摘要:The present study was carried out in Circeo National Park (Lazio region, Central Italy),in order to collect data about mosquito (Diptera, Culicidae) fauna in a protectedarea for biodiversity. From 2003 to 2004 seasonal surveys allowed to collect and toidentify 380 larvae and 713 adult mosquitoes in 6 sites. A total of 15 mosquito speciesbelonging to 6 genera were recorded; the most abundant species were Culex pipensLinnaeus, 1758 known as the main West Nile virus vector, Ochlerotatus detritus (Haliday,1933) and Culiseta annulata (Dhrank, 1776). Present data show a noteworthynumber of other mosquito species, even if less abundant, reflecting the considerableenvironmental richness. Respect to the past collections of Anophelinae mosquitoescarried out in the same area once affected by malaria, the present research representsthe first monitoring of the whole Culicidae Family in Circeo National Park, up tonow. This paper reports the collected data as a first base for a future checklist in thisprotected area.
关键词:Culicidae; mosquito seasonality; Circeo National Park; Lazio; Italy