出版社:Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
摘要:This article seeks to outline trends in labor inspection systems that monitorlabor law violations, mainly focusing on the European Union (EU) nations.The International Labour Organization (ILO) has stated that in developedcountries, it is desirable to have at least one inspector for every 10,000 workers,a standard that is generally met in the developed countries of the EU.However, there are differences among nations in terms of whether they have asingle, unified labor inspection system overseeing all fields of industry, orseparate systems for individual fields. There are also broad variations amongnations as to the degree of authority held by labor inspectors. Meanwhile, themethod of determining which work sites to inspect has emerged as anotherimportant issue. Under these circumstances, countries are engaged in ongoingexplorations of various means of boosting the effectiveness of inspection systems,such as strengthening of international cooperation and utilization of theInternet. Moving forward, there is a need to amass further research findingswith the goal of building more effective labor inspection systems.