摘要:The issues raised by public health surveillance are typical of those involved in publichealth ethics. Surveillance calls, in particular, for the balancing of individual rights andcollective interests, which are often in conflict. One of the issues most closely linked withpublic health surveillance is the collection and use of personal data for purposes of publicconcern. Numerous frameworks (proposed by institutions, working groups or single individuals)are available for use in assessing the ethical correctness of public health interventionsin general or, more specifically, of public health surveillance. While heterogeneousin nature, these frameworks are nonetheless built on a foundation of common valuesthat are similar to those typically encountered in a clinical setting and to which bioethicshas traditionally devoted considerable attention. However, it is necessary to apply thesevalues to the specific context of public health, where the focus is more on the interests ofthe public at large than on those of the individual.
关键词:bioethics; health surveillance; guidelines; public health