摘要:Advances in IT&C technology in the last decade have proven that in the present and also inthe future people will rely more and more on technology for everyday life, from shopping toentertainment. IT&C technology has been used in education, in lifelong learning as well,through the use of eLearning and, after the appearance of Web 2.0, through the use of elearningplatforms, online training courses, video tutorials, and other IT&C related media.The use of social networks, or the use of social media in general has an increasing impact oneducation through the tools available in a technology-driven and knowledge-based society,although the competences and skill that users acquire are those of non-formal education. Socialmedia tools are being used more and more in collaboration with classical teaching methods,also known as the blended learning, in order to provide recognition of skills and competencesacquired through the use of these tools. Taking into account Europe 2020 strategy onlifelong learning we consider that an analysis of possible means of improving lifelong learningthrough the use of non-formal and informal methods is required. Thus this paper aims toanalyse the potential impact that social media in general can have on education, on lifelonglearning, and how social media can further be involved in education, in lifelong learning inthe future. As result of the analysis, we shall present various approaches identified in education,including our own approach, in lifelong learning with use of social media and what improvementscan be made to these approaches.