摘要:The built en vironment is an int egr al part of the infrastructu re necessary for surv iva l. Theenvironmental s us ta inabili ty of OU f futu re ge nerations is be ing scrutinise d by the peopleresponsib le for th e higher ed uca t ion. The role of higher ed uca tion in crea ting a more .environmentally sustainable future is undeni able. The aim would be to train the professiona lsto be environmentally literate. These issues pre sen t a challenge to the educa tionist as well as tothe stude nts of the Buil t Environmen t, to reconci le the env ironmental aspects as part of the bui ltenvi ronment. The focus of the paper is main ly on the teaching approaches specifically on theintegration of envi ronmen tal sustaina bili ty issues into the subjects offered. This relates to thede velopmen t of the s tude nt's awareness, perceptions of environmental sus tainability and to theissues at stake with the inten tion to set a structured inte grat ion of env ironmental sust ainability,through subjects related to the va rious aspec ts of the built environment education. These issuesare in congruence with the publications of the new criteria for the validation of the courses inBuilt Environmen t, which conta ins newly arti cula ted demand s for s tuden ts to have anunderstanding of the natural world and of the impact of their designs on the environment aswell as on the humans