期刊名称:Journal of Public Administration and Governance
出版社:Macrothink Institute
摘要:“Treat people the way they are and they will stay that way. Treat people the way they can become and they will become that way” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe). Performance management is one of the most important construct in management research. This exploratory study elaborates the various aspects of the performance management system. Researchers have taken a private school as a case study. The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance management system of a private school in terms of the appraisal procedures used for the evaluation of teachers and to assess the effectiveness of the performance management system. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research approach has been adopted that consist of a questionnaire and semi structured interviews in order to understand the different aspects of the performance management system. 3 head teachers and 22 teachers have participated in this research. The findings revealed that proper monitoring, effective recognition, rewards and feedback may add value to the overall process of the performance management system. Findings have also shown that the appraisal form is used annually for the evaluation and feedback about teachers is taken only from the class representatives these are the hindering factor in the evaluation system of the case study school. Researchers have also explored some suggestive solutions for the improvement of the current performance management system. The current study will not only contribute to the performance management research but it can also be important study for considering issues during the implementation of performance management system in private schools.