摘要:Valua tion involves the analyses of various inpu t data to produce an es timated va lue . Sinceeach input is itself often an estimate, there is an element of uncertain ty in the inp ut. This lead sto uncertain ty in the resultant ou tpu t value. It is argued that a valuati on must also conveyinformation on the un cert ainty, so as to be more meaningful and informative to the user . TheMont c Carlo simulation technique can gene rate the information on uncert ainty and is thereforepotentially useful to valu ation. This paper reports on the inves tigation that has been cond uctedto apply Mon te Carlo s imulation tech nique in minera l valua tion , more specifically, in thevalua tion of a qu arry concession.
关键词:MOllteCarlo Simulation; QuarryValuation; Mineral Valuation; Risk; LlIlcertaillty; Probability