首页    期刊浏览 2024年06月29日 星期六


  • 标题:The Simulation Analysis On Concrete Pump Truck Arm Device
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  • 作者:ZhanGuo Wei ; Zhuoxian Zhou ; XiaoBo Wang
  • 期刊名称:International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
  • 印刷版ISSN:1975-0080
  • 出版年度:2016
  • 卷号:11
  • 期号:6
  • 页码:255-268
  • DOI:10.14257/ijmue.2016.11.6.22
  • 出版社:SERSC
  • 摘要:The arm device is the important part of the concrete pump truck, for its high value in nature. It is convenient to establish virtual prototypes then design and optimize them. This paper establishes the virtual prototype of the concrete pump truck arm device both in Pro/E and ADAMS. By using computer technology, researching concrete pump truck arm device under various working circumstances, like running state, parametric design and mechanism optimization, are all become capable. In the virtual circumstance, we parametric design those coordinates of hinge points, which effected by the force-changing oil cylinders, to reduce the maximum stress of oil cylinders; using software to research operate coordinates of hinge points, then we target oil cylinders' coordinates which suffered seriously stress, through sensitivity analysis. We optimize those coordinates by using FEA, reduce the maximum stress that oil cylinder suffered, and gain the significant optimized effect.
  • 关键词:concrete pump truck arm device; dynamics simulation; virtual prototype ; technology