摘要:Korean practices of gifted identification have special features such as being highly selective to the top 1.87% of all students, alignment of identification with gifted education curricu- lum, identification by specific domains mostly in STEM, multi-step screening with multiple measures, yearly identification, and identifica- tion of under-represented gifted students. Gifted education in elementary and middle schools is mostly provided through gifted classes, followed by school district gifted edu- cation centers, and university affiliated gifted education centers, whereas gifted education for high school students is mostly provided in special schools. One of the well-established principles is collecting multiple pieces of evi- dence that measure different constructs and characteristics aligned with the gifted pro- gram's goals and objectives, ideally utilizing a variety of assessment formats (e.g., paper-and- pencil, performance assessment). A newly introduced policy for identification is to pro- mote selection of gifted students solely based on teacher observation-recommendation in order to reduce parents' excessive tutoring practices for test preparation. However, its expansion should be carefully reconsidered, due to its relatively low validity and reliability. Rather, teacher observation-recommendation should be used as a supplementary identifica- tion procedure to create a talent pool or as additional assessment in conjunction with test scores