摘要:I ntegrated community case management of childhood illness (iCCM) is a strategy to equip, train, support and supervise community health workers (CHWs) to assess children and deliver curative interventions in communities [1].In particular, iCCM includes the delivery of amoxicil- lin (with use of respiratory timers) for pneumonia, oral re- hydration salts and zinc for diarrhoea, and rapid diagnostic tests and artemisinin–based combination therapy for ma- laria.iCCM may also include screening, referral and treat- ment for malnutrition, and of newborns with illness.A "community health worker" (CHW) in this context is a health worker that provides health care in the community, with some training in the interventions they deliver (and who may or may not receive monetary payment), but who does not have a formal health professional or paraprofes- sional certificate or tertiary education degree.