期刊名称:Discussion Paper Series / Universität Heidelberg, Department of Economics
出版社:Universität Heidelberg, Department of Economics
摘要:In three di.erent variants of an one-shot public good game I analyze the rela- tionship between cooperation and cognitive abilities, assessed through the cognitive re.ection test (CRT). In a between-subjects design, the baseline case is contrasted with two treatment conditions that allow to control for two potentially moderating factors: By employing a test for the presence of confusion, the first condition scru- tinizes whether higher cognitive abilities are correlated with cooperation proper or simply grant a better understanding of the incentive structure. The second condition explores the proposition that the link between cognitive abilities and cooperation could depend on the complexity of the decision situation. To exogenously create a cognitively more demanding choice setting, subjects had to decide under time pres- sure. I find a strong and positive relationship between CRT-scores and cooperation, that is not driven by confusion. Time pressure has a strongly moderating e.ect on this relationship
关键词:Cooperation;Cognitive Abilities;Confusion;Public Goods;Dual Process ; Theories