisting volume) is dominating up to d/l = 0.3 and later the first
factor (increase in area of the free edges) is dominating leading to the
decrease in the stresses (Fig.3). The in-plane normal stress
[[sigma].sup.y] increases with increase in d/l ratio up to d/l = 0.2 and
then decreases for all values of skew angle [alpha] except for [alpha] =
[50.sup.0]. For [alpha] = [50.sup.0] this stress decreases with increase
in d/l ratio (Fig. 4).The in-plane shear stress [[tau].sup.xy] increases
up to d/l = 0.2 and then decreases for all values of skew angle [alpha]
(Fig. 5).
The inter laminar normal stress [[sigma].sub.z] and shear stress
[[tau].sub.yz] at the free edge of the cutout increase with increase in
d/l ratio for all values of skew angle [alpha]. The forces causing the
interlaminar stresses form in couples to balance the forces for
equilibrium. When the size of the cutout increases, the moment arm of
these forces decreases and this may be the reason for increase in
interlaminar stresses (Figs. 6and 7). There is no significant variation
of inter laminar shear stress [[tau].sub.zx] with respect to d/l ratio
for all skew angles.
The transverse deflection 'w' decreases with increase in
d/l ratio for all values of [alpha] (Fig. 9).
Thermoelastic analysis of a thick laminated composite skew plate
with an elliptical cutout at the centre of the plate has been carried
out in the present work. The transverse deflection, maximum in plane
stresses and maximum interlaminar stresses at the free edge of the
cutout have been evaluated using three-dimensional theory of elasticity
based finite element analysis. The results obtained for non-linearly
varying temperature loading are analyzed for the variation of skew angle
of the plate, size of the ellipse. The magnitude of the in-plane major
normal stress [[sigma].sub.x] due to temperature loading is greatly
affected by the skew angle variation and their magnitude is observed to
be minimum at higher value of the skew angle. The in-plane stresses
[[sigma].sub.y] and [[tau].sub.xy] and the transverse deflection
'w' are observed to be minimum at higher d/l ratios. The
magnitudes of inter laminar stresses are observed to be minimum at lower
d/l ratio.
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MSR Niranjan Kumar (a1), MMM Sarcar (b), V. Bala Krishna Murthy (c)
and K. Mohana Rao (d)
(a) Production Engineering Department, V.R. Siddhartha Engineering
College, Vijayawada-520 007, India.
(b) Mech. Engg. Dept., College of Engineering, Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam, India.
(c) Mech. Engg. Dept., P.V.P. Siddhartha Institute of Technology,
Vijayawada-520 007, India.
(d) Principal, C. R. Reddy College of Engineering, Eluru, A.P.,
(1) Corresponding Author: Email:
Table 1: Comparison of present work with exact elasticity theory [5]
Normalized Normalized
[[sigma].sub.x] [[sigma].sub.y]
S = l/h (a/2,a/2, [+ or -] 1/2) (a/2,a/2, [+ or -] 1/3)
10 EL 0.545 EL 0.430
-0.545 -0.432
FE 0.537 FE 0.431
-0.536 -0.431
20 EL 0.539 EL 0.380
-0.539 -0.380
FE 0.534 FE 0.377
-0.535 -0.378
Normalized Normalized Normalized
[[tau].sub.yz] [[tau].sub.zx] w
S = l/h (0,a/2,0) (a/2,0,0) (a/2,a/2,0)
10 EL 0.223 EL 0.258 EL 0.677
FE 0.209 FE 0.212 FE 0.692
20 EL 0.212 EL 0.268 EL 0.4938
FE 0.218 FE 0.271 FE 0.4838