期刊名称:Euro Area Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics
出版社:European Central Bank
摘要:This paper studies the eects of scal consolidation on the debt-to-GDP ratio of11 Euro area countries. Using a quarterly scal Panel VAR allows us to trace outthe dynamics of the debt-to-GDP ratio following a scal shock and to disentangle themain channels through which scal consolidation aects the debt ratio. We dene ascal consolidation episode as self-defeating if the debt-to-GDP ratio does not decreasecompared to the pre-shock level. Our main nding is that when consolidation is im-plemented via a cut in government primary spending, the debt ratio, after an initialincrease, falls to below its pre-shock level. When instead the consolidation is imple-mented via an increase in government revenues, the initial increase in the debt ratio isstronger and, eventually, the debt ratio reverts to its pre-shock level, resulting in whatwe call self-defeating austerity.