摘要:In spite of so many vari eties of form and detail of cons truction found in Southeast Asian vernac ularbu ild ing s, ther e arc some recurring featu res and share d cha racteristics that bind them together.The vas t territori es in which this phenomenon exists, know n as the "Austronesian worl d", doesnot inclu de Japan. However , there is an intriguing resemblance between the arc hitec tura l sty le ofJap anese ve rnac ular heritage of the earlier period with that of Aust ron esia. This pa per is anattempt to exp lain the relation between the two using the find ings of stud ies by archaeological,linguist ic, sociologica l and ant hropological exper ts based on the link between cultur e, languageand vernacular archi tecture