摘要:Using the Self-determination theory as theoretical background, the aim of the research was the investigationof motivation and job satisfaction of people working in recreational dance activities and whether theseconcepts are differentiated by their demographic characteristics. There were a hundred and fifty recreationaldance activities trainers who participated in the research. For the evaluation of motivation, the methods usedwere «The Blais Work Motivation Inventory» by Blais et al. (1993). For the investigation of job satisfaction,the researchers used the E.S.I. scale (Koustelios & Bagiatis, 1997). According to the measurements, therelated working people have a high sense of job motivation and a moderate sense of job satisfaction. Theresults clearly state that motivation and job satisfaction are differentiated ad hoc, by their basic demographicelements. The findings of the research are particularly useful, because the investigation aimed specifically atpeople working in recreational dance activities, something which did not exist in the previous bibliographyand can be considered when targeting at the maximum efficiency of the people working in similarinstitutions.