摘要:Tropical climates are thermally uncomfortable and are mostly unhealthy to the occupants of themodern skyscrapers. The temperatures are usually on the hot side coupled with high relativehumidity. The popula tion living in the tropics, especially in Malaysia, is ge tting affluent and canafford air-conditioning their resid ences and offices . This leads to increased elec tricity con sumptionin the buildings. However, switching off the air-conditioning is not an option for the modernbuildings as it would affec t the health of the people and their productivity. This paper proposesinnovative indoor units that will contribute to energy co nservation byutilising princi ples of partialair-conditioning . The outdoor unit s could be utilised for clothes drying or for provid ing hot wa terto the occ upa nts of the building. This will successfully address the iss ues on susta inable buildingtechn ologi es and techniques. It will lead to considerable sa vings in energy consumption in buil dingsin the tropical climate
关键词:tainable buildings; partial air-condition ing; total energy systems