摘要:Architecture teaching involves no t only the teaching of art and aesthetics but also the science ofbuilding. With the increased usc of high-rise construction, intellige nt building features as well asthe use of Build ing Services to make the bui ld ings habitable, it beco mes imperative tha t thestudents of archi tecture understand and apprecia te the complexities of the engineering systems tomake the buildings sustainable and ene rgy efficient. The process of Architecture design starts wi ththe sketch des ign by the architect. At this point, many major decisions are being made with respec tto the orientation, fenes tration, se rvice cores, environmental cont rol sys tems etc. These prelim inarydesign decisions wou ld affect the overa ll energy efficiency of the building as such. It is thusnecessary for the architec ture s tudent to comprehend and assi mila te adva nced buil dingtechnologies . This paper presents a novel approach adop ted in the Departmen t of Architecture atthe University of Malaya, commencing from the academic session 2005-2006 for the teaching ofAdva nced Building Technology to Year 4 students
关键词:l3l1ildillg Tt'cllllology; Ellergy coneenmtion; lntelligcn! bllildillgs; Hlli/dillg Service