期刊名称:International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
摘要:Location Based Services (LBS) are software algorithm systems used by internet protocol capable wireless device technologies assist and/or replace Global Positioning System (GPS) with their task of acquiring and interpreting location describing data. LBS, and the data they provide, are increasingly being used by a growing number of users. As the demand for LBS grows, increasingly there is an additional requirement for more accurate indoor location position determination. Indoor localization algorithm has always been a challenge for location describing device manufacturers. This paper proposes a solution for improving accuracy while also decreasing computational requirements. Leveraging readily obtainable, cost-effective, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacons, the research details a modified trilateration algorithm utilizing weighted nodes coupled with emitter/receiver distance measuring improvements accomplished using transmitter emission fingerprinting techniques. The proposed algorithm is evaluated through thorough experimentations that produce a reduction in difference between the real and measured location. The results found are solely obtained through algorithmic solutions utilizing standardized transmission protocols and readily available devices technologies.