期刊名称:International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking
摘要:Mobile adhoc network is defined as multi-hop radio relaying and are capable of operating without the support of any fixed infrastructure. The absence of any central coordinator makes the routing complex as compared to cellular networks. Ad hoc wireless network consist of multi-hop wireless link with distributing routing. Self- organizing and maintenance are built properties for ad hoc wireless network. The main aim of routing in ad hoc network is to find path with minimum overheads and amendment of broken paths. Time synchronization is difficult in ad hoc wireless networks. Section 1 and section 2 alleged the brief introduction of adhoc wireless network and different routing protocols used for routing in MANET's. Section 3 depicted the characteristics of an ideal routing protocol. Section 4 portrayed some of the previous work done in MANET and last is conclusion given in section 5.