摘要:Stigma towards people living with men- tal health problems is often the result of deep-rooted fears about irrational behaviour or loss of control. 1 When we conducted a study of recruitment and retention factors for staff in Ghanaian psychiatric hospitals, we found that the stigma was directed towards mental hea lth professionals too. Some of our respondents linked the p ervasive stigma of mental health to perceptions that patients with mental disorders could be aggressive or violent. We used a semi- structured discussion guide with follow- up prompts in face-to-face interviews with 28 mental health workers of all levels. Inclusion criteria were employ- ment in one of Ghana's three psychiatric hospitals and ability to speak English. We selected respondents using the chain referral method of sampling 2 to theoretical saturation, 3 seeking diversity in roles within the hospital, gender, age and length of time working in mental health services.