期刊名称:Euro Area Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics
出版社:European Central Bank
摘要:The local network structure of international trade relations offers a new dimensionfor understanding a country’s competitive position vis-´a-vis its trade partnersand competitors, supporting economic policy analysis. We introduce two networkmeasures that can be used to analyse comparative advantage and price competitiveness,called relative export density and export price assortativity, respectively.The novelty of these measures is that they consider the embedding of a countryinto its local trade environment. They are computed based on unit values andsector concentrations at a highly granular level and they help to uncover generalpatterns of the global organisation of international trade. Countries have a strongtendency to arrange their exports to form local monopolies by focusing on productsand markets, usually - but not exclusively - where they have a price advantage. Price(dis)assortativity turns out to be an important factor for export growth, even aftercontrolling for a large set of macroeconomic and structural determinants. This effectis particularly strong for catching-up CESEE countries, with potential implicationsfor industrial policy. The relationship between the two export assortativity metricsfor different groups of countries and for varying technological content of exportsindicates a tipping point in a country’s development from price-driven competitionto non-price factors
关键词:Export growth; Comparative advantage; World trade network; Export;sophistication